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  • Skyblock Make First More Accessable

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Tyler Ward, Jul 8, 2019.


    Which of These Solutions Would you Like To See Happen?

    1. Solution 1

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    2. Solution 2

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    3. Solution 3

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    4. Solution 4

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    5. ALL of Them!

    1. Tyler Ward

      Tyler Ward Active Member

      Aug 20, 2016
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      As most SkyBlock users know, dirt is hard to come by. The only way of getting it is through /shop, which the price for that is absurd. Being this difficult to obtain dirt, large scale farms such as pumpkin and melon farms are extremely rare. This both hurts the SkyBlock economy and restricts building things, which then makes users get bored quicker.

      I understand the reason for not being able to buy/sell dirt because of island farming. I get that 100%. I think that this rule actually makes island farming more common though. Why would anyone think that paying $600 for 1 PIECE OF DIRT is a good thing? Even then, the money doesn't circulate through the server, it goes nowhere when someone buys it.

      The economy is like a constant loop. Person A buys something from Person B. Person B now has money to spend on Person C's things. Person C then uses that money to buy Person A's things.

      Now think about it if the money just goes into /shop...

      Person A buys something from Person B. Person B now takes that money and spends it on dirt.​

      Tell me how much money Person C just got? NOTHING! They lost out on a chance to get money and buy other things because a dumb server shop took all of the money.

      My point is that the economy relies on people buying stuff from one another. Sand, grass, and iron are all great examples of things people spend tons of money on each and every day. This BOOSTS the economy because the money circulates as shown in the first example.

      Island farming is impossible to stop. There are better ways to prevent it though rather than hold back the economy and hurt others SkyBlock potential because of people who just want money. Here are some solutions that I came up with.

      1. Lower the Price of dirt in /shop
      Doing this would allow it easier to buy dirt and make bigger farms, which would generate more money throughout the server.
      2. Include dirt in kits
      Just like sand, iron, and grass, these things help the economy. Why not make dirt like one of those. Many would argue that dirt is more useful than grass. (Not more valuable, useful)
      3. Allow buying/selling of dirt
      Back when sand used to be illegal to buy/sell, it was like dirt is today. Now that it is tradeable, look at the effects. More people are buying from other's shops and it is in high demand from people because there is only 3 on your island. Doing the same thing for dirt could have very positive effects
      4. Make an island reset cooldown
      If there was a 1 - 3 hour cooldown for every island reset, think of how little island farming would be a thing. Even though it would still happen, it would take a lot longer to get dirt, probably making it more worth it to make profitable farms.
      ANY of these solutions would work. It is just a matter of getting it done. People like myself who want to build massive farms are limited to not building one at all, or paying $600 at the shop. (which I NEVER will) If this was implemented into SkyBlock, I think you would see many more people have larger, and larger farms, turning the Mineverse economy into an economic powerhouse.

      Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope that people will take this into consideration so that all SkyBlock members can have even MORE fun playing! I love this gamemode and I want to see it continue to strive for greatness.
    2. JustExposed

      JustExposed Experienced Member

      Dec 12, 2017
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      I think 3 and 4 would be a good start.
    3. Andrew475

      Andrew475 Well-Known Member Premium

      Jan 3, 2016
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      Support, I like suggestions 1 and 4.
    4. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      not only can you turn dirt into grass but... i don't see any situation where dirt were be more useful then grass .-.
      but.... the entire thing you were saying in the first section was that when people buy dirt in shop the money goes nowhere. Lowering the price of dirt would just discourage buying from playershops selling grass and encourage buying dirt from shop... Which would mean the money goes nowhere.

      It would not have positive effects at all, people would start island farming more then they do already.

      There's a reason selling dirt isn't allowed, nearly everytime I catch somebody selling dirt I also catch them island farming.

      Support on this.
    5. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      The things you suggest probably (while useful) won't be taken into consideration. Noobcrew took the rules he has on his other skyblock.net server and put them here including the island farming and illegal items one. If you were want this to have any chance of being accepted you'd probably have to make this suggestion on .net's forums instead imo.

      I don't see see any price changes happening unless the price of grass changes with it. Dirt can turn into grass and essentially you'd be getting cheaper grass (since you just need one grass block to spread the dirt into grass).
      I honestly find this one really really unnecessary. Dirt & Grass are essentially the same block and you can use both of them for farming purposes. Adding both of them into a kit would be just not just overpowered but unnecessary.
      I don't see anything wrong with selling/buying/trading dirt using ChestShops really but again Noobcrew just took the rules and transferred them here. This is not really the place to get this change or even have a small chance to get it.
      I think this would be the best solution honestly. Adding a weekly cooldown would be better in my opinion because you shouldn't be resetting your island every week anyway, it would look fishy.​
    6. Sando3

      Sando3 Tom Holland Premium

      Sep 21, 2015
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      You answered it perfectly fine yourself:
      Having high prices in /shop encourages players to trade. Why would anyone bother to buy grass if the cheaper and easier option is buying dirt from /shop?

      The 4th suggestion is good. I don't support the first 3
    7. Dualband

      Dualband Well-Known Member

      Feb 17, 2014
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      Correct me if I’m wrong with this, but crew doesn’t like having these massive farms. I’m not 100% sure why, but from what I understand he would rather have people with diverse types of farms than just one giant type of farm. That helps explain why dirt/grass is so expensive, if it was cheaper it would make mass farming much easier. I have talked to crew about adding a cool down for creating islands and I believe they are trying to find a way to do it.

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