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  • mineverse stories

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by BodyShaming, Oct 24, 2018.

    1. BodyShaming

      BodyShaming Active Member

      Jan 8, 2017
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      since the other one was closed, I felt like opening a new one about how y'all found out about mv (who ever still here).

      It was around 2014 and I was on Ali-a craft playing factions, and I lost all my stuff so I quit that server, and one of my good friends told me to join mineverse.net. I joined that day and started opfactions. There was mad people on at the time and as a non ranked, trash pvper, the only friends I really made was VizardAnon and some supreme guy. That account got hacked a month later. Started again with my Enraged_Dragon account. Became friends with the likes of LoveNKnives, xXpvPkingsXx, etc. most of em quit afterwards and that account got hacked. Then my nightshadowx account, where one of my best minecraft friends cooldrewboo and I dominated a dying opfacs server. xXPvPKingsXx came back as DixPatch and then I quit. Currently on my PandaKillz and hqcckss account tryin to enjoy skyblock.

      @Cooldrewboo @xXPvPKingsXx @FreakingHacksMC
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    2. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      A few years ago, during the old Skyblock, I was playing and I met someone. I don't remember his name, but he told me he was a part of a group of players responsible for the duping and glitching of items. I didn't believe him at first but thought that maybe if it was true he would give me some stuff. I started teleporting him to the richest player's islands, and to my utter disbelief, he started stealing things out of chests. I checked his inventory, and there was nothing in it, but as soon as he started doing his "process" there would be beacons, spawn eggs, and ores. I hung around him a lot, gaining many items, but eventually, I left and didn't talk to him again. Those items though.

      He gave me one pigman spawn egg, but, in perhaps the dumbest moment of my life, I accidentally spawned it.
    3. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      I remember back in the day in op pvp me and some friends would glitch out of them map and destroy grass blocks and seeds and put them in our enderchests. It was a superflat world outside of the op pvp. i think you can still access it but you definitely can't break blocks now. I still have some dirt and seeds in my enderchest in op pvp now from the old days unless they reset the enderchests.
    4. WorldGuard

      WorldGuard Well-Known Member

      Sep 27, 2014
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      I remember the days of 2000+ ppl :(
    5. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      When I first got minecraft I was a total retard and didn't think to google some server IP's. So I spent about an hour typing in the connect box with things I thought would get me onto a server. Then I typed mineverse IP, mineverse was the first sever I ever logged in to, I'm so damn lucky. If I connected to another server first I probabally would have never met anyone on here.
    6. BodyShaming

      BodyShaming Active Member

      Jan 8, 2017
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      hah yea you can still get outside the map but blocks aren't available unless u get it from sum1.
    7. The Real Extremist

      The Real Extremist Active Member

      Dec 1, 2018
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      <Rlxtreme if anyone recalls the name>
      A story i like to remember is the story of Towny. Now, to clarify, I was huge into Towny when it came out. Like, insanely addicted to the idea. Before Towny I was mainly a Infection player and man do I wish both of these were still here. I think a majority of the infection crew kinda moved to Towny when it came out. If I remember, Towny came out 2015, before I became staff atleast.

      Also to note, I do get events mixed up nowadays as its been about 3 years or so since quite a few of these took place so beware of that.

      So when it came out, that same week or so a town was created that I joined which became the biggest the server would know to my knowledge. The max population of the Town was roughly 100+, I think we hit 110, but the name of it escapes me as does most the towns. But, it all started on an island that we began work on. It was just 6 people or so, just hanging around building bridges from the island made of oak and working on plots. I think it was 8x8 plots and more or less a shipyard feel to the entire town. It was pretty fun all the stories we had, in fact it was a very known town to the server as most people talked about it until its collapse. I remember I was the major builder to the town as I spent many days just building plots and bridges for everyone. I also remember the house on my plot which was 8x8 with a small fenced proch on the back for my storage and a porch on the second level that entered the bedroom. During nights I would just sit on my front upper porch of my house just writting stories up there of anything while chatting with people. It was great, the feeling of a strong bond of people. I got to meet most the people who had a plot, helped a lot of them start of, of course we had a few empty plots here and there, but it was aight. We didn't tax anyone that I remember, and rarely did we kick anyone out.

      I had a lot of unfinished projects before I left that town. I had the farm project which was a project of mine in hopes of making a fully autonomous farm for anyone to use. Had quite a bit of nights just sitting there figuring out the settings for the plots in the farm. Then I had the completed mineshaft which was a like 70 block deep staircase to the bottom of the sea floor. Oh by the way we built the entire thing basically above sea level, so getting a mineshaft down to bedrock was quite annoying with all the water. But man did it look good. Then I had the whole idea of making a giant stone wall around the maybe 5kx5k town lol. Was so stubborn of me to do something so huge by myself. I always liked building specific things by myself because of my stubbornness to not trust others to build my vision of things.

      A lot of stories in my times, and that's just one for now. :)
    8. Grooties

      Grooties Active Member

      Oct 4, 2017
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      I started out on mineverse playing skywars, destroying toxic 12 year olds( i was about 11 or 12 at the time) and having the time of my life. Then, after about a year, i migrated to kitpvp2 where i met more toxic players and where i learned to become toxic myself :}. Then i got my brother(tntbatman if any of you remember him) into kitpvp2, and he would always kill my teammates and expect me to help him. Ah those were the days.
    9. Aly

      Aly Alchemist Premium

      Sep 28, 2016
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      I went on another server which had infection on it and was really into it. Sadly, alot of the players there were toxic and I wanted to leave. So I searched for other infection servers and found mineverse.
    10. Grooties

      Grooties Active Member

      Oct 4, 2017
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      Well it's a good thing u found it!

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