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  • Inactive Rastas Moderator application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Rastas, Jul 22, 2019.

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    1. Rastas

      Rastas Experienced Member

      Nov 2, 2015
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      Your in-game name: Rastas

      What timezone are you in? Pacific Time Zone

      What country do you live in? USA

      What languages do you speak? English, Spanish

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      Yes, I have a high quality means of capturing evidence, however uploading could possibly alter the quality of the video but still nevertheless useful.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      This is a little info. I included about my experience and reasons:

      Here are a few things I've had to fulfill as a staff member on other servers:
      • Conducted chat moderation and enforced rules.
      • Processed and executed decisions in regards to online user reports
      • Participate in staff meetings and staff discussions on forums/social media. Strengths:
      • Assertive and is usually formal when things get serious.
      • Listens and acknowledges both sides of a story!
      • Breaks down issues and takes things in small steps!

      • A tendency to get off task when someone requires my attention!

      My strengths are my communication skills and that I can remain calm and assertive. I am a very outgoing person with strong character and thick skin. However, in regards to my weaknesses, I would say it is rather difficult for me to list any specific weaknesses. I have my moments where I screw up and make mistakes or times where I have to take the time to process what is going on. From my downfalls to busking on the streets, I know myself that I have my downsides, however, sometimes it takes a few steps back before taking a leap. I believe that too much time is spent comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren't. Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses, and it is when you accept everything you are, and what you're not that you will succeed.
      I believe that through my weaknesses, comes strength. Not only is it a step up on responsibility but the ability to help other players need of support or knowledge with relative ease. I find joy in other players enjoying themselves, and I am always willing to give a hand and help another player in need to the best of my ability regardless. If promoted to this position not only will my life experiences, and knowledge of such a position will aid me as a Staff Member in this amazing community. However, it also gives me the opportunity to help the server remain a fun and interactive community while providing my service to others, ensuring that every player here on the Mineverse Network has that beacon of light they can approach. I am a passionate young individual who aspires to achieve many great things while impacting the lives of others. Through seeing others relieved or even exultant makes all the stress worth it. I am enthusiastic towards helping others, and even if I am not capable or unsure in regards to an issue that may be occurring I will always find a solution to ensure that person is in a better state than they originally were.
      Additionally, I just wanted to say that although I've had a small break throughout playing here on Mineverse, I came back after a while to a server that's been let loose. Although Moderators and Staff Members do try 24/7 to help and enforce regulations here on Mineverse, they can't be here all the time. What I've noticed is that every-time I've been online these past weeks- this could also only pertain to my timezone but- there's been numerous occasions of b-hoppers and players with unfair advantages. I've tried to contact Staff Members through Discord but usually everyone's busy. I understand that the team has its own responsibilities and although I'm able to record these people and upload, I believe it's not an efficient way to deal with these things especially since it takes time to go through with this process, and only for the player to use an alternate account with an alternate ip as soon as its done. Although I've reported numerous players that were both infamous and closet-cheaters in my past on my Youtube Channel -www.youtube.com/xxlegendarycreeperxx (in case you wanted to check out some of the reports)- this was at a time where the server was well regulated 24/7. However, seeing how it is now, I decided to fill out a Staff Application, which is as follows.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      Around 5-6 hours and I could get on whenever needed.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      Since around 2013 and I established my account on 2015

