IGN: W0RD Plot Numbers: Map not made on a plot here on Mineverse, made it on an external server where I downloaded the schematic. I can send the downloaded map if the map get approved, I wont link it here. Map Name: Church Map Images: https://imgur.com/a/uQ217n5 Additional Info: The black wool around the map is just to block out the other builds around it, it is not part of the actual map and will be removed for the download.
With the number of hiding/camping spots the map has, I'm sure that the map size wouldn't affect the gameplay too badly, however I will edit the map to make it larger and update this post when I am finished. Thanks for the feedback so far, the support means a lot :D
Can't seem to access your plot, but anyways this does look like a map for zombies. Small isn't even an argument here. Look at Caves and Temple and then look at this map. It's sufficient. Obviously there's one place most people will goto on this map, but that gravel parkour might be a pain for zombies with speed 4 and human campers. But otherwise I think it's a good map that someone may actually win on. Good luck.
The reason you cant access my plot is because the world isn't on creative, its on a completely different server. Only reason for this is because the other server gives me full access to world edit commands / goPaint etc to help make the map. Thanks for all the support so far, and I am still working on making the map somewhat larger for anyone saying it is too small.