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    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Vincent~, May 20, 2019.

    1. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      So this may be hard to explain but I'll try my best.

      First off I just wanted to say there has been a huge hacker issue on the pvp gamemodes. Kitpvp and op pvp. Not sure about the other gamemodes but I sure seen huge hackers in these two gamemodes.

      What if staff had a assigned gamemode they should be on and watch for hackers/rule breakers?

      Example: Two staff would be assigned to op pvp and one staff would be assigned to kit pvp. Split up the mods in each gamemode and after a certain amount of time they switch gamemodes with other staff for awhile.

      Now what if a staff has to leave/go offline?
      The staff who needs to go offline would tell the other staff they have to go. Since it would be good to let your fellow staff member you have to go and not just leave suddenly leaving them confused.

      Now all mods do have lives outside of minecraft so realistically a mods wouldnt be on every gamemode 24/7. We all got lives and they are like us. Players would have to do their normal thing if they can record they should to get the hacker on video and make a report on forums.

      This is just an idea and I hope I explained this well. If I didnt explain very clearly I'm sorry. Hope you have a great day/night though and thank you for reading. :)
    2. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
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      We tried this before in the past, and ultimately it didn’t work out. Each staff member got to apply to be moderator on two servers of their choosing. Now, while these two servers may get more attention, there are too many flaws. For example, OPPvP is clearly Mineverse’s most active server, and if you were only a moderator on KitPvP and Creative you wouldn’t be able to help out with the chaos. Or another example, if there is only one staff member available and you need help on a game mode that they aren’t staff on, then you’re stuck. It is just overall ineffective, but your head is in the right place trying to make sure staff are more active where they’re needed.

      Assuming this is what you were getting at? I may have misunderstood.
    3. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Meh kinda. I was thinking more of a schedule. Example 4 staff on op since that place is nuts 2 or 3 on kit 1 on skyblock and every so often they can switch gamemodes or they can stay. But you explained it so much better than I did.
    4. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
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      So kind of like a schedule for a real job?

      E.g. I have to work in the kitchen 4-9 pm next Saturday because I’m on the schedule
      Then next Sunday’s 4-9 I have to work the cash register
    5. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Kinda yea. But with short times on the gamemodes. 30 minutes to an hour maybe.
    6. GGs

      GGs Experienced Member

      Apr 30, 2016
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      Honestly, I think that you are right that we need staff to be more efficient, yet this idea is not the best, as you see staff working a staff member on each game-mode is a little bit not good of an idea. Yet a better solution would be having staff of different time-zones honestly I come from a GMT+2 timezone, 4-7 hours of the day when I am online there is no staff online not a single one, in order to ensure efficiency I believe staff from more diverse time-zones should be promoted.
    7. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      I highly support your idea about the staff in different time zones. That would actually be super helpful since a lot happens when staff aren't on.

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