How old are you? I am 13 Years old Your in-game name: rmcskypeskype What timezone are you in? PST (pacific standard time) What country do you live in? United States of America. California to be more specific. What languages do you speak? English. Why do you think you should become a mod? I always like to help people And try to do something to the baddies of the server as I think that hackers terrible people and should not be allowed on the server at all. I can be a great helper to people and I can usually answer most questions that are being asked. I try to be friends with most of the people I come across and act friendly to ones that don't like me. To wrap all this together I think I should be mod because I can always be a help to people and always have a positive attitude with things. How long can you be active on the server everyday? Until August 24 I can be on most of the day (9:00am-8:00pm) after that (5:00pm-8:00pm) until June 7 How long have you been playing Mineverse? My friend showed me this server and I got hooked on all the different gamemodes (skywars is my favorite) and I have been playing for 6 months Do you have any past experience as a moderator? I was a moderator on a friends server that was shut down due to low funds but I know the responsibility of being a full moderator. Some extra Things about me: I know a lot about maturity and won't become a total jerk if you do let me have mod. I have seen many Hackers on some of the servers (Skywars and Parkour mostly) and i would love to see them taken down without mods joining and leaving constantly as it makes people freak out when mods keep joining. I try not to get banned or warned on servers and I haven't been banned on this server nor have I tried to hack/other ways to cheat and I will never try to do bad things to this server. Thanks to Darkwolf916 for showing me the server! Thank you for your time to read this post
First off. Your grammar is horrible, your spelling sucks. Add more detail, and add some color. Make it original and make it your own. Also try putting questions in bold..
First. You need a lot More Information, why whould you like to be mod? Second. Your grammar is bad. Plus it doesn't mean how much Supports you have, Noobcrew and Cypriot decide.