I think that the survival server is starting to die down because we dont have newer features. I think that we should reset it to 1.14. This would revive the survival server I think. This would also hopefully bring more traffic to mineverse and make it relevent again.
this survival needs resetting. new players are quitting because of new players are doing /wild and it taking them to server owned protective land. dupes have made some items worthless. Iron farms have made money corrupt because their it too much of it. hackers are ruining it by xraying spawners. claimes that old players from a while ago got removed. all the blaze spawners are all gone in the nether. new players are logging in with 1.14.2 and saying its glitched. 1.12.2 is getting old so i cant have new blocks to build with. reset it and new players would start playing this survival again. @Porky
Support. People have duped millions of dollars on the game including spawners... Maybe reset would fix /wild. Clean up the world a ton and get rid of all the abandoned claimed buildings and chests.
Neutral, I believe there should be a reset. But, 1.14 is notoriously buggy for servers, so I assume that there wont be a reset anytime soon.
Thank you for submitting your suggestion. We have decided that we will be implementing this suggestion. Should you have any more suggestions or feedback for how we may improve the network, please feel free to create another thread. Thread moved to archives. Regards, The Staff