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  • AntiCheat problems and solutions

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by boreynorthwind, Jul 11, 2019.

    1. boreynorthwind

      boreynorthwind Active Member

      Jul 8, 2019
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      Hey! I've been playing on the server for around a week and I've noticed that it's full of hackers. I know that there are already many threads like this but I decided to make my own. A few days ago, I was just on kitPvP fighting people, then suddenly, this guy appears out of nowhere and kills me. I then see him flying around all over the map using KA and reach. He was flying so fast I couldn't even see his IGN when I recorded the gameplay and played it back. This shows just how bad the anticheat is. I have a few ideas that could be implemented to stop blatant hacks. Firstly, make sure the anticheat is configured correctly and that it is capable of detecting hacks like fly, KA, speed and other blatant hacks. If the anticheat can't detect these hacks you need to use a new one. Another issue is the fact that you only get kicked for hacks. This means that hackers can just log back onto the server and hack again. Of course, they will get kicked again but here's what happens: Hacker joins the server and starts using, for example, reach. The hacker will get kicked from the server and he will rejoin. This time, they will adjust their values to maybe look more "legit". They will keep doing this over and over again and will eventually figure out a way to not trigger any AC alerts with their hacks. Hackers should be banned instead of getting kicked. For example, on first offence they will be banned for 7 days. Second offence is 30 days and third offence is a permanent ban. This system would work a lot better that the one the server uses now.

      These are some of my ideas. If I'm getting something wrong, please let me know. Feel free to disagree with me. I will respond to everyone that comments on this thread.
    2. ScriptKiddieGang

      ScriptKiddieGang Experienced Member

      Oct 20, 2015
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      It kicks because the anticheat kicks legit players aswell, If the anticheat did ban it would have a false ban rate of 300+% and pretty sure the anticheat is custom made for mineverse, so you can't just "get a new one" or "configure it correctly" Unless you mean re-code half of the main framework, Yes the anticheat is bad (It always was) it will probably be worked on soon / or it is being worked on but stuff takes time. Especially with an anticheat, you can't just go "let me push out this patch" (Trust me I have tried that approach while making anticheats on different games and I've caused major issues as I didn't fully test it)
    3. boreynorthwind

      boreynorthwind Active Member

      Jul 8, 2019
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      Then they should not use a custom AC and use one that's already being used on servers. Something like Phoenix or NoCheatPlus. Of course, they aren't made specifically for Mineverse but they can be configured and customized to the server's needs. Or they can at least use a pre-made anticheat until they fix the Mineverse one.
    4. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      Mineverse used NoCheatPlus in the past, not a great success. This discussion has been around for years, and the most recent answers (as far as I can tell) are: ''we're actively working on a solution'' which stands for: "it's gonna take a while".
    5. ScriptKiddieGang

      ScriptKiddieGang Experienced Member

      Oct 20, 2015
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      using a pre-configured anticheat will just bring more people using hacked clients as most of them are big targets of being bypassed and / or in some cases backdoored

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