Hello my name is LunaticMC. I ame a premium right now and id love to get upgraded to sponser. If you would be able to upgrade me Could you PLEASE tell me. ill give you ingame stuff for it, specialy on skyblock. Well thanks for reading this
Yeh i know. But i realy want to be a god on a day. Im trying to do it as fast as i can. Im not trying to be greedy or something
The voting would take a month and you would have to vote everyday, if someone were to do it he would be upgraded in only a day. I don't see how voting would be faster.
ya thats true, and i have been trying something similar to this as well. I have been offering 100k (skyblock) to be upgraded to MVP but so far i have had no takers.
You just have to find the right people. Someone upgraded me to Supreme from Elite for 20k and only 4 stacks of iron. Good luck
I do that, im getting upgrades kinda evry day. i gather alot of stuff on prison and survival and kitpvp. alot of people need money on that
@froekoewoekoe you could trade ur money on skyblock for money on prison. If u have alot of money on prison/survival/kitpvp u can get fast upgrades
will anybody get me a rank i will pay on prison,survival,kit pvp or sky block or sky grid i know it sounds like begging but i really want a rank