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  • Skyblock Some things need to be fixed on skyblock!

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by its_tuber, Aug 15, 2019.

    1. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      Ok, first of all, why is a spawner in /shop named "Monster Spawner" when its a pig spawner... Change it to "Pig Spawner" so people know what it is.

      Second. I have "Animal damage" turned off in my /settings. And people can still so how hit my blazes. It's a bug that needs to be fixed.

      Third thing. Why is it when I go like 80 blocks away from my spawners and I come back and the mobs that spawned from the spawners are just gone... Like, make it so they don't just vanish on your island. It's so annoying I literally lost 700 blazes from this mob despawning thing it needs to be changed to a farther radius of them not despawning.

      4th change. The crate key rewards are so bad... Mainly in Astro keys. Astro keys need to have a high amount of money that you can get from them. For example, the highest amount of skybucks you can get from an Astro crate key is $500 Make the highest amount that you can get from an Astro key $750. And instead of kit premium why not kit VIP. Crate key Instead of getting cobblestone, why not get cobblestone and also have the ability to get wood from an Astro crate key. The same thing with stellar and ultra just buff the items you win from them just a little bit. Make the kit from them 1 Tier higher. The amount of money you get from them can also be raised.

      5th thing. Modify /shop so it not the same as skyblock.net make it more unique like the old skyblock before the reset that happened 8 months ago. Like we need to be allowed to buy more spawner from /shop with in GAME money. Some things are rather overpriced in /shop the price of glowstone needs to be lowered. It's way overpriced. make it like $150 apiece instead of $250. And make it so cookies sell for like 20% more value than what they do now.

      6th thin Add a plugin that allows us to edit regular signs without breaking them. And add a plugin where we can use colour codes on regular signs. I already know u can only you colour codes on [private] signs.

      7th thing make iron golems drop iron and allow us to buy villager eggs for like 500 per egg then we can breed them and make iron golem farms.

      8th Add sea lanterns to /shop like the old skyblock

      I just hope some of these changes get implemented to skyblock it will make it a lot better.
      Last edited: Aug 16, 2019
    2. StrKillr

      StrKillr Boss Member

      Jul 29, 2015
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      This is basic minecraft behavior xd
    3. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      Well its annoying when all your mobs just despawn it just needs to be a larger radius
    4. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      If they lowered the price of the pig spawner to perhaps it would make the total worth of value go even lower. Full support for renaming the ./shop spawner though

      Not a bug. A blaze is simply not an animal. It's a mob

      As stated above in this thread, simple Minecraft behavior, not sure if anything can be done about it but it would be nice if something could be done to increase the radius

      Either make the rewards better or make crate keys easier to get. Simple :o

      uhhh support I guess, I'm personally fine with the current shop but a change is always nice.

      Don't really see why'd need a plugin to edit a sign without breaking it, just sounds like a waste of time to implement cause it doesn't even take long to change what you want to put on the sign. Anyways for the coloured signs 100% support, make it a donator perk though.
    5. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      Thanks for all the feedback. Making the signs a donator perk is a good idea. And I see your point with the pig spawners just as long as they are renamed :) Edit I made it so pig spawner can still be 100k. But I kept the name change thing :D
    6. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      The setting is only for non hostile mobs.

      Basic mc behavior, no changing this.

      All things in this shop have a reason for being there.

      As I said in your other thread, spawners ruined the eco on the old skyblock and would do the same here.

      Glowstone and other things in shop are as high as they are because shop is not meant to be a place to buy these from, shop should only be used if you don't feel like gathering it.

      Cookies are low because of island farming and people would simply start to island farm to make cookie farms again if we raised it.

      Not needed.

      Crew has already stated why he will not implement iron golem farms.

      He does not want to as he does not want people making overpowered farms and simply being able to afk and earn tons of iron.

      Support / neutral for the things I didn't mention.
    7. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      Thanks! Added an 8th thing to add sea lanterns to /shop.

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