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  • Inactive ✬☬❃♛♥GGs/ByTheTerra's Moderator Application ♥♛❃☬✬

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by GGs, Jun 7, 2019.

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    1. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Hello all: well I think most of you by now know me but still let me introduce myself, my name is GGs well not my real name that one is Makram ElJamal, and my in-game name is ByTheTerra. Been around here for pretty much long time you could say since 2013, and I have loved being around here as mineverse was like a safe zone for me, when I am stressed or tired of life, it is my escape, and since this has been my safe haven for the past 6 years, I thought it is time to give back to my virtual home and help make it a safe haven for other players too, therefore, I am applying for moderator.

      The Application:
      Your in-game name:
      Current in-game name is ByTheTerra, previous names can be found here.

      What timezone are you in?
      What country do you live in?
      What languages do you speak?
      I speak English and Arabic fluently, and a bit of Turkish and French.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      I do have the necessary means of capturing evidence, as I use bandicam to capture video evidence and minecraft's screenshot f2 system to take screenshots.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      There are different reasons, such as:
      I am respectful to all members of the community and treat all members of the mineverse community with respect even hackers, as I believe that respect is the main collar of a safe environment. I don't discriminate between any player on any basis, I do respect any player and defend him if someone is racist to him and if it goes over the limit of discrimination I report the player.​

      I treat all members of the mineverse community as my friends and I am nice to each and every single one of them, as I have already said this is my safe haven and would like to make it everyone else save haven that starts by treating them as friends and nicely, and then becoming friends with them.

      I have been playing Mineverse for over 5 years, I have experience with everything in it. I also know the punishments and protocols.

      I am honest in my life, I feel that saying the truth is the best even if it leads to your death, I also think that I can be trusted with this position in the server as a staff member, I hope that I can help improve my community and make it a lovely place for all members and players.​


      I think I am mature enough to help, hold this place and be a Moderator, I have learned a lot in-game and my mistakes made me more experienced and mature enough to be a part of the Moderation team. In my past, I may have done many mistakes that could have shown that I am immature but I have changed a lot and learned from my mistakes.


      I am not a biased player after all ( I have been a biased player in the past but I have not changed, I once made a joke that I am searching for a girlfriend and she needs to a be a high rank it was a joke after all but many have taken it seriously) I don't take sides in a situation except if the side is going with the rules and the other isn't, I do report my friends and ban them because even if they are my close friends they can't just break rules and not get the punishments they are supposed to get, when it is to the rules I have no friends except my screen recorder.

      Does a lot of reports:

      I do a lot of reports usually unless I have a big opportunity in real life I don't do a lot, therefore most of my reports are accepted, but not every human is perfect I may get sometimes lack of evidence, I would not literally ban anyone if I am a moderator I would get to check more than once if he is really hacking, I love reporting a lot since it makes me comfortable while playing to record and report.

      Hack catcher:

      I have hacked many times in my life which is a part of my life that I am not proud of, therefore when I used to hack I have learned about all hacks and studied them well, this can and will help me get to catch hackers, however sometimes I get lack of evidence and that is because nobody is perfect, but I will 100% make sure that someone is hacking and if I get confused I will refer to other moderators if I was promoted.


      I am well-known in the community, however many don’t know me personally or even never heard of me or played with me, as I said before this is for different timezones and opportunities, I have loved this server and helped a lot of people which made me more well-known.​


      I see myself as a hardworking person to make the server a better place for the people who play it, I do my best to make them happy and comfortable while playing mineverse, trying to drag them to play more and more often on mineverse, however I also hard work on making the place a more strict stick place to the rules so that it's a fair place/game, I do that even if it leads to permanently ban my best friends, this is because rules are rules, and rules are there to make the game a comfortable place.
      more of a +1, my timezone allows me to be active at a time I see none of the mods active on this is because I am gmt+2, at this time there are about 4-70 players on, however usually 4-7 hours of the time I am playing there are no mods online, not even a single one, therefore I see this as a +1 as it will allow me to help the players and respond to reports and hackers during the time period I can play on as players won't have to suffer from a hacker for the next 7 hours until a moderator gets on.
      Aware of the rules:
      I am aware of the rules, I do my best to try to stay updated with the rules this way I can stay stick to the rules, however I also like others to be stick to the rules so I report them when they break a rule, I do know all the rules however if I am not sure of the rules I always refer the to rules thread.
      Fast Typing:
      I am a fast typer, this could help me a lot in doing commands as fast as possible and not only limited to that but answering any player's questions as fast as possible so that they don't need to wait or even leave because their questions were not answered

      Application continuation: ( I am sorry but I had to continue it here as everytime I try to continue it and then post it says "Error NGINX"):

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      I can be pretty much active on the server, from 2-4 hours on school days to 5-8 hours on holidays. However, these hours are susceptible to change as I am a normal human and I got activities to do in life other than Minecraft such as sports, going out with family and friends, etc.
      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I have been playing the server for quite a long time from back in late 2013 till today.
      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      I was banned 4 times for hacking on mini-games but I didn't realise that because it was at the time you don't know if you were banned from the lobby or it's just you can't join but then I was banned on Infection for hacking so I realised that I was hacking, and that is bad so I stopped. I was once banned for advertising ( it was an accident I meant to tell it to my friend but accidentally said it in public).