      Have you ever been banned in the past?
      I have not been banned on Forums but I have been banned for anti-slowdown hacks on the server itself around 3-4 years ago. However, I do firmly believe I've been well developed past that age in both maturity and intellectuality.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I've had numerous experiences with moderating servers, both discord and other forms of "gaming", and would love to contribute to the community. Although I may not seem like a mature individual in chat some times, I see myself as a fun and outgoing individual that could be serious if required. My first server was a gaming server that was known as Alliance Realm. The server was a network that focused on numerous video games and different forms of communities throughout the server. Members interacted with each other and found new players/friends they would play with in the future. At the time it was recognized as one of the most popular servers in Australia. The owner at the time took over the server after the founder had decided to resign from his position as owner. On this server, I acquired the rank of helper through being proactive and helping other players within the server. I maintained my position for several months until the new owner decided that he had no use for helpers as he claimed that administrators were giving this rank out as a reward for players /actively helping the community. Several days after my demotion, I was then offered the position of Moderator after a process of applications and interviews. As a moderator, I kept the community a fun and safe environment as I enforced rules, executed punishments upon players who went against the rules and engaged with the community. I also own a server as well, although its not as active anymore. It has a consistent player base about 40 players. This allowed me to understand the rules and regulations a server has to have to properly maintain their community without any unfair advantages or rude disruptions. On may, 2015, I applied for a guild known as LycanFang - A social community guild founded in 2009 consisting of a few hundred members. After several months of being active on the forums, I was promoted to section moderator on the guild's forum through an application process. I spent another nine months in the guild being and remaining a member of the guild council. My position in the guild requires me to conduct critical decisions as to guild alliances, expansion into other games, recruitment and site administration along with other responsibilities. Through these numerous experiences I've had with different types of forum administration, I believe that I can best help out Mineverse by contributing to the server as a Staff Member by enforcing rules and ultimately rewarding players with a fun-loving and safe community.

      Anyways, that was it for my application and I hope you well consider it. Thank you

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No
      Do you have 50 Post Count? Yes
      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? Yes
      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums? Yes
      Do you have Skype and Discord for offline communication? Yes
      Last edited: Jul 27, 2019
    2. Starbucks

      Starbucks Well-Known Member

      Apr 5, 2016
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      Gonna have to go with no support for now.

      First, there is no reports from you, only from 2017/2016. Second, I am yet to see any activity from you.

      Just a tip in my opinion, add colour and space out your application otherwise good luck! :)
    3. Rastas

      Rastas Experienced Member

      Nov 2, 2015
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      I reported quite a numerous amount of players before I took a break after 2017 from Minecraft as a whole and came back only about a while ago, probably why you haven't seen any activity from me. As for reports, I don't report using forums anymore due to the inconvenient and inefficient process as stated in my application, I dm Staff Members on discord instead to deal with it right away. No point in taking hours to report someone in order for them to come back with a different alt as soon as its done. Thank you for the other input though :)
      Last edited: Jul 23, 2019
    4. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      Neutral. Need to see more activity but your application is nice.
    5. trinityy

      trinityy stan boba Premium

      Jan 30, 2016
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      Neutral, I haven't really saw you in otherwise but otherwise, your application is nice and you seem like you'd be a good mod overall.
    6. Rastas

      Rastas Experienced Member

      Nov 2, 2015
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      Apologies, I only play on oppvp and kit but thank you, both of you!
    7. 6b2

      6b2 Active Member

      Jun 13, 2019
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      0 support you cheat :)
    8. Rastas

      Rastas Experienced Member

      Nov 2, 2015
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      Yikes i'm sorry you think that lol, I do have a youtube channel if you'd like to view some of my montages.
    9. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      (-) Haven't seen you in game yet. (Time zone issues or bad timing on both ends.)
      (-) First time I seen you on forums.
      (+) Nice app.
    10. Chipemunk

      Chipemunk twink

      May 23, 2016
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      Neutral, I honestly don’t feel like you could be completely incapable of becoming mod but I think I’d just like to see a little bit of activity because like I’ve never seen you before lol
    11. 6b2

      6b2 Active Member

      Jun 13, 2019
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      Posted 5 months ago by Purpendicular
    12. Rastas

      Rastas Experienced Member

      Nov 2, 2015
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      As I've stated in the application, I only came back to the server a few weeks ago and Rastas is my main account. I haven't played Mineverse in those months those videos were taken. Cordiale is a shared account between the old players.

