Could you please provide more information about the unban? For example, if I was perm banned on survival (which I sadly am) would purchasing an unban remove that? Also, slightly off topic, but could you make the rights of each individual rank clearly defined in the shop? some ranks don't show their full capabilities in the shop, and if they did people might be more likely buy them.
The unban works for both temporary and permanent bans and applies to all gamemodes. You may only buy 1 unban. If you're banned on multiple accounts, you have to make an appeal and mention all your alts to get them unbanned. If you don't, you'll be banned for ban evasion and you've wasted your unban. So to be clear: the unban is once per person, not once per account. If you buy an unban, all your accounts will be unbanned, but you will never be able to buy an unban ever again EXAMPLE: You and your alt will be unbanned from Survival and Skyblock, but you won't be able to buy an unban ever again