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  • Skyblock Change Skyblock Economy

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Acceptation, Jul 12, 2019.

    1. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Currently our economy and previous economys have not been the best at all, Skyblock will always seem to get boring eventually and make you lose your motivation to actually play it due to the fact that it is so god dahmmmm hard to make money. The farms are trash, the spawners trash, it honestly just seems like a building game at this point which it really shouldn't be.

      Obviously I'm not suggesting that this should be added mid way into a Skyblock map, cause that is just plain unfair, but I'm suggesting that if Skyblock ever goes through another reset then do the following:
      • Add more variety of spawners (Iron golems, blazes etc)
      • Make spawners worth it, it's like $5 real life money for $300 in-game money per hour.
      • Make farms profitable, raise prices. (Would love to see cookie farms get brought back and maybe even raise cactus farms.)
      • Custom spawns from spawners.
      • Lower dirt prices like jeez wtf.
      • Bring back animal breeding, was a really nice thing to have but it was removed...
      • Either lower the spawner prices on the Mineverse store or increase selling prices for spawner drops in-game, had 10 cow spawners and legit made $300 per hour which is terrible.
      Only just a few things, will add later cause it's 5:50 am and I can't think.

      This is a complete turn on how Skyblock will feel like but it would honestly be a better difference, one reasoning I heard for Crew not adding iron golem spawners was that he doesn't want the economy to be OP, well trust me it would be nicer (in my opinion) to actually have some way of gaining money than making none at all.

      Last edited: Jul 16, 2019
    2. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      no we’re paying in bottlecaps now
    3. Koreancurry

      Koreancurry Active Member

      Mar 27, 2018
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      uoooooooooooooooooooh can i pay in oxygen im barely surviving i have to either skip food for rent or eat and not pay rent
    4. KidCraftKiller

      KidCraftKiller Experienced Member

      Aug 27, 2016
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      I hella support this the current system is absolutely garbage. Most servers with an intentionally bad economy like this try and use the excuse of "well it makes you more active talk to players more and be more self sufficient. To that I say well ya true that is a wonderful point IF the server let you farm basic things, let you mine specific blocks and if it let you cure villagers for iron farms and for trading. As it stands you cant do to the nether and mind quarts, or magma blocks or neather brick for some stupid reason, villagers cna be cured even though its extra difficult and they cant be traded with or used in iron or vegtable farms.

      the problem here is the shop screams be more self sufficient

      and the world and restrictive plugins scream "sorry you're not getting sh@t unless you buy it scrub"

      and why is like dirtblocks 800 dollars when the voting reward is like 1000 or 500 its like someone asked a retard to make the skyblock server a real handicapped retard.
    5. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      I'm kinda stuck on neutral, I don't want the economy to be so easy to make money (which I feel adding iron golem spawners would do) but it shouldn't be this hard either but if skyblock does reset it better also update to 1.14 to give us more options for farms to make and new blocks to use.
    6. Deivid0ze

      Deivid0ze Well-Known Member

      Aug 9, 2016
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      I support
    7. KidCraftKiller

      KidCraftKiller Experienced Member

      Aug 27, 2016
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      we're not even saying an easy economy were talking about a doable one. in the economy we have now everyone hits a road block after making farms and xp farms. There is nothing to do and nothing that can be collected.
    8. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Literally like every single server that has iron golem spawners and a good economy get decent players. Mineverse needs a change for once and adding iron golem spawners would be a great addition no matter if it makes the economy "Op" There is literally no way of gaining a steady income of money. Let's also not forget that spawners (except from pig) can only be bought from the Mineverse store, so unless someone is going to spend hundreds on spawners it won't be "Op" at all.
    9. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      I've experienced op economies (from one crew's old old servers even) and that adds in islands made of iron and gold blocks if were to introduce such things like iron golem and zombie pigman spawners so unless we have decreased rate drops for gold and iron from them /is top will completely broken as well as /baltop which would not make the game anymore "fun" then it is now. It'll get old fast as it does now but that's just my opinion of course if it makes the server better in Noobcrew's opinion maybe but seeing as this is how he has his economy basically setup on .net there's probably no way he'll change it here unless it gets changed there first. And also you can get cow, wolf & horse spawners in crates as well if you get lucky.
    10. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Just going to reinstate my other point that I don't think you picked up on at all...

      Spawners literally cost $5 on the store, it would literally cost $100 (20 spawners) to have an actual good working farm. I don't think it would be OP at all because of this.

      Also your point of "op economys" don't make the game fun, well it actually kind of is fun. I feel that is just your personal opinion. It Ames the game a whole lot more competitive for the factors of ./baltop and ./is top. Just also going to say that I think having an economy that actually lets you make money and play the game as you can buy stuff as you would have money is a better idea than a game where you make $300 in game money an hour.
    11. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Okay if you rather have this turn into an op economy by adding every spawner in the game and have what I just described happen then have it, maybe you just need to see it happen to believe it. I really doubt something of this nature would be changed/added as I said anyway from a suggestion here on Mineverse. We're just an outdated skyblock.net skyblock gamemode basically so if anything gets added it almost always gets added there before here if it's related to the economy or skyblock plugin. I don't see an easy way to make money "fun" and that's what I believe this will do, I don't know why you keep bringing up the point about "$300 in-game money an hour" as my mob grinder makes more than that so I don't know what farm you're using but maybe try a different farm method. Imo, I just think you're going about this the wrong way.
    12. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Okay? You can never say never on something based off you're opinion because you never know that they could add this the next day and you'd be looking like a fool for saying this. I'm just making this thread and will see by the ratings it receives if the community actually want it implemented or not.

      Okay, so what if that's true? I really hope you aren't trying to say that even if we submit suggestions they won't get added because it won't be on skyblock.net cause that is what it sounds like, you're making it sound like this servers skyblock is a total copy on skyblock.net which isn't actually true at all, and even if it was, why do you think I'm submitting this idea? It's different from skyblock.net and it brings itself something unique that isn't on that server for a change.

      Twisting my words around so you have a decent point smh, I never said that making money was so-called "fun" I said that actually having a decent economy makes the game much more competitive...
      Also seeing as you're so king on my money point, I legit had 10 cow spawners that I had bought from ./buy and made $300 per hour. $300 per hour for $50 irl money worth? It's absolute crap.
      Last edited: Jul 15, 2019
    13. KidCraftKiller

      KidCraftKiller Experienced Member

      Aug 27, 2016
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      so its better to have an unplaybale server where half the items in the game arent obtainable
    14. KidCraftKiller

      KidCraftKiller Experienced Member

      Aug 27, 2016
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      who said every spawner in the game? are you mentally handicapped??

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