      Here is a video. I simply do not need an unfair advantage to play the game.
    13. Starbucks

      Starbucks Well-Known Member

      Apr 5, 2016
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      I'm going to be staying with no support for sure after seeing this.

      You have the potential to be mod but you need to think before you start doing things like this. Also I would suggest not ever using 'Cordiale' again if this is a shared account you say. How is anyone suppose to tell it's not you? Whoever this account is shared with is putting YOU in trouble.
    14. Rastas

      Rastas Experienced Member

      Nov 2, 2015
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      Im not on Cordiale, i'm on my own account, Rastas. I had stopped using Cordiale. I dont really see calling someone a rand as offensive, I like to defend myself if I get attacked, not sit and watch. I'm sure you'd do the same.
      Last edited: Jul 29, 2019
    15. Chipemunk

      Chipemunk twink

      May 23, 2016
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      It shows you are rude, can’t handle yourself, and are unprofessional. There’s a way to “defend” yourself in a mature manor or you could just ignore it.

      He’s saying that if you use that account anytime people do not know if it’s you or not so if it says anything offensive or does anything bad it reflects on you. Also the fact you use a shared account in the first place is just sketchy and you would not be allowed to use it as a moderator.

      I’m changing to no support
    16. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Changing to no support. Reasons stated above. You seem childish and unprofessional. I feel like a mod should not be calling someone a "rand" is very mature either.
    17. Freakface

      Freakface Well-Known Member

      Dec 13, 2014
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      The previous few replies influence my decision.

      No support.
    18. 6b2

      6b2 Active Member

      Jun 13, 2019
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      Still no support and as seen above immature context you sayin
    19. Methylone

      Methylone Experienced Member

      Mar 11, 2016
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      No support.

      You're toxic by straight up just calling someone "rand" or telling someone to get off the server because they can't spell.

      Secondly you have not even interacted with the community at all ever since you came back. You came back to forums on July 18th 2019 after leaving or taking a break on December 10, 2018. However, ever since you came back you made a moderator application and your only posts have been on your own moderator application. As you said to Fluxx, be more interactive with the community and try to build a better relationship with the community instead of going on to call people "rand."

      Third I haven't seen ANY reports from you what so ever, if you report through discord get a moderator to confirm that or share some screen shots showing that you actually have recorded a hacker and sent it to a moderator because im curious to see if you actually have reported someone.

      You do say you've matured and you're very intellectual but if you really are you should understand you saying RAND can be perceived as toxic to someone else. How would you feel if I called you a rand on MV since you're barely around? You say rand to offend someone and thats how you used it in your sentence so stop trying to cover up and own up to the mistake.

      You've also been banned for the following which I think you should mention in your application
      -Advertising > https://www.mineverse.com/threads/rastas-advertising-maemii-banned.97997/
      - Death Wishes >https://www.mineverse.com/threads/rastas-death-wishes-maemii-already-banned.97994/
      - Illegal Trading >https://www.mineverse.com/threads/illegal-trading-rastas-banned-vanishment.85376/
      - Inappropriate Skin> https://www.mineverse.com/threads/innapropriae-skin-tempbanned.88086/#post-917231
      - Mute evasion > https://www.mineverse.com/threads/player-rastas-ssmh-tempbanned.66200/#post-692176

      I also did hear that you faked evidence in the past in order to get people lobby banned.

      Good luck with your application, but no support for now.
    20. Rastas

      Rastas Experienced Member

      Nov 2, 2015
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      All my reports are documented online on my youtube stated in my application. I've never faked evidence in the past to get people lobby banned. I would like to know where you've ever seen that and where I've ever attempted to do that. I do own up to the other offenses taken up against my name though. I do see that your main argument is the reason that I used the word "rand" and I apologize if it was offensive as well as toxic. The reason I applied after my comeback is the influx of disorder in the community mostly because of the inactivity of the Staff Team upon returning. I believed I could change that as I'm online much more frequently but it seems to me there's fire still burning on the stove from before I quit. Thank you for your insightful approach, well said.
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