IGN: purpledolphin87 I live:USA, California Time zone: Pacific central What position are you applying for:Moderator Age :13 How long have you been on this server?: a couple months or so. A bit about myself: I am a average person trying to look for something to do with my life. I am a huge minecraft lover and have been playing it since 1.2.5! I am a nice, friendly guy who loves to meet new people and have fun! I am not a fan of arguments I really do disapprove of them. I go to a normal school and am expected quite high grades. Why I started minecraft. I first heard about minecraft when I was in my PDB class and I got bored so I started to talk about games. As I went through that long conversation I heard one of my friends mention something called 'minecraft' so he told me a bit about it. I figured out when I got home and watched a few videos on it that this is the game for me, to keep me entertained. So I bought it. That is why I started minecraft! Why do I want to become a Moderator/admin?: I would like to become a Moderator of this server because I love watching people have fun meeting new friends and just having fun but... There are bad sides to this... There are hackers. So I think that I have what it takes to become a Moderator and get rid of spammers, hackers and people who just make the server an un-pleasent place to be I believe I can fix this. I am on minecraft a lot because I am a no-life. I am fully dedicated 24/7 to helping this server to grow even bigger. Skills: I have good communication skills and friendship. And I do not disband a job which I have been assigned to or dedicated to be done. I am not a quitter I will do what it takes to make people happy by not doing to much to OP people. I have also owned my own server so I know many rules and many commands. I also know a lot about plugins, commands, worldedit Etc. What if I didn't get picked?: In all fairness I would not mind. Obviously I would rather but I would still be happy to just play and help out others to the extent I can. This is my moderator, admin application and I hope it appeals to you in someway! Thank you very much for reading - Isaac Haro (purpledolphin87)
You need more information regarding why you should be a mod. Remember, more info : Better Chance. Good Luck!