How old are you? 16 Your in-game name: DerpyTacoPlays What timezone are you in? EET +2 (EasternEuropeanTime) What country do you live in? I live in Finland What languages do you speak? I speak swedish,finnish,english and latin Why do you think you should become a Guard? I Would like to apply for server Moderator for many reasons. So far, I love this server! I enjoy every minute on it. I always feel like I am helping lout people there as much as I can. If someone needs help finding something I escort them there, so they do not get killed while following me. I always feel like I have been more of a leader than a follower. I am hard working, and diligent. If someone gives me a task to complete, I am more than happy to get to it and try my best to complete it as soon as posible. I will not argue will anyone on the server at all. (including staff). I say my point or idea i and receive feedback, either if it is good or bad. I will say okay and move on. How long have you been playing Mineverse? No much only 7 hours. How long can you be active on the server everyday? 5-7 hours Do you have any past experience as a Guard? Yes i do, i was a guard in a server called RubyCraft. Have you ever been banned on Mineverse? Never Do you know the Prison Contraband items & rules? Yes P.s. Hopefully my low playtime won't effect to my application.
I have played lot's of prison servers and all the rules are mostly the same. I have studied all the rules and habits in server when i have been online. And thanks for your support! EDIT: I love your signature :D
I also want you to realize I said, "before I support." I want to see you helping others in-game before I do.