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  • Re-introduction [Rlxtreme]

    Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by The Real Extremist, Dec 21, 2018.

    1. The Real Extremist

      The Real Extremist Active Member

      Dec 1, 2018
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      Hello to old and new people alike!

      This will be sort of a re-introduction to the community of myself, Rlxtreme. If that name sounds familiar to you, then you might be an Old Member. I was Moderator for about maybe 2-3 weeks from December 2015 to January 2016. I don't exactly know when I got accepted nor when I resigned at this point as it has been a very long time from that. I do know the timing of Cypriot accepting me was quite funny since I was finishing up some finals that month and couldn't exactly handle moderating full steam at the same time, plus taking a few weeks off after just being accepted. Felt dishonesting to what I promised if I was accepted. But, here we are 3 years later!

      To give you some backstory other than my moderator history, I started back in 2015 (I think January? Sounds about right to me). Joined the site around that time as well. Funny thing was I was looking for a server with an old gamemode I used to play back in Beta Minecraft that consisted of players building bases to survive lava falling from the sky. I think it was called Lava survival back when the game had website hosted servers (meaning the servers were on the main website before multiplayer was put in). I happened to land in MV and mainly did Infection until GTA and Towny came out which I played the crap out of until the community died for those modes.

      Now, you might be asking, "Well if you're really this "old member" that you proclaim, why do you have a new account?" Well to simply answer that great question that you have, well I have a new account is why. I do have some issues with the old account pertaining banning and such, but hopefully things work out for that, special case for that one. But, 2 years have gone by since I was actually back on the site and I feel like its time I come back.

      I know MC is dying and blah blah, however its nice to come back and have that nostalgic feeling I get from all the memories I had on here. Plus if chances be we bounce back, would be nice to know I helped when we needed it. I'll mainly be on the site if you ever need to chat with me and I'll be providing my best opinion that I can to ideas that could help bring back MV. Thanks for reading!
    2. Gang

      Gang Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2016
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      What gamemodes did you play, I honestly don't remember you.
      I only played oppvp.
    3. The Real Extremist

      The Real Extremist Active Member

      Dec 1, 2018
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      I was mainly Infection from 2015-2016. Also did Towny when it came out. I didn't play OpPvP, I did some Kitpvp here and there.
    4. Gang

      Gang Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2016
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      ah then I wont know you :(
    5. OhSkqy

      OhSkqy Active Member

      Nov 30, 2018
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      I remember you, I think... My IGN was ItzJonahMC, before I made another minecraft account.
    6. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Of course I remember you. It's so good to have you back. :)

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