      I was never banned on the forums before meanwhile I was muted 2 times for post farming because I didn't understand that rule correctly. However all these bans were back in my starting days meaning 2013-2014 somewhere in 2015 and maybe once in 2016, however, this is so old I cannot remember them, most were from bedwars as I used to hack there however every person makes mistakes in his life, its just that he should learn from those mistakes and adjust and work on becoming better and never doing them again and this is what I have done and kept my slate clean ever since.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I have owned 5 servers(Survival, Factions, Bedwars, kitpvp and Minigames) I have been a head admin on a factions server. I was a moderator on a survival server. I have experience with commands that staff usually get: (these aren't all Moderator commands but these are commands I have dealt with):

      /ban [player] [reason] | /tempban [player] [reason] [time]| /mute [player] [reason] [times] |/god |/fly| /warn [player] [reason] |/v |/tp |/tpo |/tphere |/tpohere |/socialspy |/gmsgspy |/unban [player] | /checkban [player]

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No
      Do you have 50 Post Count? ✔
      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? ✔
      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums? ✔
      Do you have Skype and Discord for offline communication? ✔
      Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2019
    2. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Support - I don't know you however I feel like you have a great understanding of what it takes to be a staff member and how to overcome the challenges that arise when being in that position. I wish you the best of luck.
    3. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      Support, never seen you in game but that could just be me being unobservant. Good luck :)
    4. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Thanks for the support <3. I Appreciate it.
    5. Turtle.

      Turtle. Experienced Member

      Jul 20, 2014
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      I will have to go with Neutral since I've never seen you in game before, but maybe a timezone issue. Also when looking at your reports it looks like you just spammed a bunch of chat offenses to make you look active. Anyway Good luck! :)
    6. AcePvP

      AcePvP Active Member

      Apr 13, 2019
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      No Support, Not sure for now if this is a time zone issue but I never see you in-game, let me know because I will definitely keep an open mind, it seems as if you have just returned as I have only seen you around the forums for a few days so what's stopping you from quitting again or going inactive if you got staff? Most of your reports are for profanity which is perfectly fine to report don't get me wrong but it just seems like report farming which is not a thing just a term I am going to use to show that you are doing it to make it seem like you report very often. I'm going to keep a very open mind so make sure to get back to me with these questions and will most likely change to neutral / support

      Best of luck!

      Quick Edit: I know that you set your application to your forums name but it might be better to set it to your in-game name so it is not confusing.
    7. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Thanks for your opinions. As for the reports, you can see I have a few hacking reports, but this is due to mineverse being not as popular as it was therefore with fewer players comes fewer hackers, I try my best to find hackers however if I find one I report him yet if I don't it is not my fault, so I report for chat as that also is bad maybe not as bad as hacking but still bad, as you see someone spamming or using profanity might ruin the game for other players and we are trying to make this a safe haven again so I believe chat offences are still a bad thing. And for not seeing me in-game I think that must be a timezone issue, as I am online almost all the time on the server (or at least all the time during the day) therefore not seeing me online might be due to being at different game mode at the same time or due to me being of another timezone.
    8. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Neutral but leaning towards support, you're doing good just keep it up really. ;)
    9. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Experienced Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      (-) Only seen you on survival a few times here and there.
      (+) Not toxic.
      (+) Helpful.
      (+) Good reports.
      Leaning towards support. Good luck!
    10. OhSkqy

      OhSkqy Active Member

      Nov 30, 2018
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      Support :)
    11. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Thanks a lot, hoping to improve that to support soon.
      Thanks for the support.

      A note for everyone, I am sorry for inactivity today, as I did not do any reports today, I was hoping to do some, however hadn't had the time on it, just hoped on survival for a few minutes but couldn't do any reports as I have finals at the moment, and an upcoming physics exam, hoping that I can manage my time better tomorrow and get online for a longer time and therefore do some reports.
    12. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Bump!!!! :):)
    13. CodBucket

      CodBucket Head Moderator Head Moderator Premium

      Mar 13, 2015
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      You are only supposed to bump every 24 hours ;)

      Just saying.
    14. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Oh ok, thanks for the information.
    15. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Been 10 days, with no activity I am very sorry about that but I had exams and finished a few days ago so I enjoyed my time hanging out with friends and didn't stay home for 1 sec, therefore, couldn't report or be active, I would like to congratulate the newly promoted mods and wish luck to ones applying, and I am here to bump this application.
    16. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
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      high effort mod app support
    17. Khiley

      Khiley Active Member

      Jun 17, 2019
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      (-) havent seen you ingame ever and i played since the server came out. May be timezones

      (+) many reports
    18. Duggu

      Duggu Active Member

      Jun 19, 2019
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      No support, "I think I am mature enough to help, hold this place and be a Moderator" no you don't, you have said countless times to me and other players that you "love hitler" and how "he's a great leader" or drawing a swastica in people's bases, just saying this alone on minecraft of all place's is a stupid thing to do, you are a terrible person for even saying such a thing... to everyone that has become friends with you and your parents alone, I feel sorry for them.
      Last edited: Jun 21, 2019
    19. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Thanks for the support. :)
      Thanks for your opinon, probably didn't see me because of the timezone I am online alot, hope I can prove to you that I deserve a support.
      My friend, I thank you for your opinion, except changing what I said during an argument actually makes me angry, I argued that he was a good leader to the Germans and I said exactly this " he did a few wrong things" "few wrong things= killing jews+ being racist + depending on luck a lot" I never said "he didn't do anything wrong" because he did and I ain't starting this argument with you again.
    20. CodBucket

      CodBucket Head Moderator Head Moderator Premium

      Mar 13, 2015
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      This application has gone more than 30 days inactive.
      If you wish to still apply for staff feel free to message a staff member and they can reopen this application for you.
      Thank you for applying for Mineverse.
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