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  • Partially Implemented No /heal

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Vincent~, May 13, 2019.

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    1. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      But lets be real OP is the most played game mode. Thats good that you bought your own titan but I feel like other players may not have that much time to work up to that. They may just want a server to practice pvp and the /heal is being abused. (Yes In my eyes its being very much abused by some players) I personally dont play unfairly (or try not to. I cheat/play unfair on other games besides minecraft because I dont pvp on other games besides mc/here tbh if that made sense) but in a nutshell people should be 1v1ing fairly or if your going to 5v1 a player thats your choice. Most likely that 1 person will die but at least /heal wasnt involved. If /heal WAS then everyone would have to start fresh with hearts. Which is just annoying. Period.
    2. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Im 50/50 on it but its a good idea.
    3. Deivid0ze

      Deivid0ze Well-Known Member

      Aug 9, 2016
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      Yes, I do agree that some people might want to practice PvPing, don't spend that much time on grinding for ranks and all that. But then again, there are other servers specifically designed for practicing PvP, I'm not going to mention the servers but I'm sure you know them. Those servers have PvP arenas named "Practice", that speaks for itself.
      I know this doesn't fix the /heal issue and I feel like the best way to fix this issue is to just increase the cooldown between the commands. @Ace123jimbob(OG) suggested making a command that just lets you choose if you want Titans to heal you. I think that it wouldn't even make sense to spend time on making such a command, obviously, everyone is going to use it, meaning that titans won't be able to heal anyone. The perfect middle is increasing the healing cooldown, considering a normal 1v1 could last up to what? 5 minutes? 5 minutes cooldown for /heal. This would let Titans have their perks and it wouldn't be used as much. Removing commands from Titans really shouldn't be an option as we lack of perms already.
    4. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Meh I myself dont know just pvp servers. I just stick with mini games half the time or chill here on mv. I like the longer time/cool down kinda but neutral. Again alts is a issue. Idk if someone has this but someone could have another titan account they have access to and /heal all or someone else whos in battle. In my opinion in op pvp there shouldnt be many perms so everything is fair. Im not just targeting titans either. Im saying /heal should be removed all together. Add perks on other game modes for titans or make mv a pvp server only.
    5. Deivid0ze

      Deivid0ze Well-Known Member

      Aug 9, 2016
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      May I ask what rank are you yourself?
      Also, give me arguments on why you're neutral on the longer cooldown idea?

      This isn't a first thread that asks for perms removed from titans, but again, no matter how fair you want this to be you'll have to either accept it and go to other servers to actually practice or just deal with it. I know I might sound rough saying that, but it's something that almost everyone has accepted past these few years. I'm not saying that Titans are some special rank that can't have their perms changed, no. You got to understand that the whole Titan rank is basically God rank, just ~100$ more expensive and we need more perks, simply because it's not worth 250$ right now.

      We could also think about the EULA and bring up some cosmetic items for Titans, such that don't give an advantage, but I doubt that it would come to Mineverse and stay out for a long time, considering that things tend to break here quite often.

      My rating stays as a No Support unless you suggest something else than removing /heal.
    6. Khortex

      Khortex Experienced Member

      Sep 9, 2014
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      people who support this cant afford titan lol
    7. zBuild

      zBuild Experienced Member

      Nov 28, 2016
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      as a titan, I don't think it would be that beneficial, just like many other things u learn ur way around them, I wouldn't enjoy losing even more commands due to this im not supporting this
    8. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Well Im titan myself. Dont ask how I got it because its been well over a year or more. (Poor memory here...) And I guess I'm trying to look at pros and cons. Either way with the /heal people can find way to abuse with longer cool downs. I know some people who have access to other's accounts and some of those accounts are titan/god (or whatever rank) Yes. I understand you spend near 300 bucks irl to afford titan or god or go up each rank one at a time till you hit the top. I just personally feel like some commands titans/gods have are way to op for some gamemodes. (Off topic but yea we talked on skyblock.. so um hi again.) ngl awkward replying now
    9. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
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      Would it be more reasonable to remove /heal * and /heal (username), but keep /heal for personal use?

      I understand where OP is coming from, the command is abused to give players an advantage by removing their opponents golden apple effect. I also understand where the no supporters are coming from as well though, I realize this is a perk that you paid for, but is it really worth it to ruin the gameplay for other players?
    10. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      I kinda like your idea on keep it for personal use only honestly.
    11. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
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      The cooldown for /heal has been increased to 8 minutes.

      Thank you for submitting your suggestion. We have decided that we will be partially implementing this suggestion.

      Should you have any more suggestions or feedback for how we may improve the network, please feel free to create another thread.

      Thread moved to archives.

      The Staff
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