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  • i never see any staff...

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Shadowz_x, May 1, 2019.

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    1. Shadowz_x

      Shadowz_x Active Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      I never see any staff on the server in OP PvP or any of the other game modes. Staff need to start being more active or the recruitment team needs to find new staff.
    2. ATruePitato

      ATruePitato Active Member

      Jan 27, 2019
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      There's already a thread on this but okay. First off, we as staff members are humans, we have school, jobs, etc. We can't be online 24/7, and I can tell you this because as a staff member it's hard trying to time manage my Mineverse work and my school work. Let me tell you I put my school work first which I encourage everybody to do. However, I'm online at least 1 hour and 30 minutes during the weekday and at least 4 hours on the weekends (or more). You may not see some staff members because we're in /v and this command allows you to not be visible to normal players. If you ever had an experience when a hacker you were fighting just left...well that's most likely one of us. The thing is you don't know what happens behind the scenes as a moderator but let me tell you, all of us are hardworking. We inform Crew about glitches, we ban hackers for you, ban people who are harassing you, mute players, and a lot more. And there's a lot of staff on other gamemodes, KitPvP not as much but if we get called to a gamemode to punish someone, we'll be there.

      Overall, the point I'm trying to make is don't go making a thread and telling US that we're "inactive" when we're really not.
    3. Xelnagahunter

      Xelnagahunter Well-Known Member

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Then there should be a lesson in transparency to learn here. You say you are active and just using vanish, but that doesn't help reassure the playerbase that you are there. I'm not calling anyone out in particular because I don't really play anymore, but I think that players seeing things happen is an important part of a moderated community. I don't mean to tell them every staff action you take, just let people know things are being worked on. Many of you all are likely to be young, most were young when I was staff here as well. But even just saying hi to the players from time to time is a welcome thing, again not needed ALL the time. If staff aren't available on the server at nearly all times then OP is right, more staff should be selected who can cover the unmanned time slots. Just my two cents.
    4. OhSkqy

      OhSkqy Active Member

      Nov 30, 2018
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      lmao this made me die for a second
    5. dera

      dera Well-Known Member

      Aug 27, 2014
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      “If you ever had an experience when a hacker you were fighting just left... well that’s most likely one of us”
      Hmmmm. That doesn’t sound right. Moderators aren’t supposed to vanish while in combat. Now, I don’t know if you know this... but, being in /vanish 24/7 isn’t doing any good for ANY players, it’s only helping yourself. What’s the point of even coming online, as a MODERATOR, if you’re in /v the whole time, not helping players.

      Now, before you come at me for, “oh what do you know about being a moderator”, please remember, that I in fact moderated on this server (though for a short time) and I never once complained about ANYTHING you current mods complain about. Sure, school is tough, and it takes up your time, but you applied for this, and knew what was coming with it. It takes up your time, sure... your patience, definitely, but YOU signed up for this, not us.

      When I was staff here, I got a lot of hatred for just being there... but did I let that affect how much I would come on this server and help the players that need help? Did I let it affect my power to ban/mute those who deserved it? No. All for the reason that I signed up for it. ME. Nobody else. Once you were promoted, that gave you permissions, and privileges. Not for your own self gain, but for the server. Most people don’t understand that those “priviliges” are for helping the players on this server.

      I don’t like any of these kids, but I still did my job. Do yours.
    6. OhSkqy

      OhSkqy Active Member

      Nov 30, 2018
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      I think you should reread the sentence because you aren't understanding it correctly.
      Good points though, I agree with pretty much all of them.
    7. dera

      dera Well-Known Member

      Aug 27, 2014
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      oh he meant he bans them. well, everything i said still goes. i’ve come across many moderators who do that, and it’s not doing them any good in the long run.
    8. Xelnagahunter

      Xelnagahunter Well-Known Member

      Nov 8, 2013
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      To be honest this thread isn't about how moderators use the abilities they have. It's about activity and being noticed. Players don't see the moderator's participation on the server and it is effecting the morale. There needs to be more done visibly. People need to know that they are being watch over and taken care of. In a perfect world, people seeing police would feel protected. If all of them hid in the shadows and acted like Batman the populace would go nuts.

      I understand that mods have lives, you can't be here 24/7. There was a time when I was shunned for my inactivity here on the staff team. People just didn't see me in the game because I was on the forums talking to staff and helping them. I was also acting as a liasson between staff and administration until the head mod position became a thing. Outside of that I had a job and a wife. The answer lies in the administration selecting staff from the proper time zones and making sure all of their times, including dead-hours, are at least usually covered.
    9. hannah

      hannah Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      yall type too much

      mods are getting on way more, especially @ATruePitato and @Dualband

      dont get me wrong, some mods are inactive but its fine because we have some great mods to make up for what the others lack
    10. fran

      fran Experienced Member

      May 9, 2017
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      Why did you even apply if you hated the community lmao

      Well someone is a salty ex mod
    11. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      People got lives. They may even have a legit job they get paid to do irl. They may have classes/school. They cant be on 24/7 to help. Yes there job is to help here but stuff happens irl. If I was mod and something major happened in my family heck Im gonna take care of that and make sure everything is ok first. Maybe let ppl know Ill be gone but my point is they have lives outside minecraft. They cant and wont live in minecraft to help out 24/7.
    12. Xelnagahunter

      Xelnagahunter Well-Known Member

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Again, the answer isn't "mods be here more." It is known. I've made this same argument before here.
      I'm just arguing that staying in vanish at all times is a terrible idea and that more staff to cover more times is a good idea.
    13. dera

      dera Well-Known Member

      Aug 27, 2014
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      y’all throw around that salty word too much, as if it makes y’all cool or sumn?
      but nah, i wasn’t talking about the community, buddy. i was talking about the staff team. i had no problem with the players. i became staff for the players and only them. not once did i EVER take advantage of the power i was given like some of these new mods do. i did what i applied to do.
      & if these people complaining about oh we don’t have time to come on... why did you sign up ? you knew this was going to take up ur time lol. it’s common sense.
    14. Ghostly

      Ghostly Active Member

      May 13, 2016
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      I 100% agree and i think if i was accepted as mod i could regulate hackers way more because i am on a consistent basis.
    15. Saturns

      Saturns best valorant player Premium

      Aug 5, 2014
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