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  • Global How We Can Make This Server Great Again [EDITED]

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by OhSkqy, Dec 3, 2018.


    Even if you disagree with my ideas, how do you feel about what I mentioned about a major rework?

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    2. I disagree

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    1. OhSkqy

      OhSkqy Active Member

      Nov 30, 2018
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      Hi guys!

      I'm sure all of you have been noticing the extreme drop in members recently. We are consistently hosting around 10-40 members simultaneously, compared to our previous 500+. Obviously, not all the problems are with Mineverse, as Minecraft itself is slowly losing members due to other games like Fortnite and PUBG. However, I had a few ideas on a couple of reasons why Mineverse is declining at such a fast rate, and how we can fix these issues.

      For starters, I believe that the server is beginning to favor experienced players more than new players, and this is affecting the growth of the server. This is because the server is starting to focus on the community, rather than the gameplay. What I mean by this, is that the server does not appeal to new players, because Mineverse hosts game modes that are basically just talking servers that appeal to Gods and Titans who already know each other, instead of an action-based game that is exciting for all players. This discourages new members from staying because they do not know anything that the players are talking about, and get bored and leave.

      *A Suggestion*
      Bring back infection! Currently, there are basically only two games being played right now - OP PVP and Creative. When you go on these servers, there is no pvp, it's purely a talking server, like I mentioned before. This is a minecraft server that does not have the main thing that attracts new players - PVP. How do we expect to grow with this kind of environment? The only way to make this server appeal to other players who have never played is to add unique games that aren't filled with talking among pre-established groups. Furthermore, adding games such as Infection does not reduce the quality of the ranks, but shortens the gaps between nons and ranked players as Infection is a game that is mostly fair for all players. I remember playing infection for hours in a row years ago, and I believe that we can bring Mineverse back to its former glory, however not without hard work.

      This server needs a major rework, with more changes than the ones I described above. We don't need to focus our attention on petty things, such as the reset of Prison, etc. What we need to work on is making our server appealing to new members, and we do this by changing our server into a network centered around pvp and action, and not how it is now.

      I hope this page inspired some critical thinking, and I hope you staff take this into consideration. We cannot expect to grow if we center our server around Gods and Titans who want to talk and chill. Rather, lets direct our attention on the potential newcomers.

      Thank you for reading!

      Kind regards,
      Jonah K (OhSkqy)

      @Noobcrew @Janice999 @kinsey_kid @Quertiss @i_am_youtuber @Scorv @TannerLittle
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2018
    2. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      No on this, all it would really do would cause drama and make a lot of folks with ranks leave.

      As for infection and prison and such, it should be in phase two. (Not sure about infection)
    3. OhSkqy

      OhSkqy Active Member

      Nov 30, 2018
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      I understand that we are trying to preserve our current members, but if we want to attract newcomers as well, we must do something about this imbalance and make our server appeal to all, even if it’s not lowering the prestige of ranks. Games like Infection could be free of ranked benefits, or at least of extremely one-side benefits. That is just one alternative.
      Thanks for your reply nevertheless, I admire how the staff is still dedicated to the server.
    4. OhSkqy

      OhSkqy Active Member

      Nov 30, 2018
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      If you guys want to support/no support, any feedback would be appreciated.
    5. The Real Extremist

      The Real Extremist Active Member

      Dec 1, 2018
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      I would say I understand the intention of the first suggestion, however I agree that it would definitely scare off our old player-base if they decided to come back in-game and find out that the rank they spent actual money on was less valuable.

      Though I do support Infection. Infection in my opinion is the heart of the server and when that shut down a major part of MV left with it. I feel if we bring it back and make it like the original with updated original maps (not updated too much, just enough to work) that older players like myself would return eventually. Plus a major part of the community loved and played the old Infection so much.
    6. StrKillr

      StrKillr Boss Member

      Jul 29, 2015
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      Just close the server :p
    7. Grooties

      Grooties Active Member

      Oct 4, 2017
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      I enjoy the strength of the kits and perks of my rank :>, but i do believe infection needs to come back because whenever an old player gets on, they say "they took off infection!?" and they leave again. Also the lowering of rank prices is a good idea. But i suggested that and people called me a little kid for saying to lower the prices so i'm not sure how much cooperation you will get with that idea.
    8. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I don't think the server itself is dying, I think the game is dying lol
    9. OhSkqy

      OhSkqy Active Member

      Nov 30, 2018
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      Thanks for the replies guys! I just wanted to let you know that I have changed my thread a bit due to the community's responses. Please consider reading it over again.
    10. OhSkqy

      OhSkqy Active Member

      Nov 30, 2018
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      Guys, if we want to get this server out of its all-time low and put it back into its glory, we must take action!!! This is not the time to be lazy, for both the staff and the players. We have to all work together to fix this server, otherwise, this server will go down and down until we have no more members left.
      Please! I know that this server is important for tons of people, and we don't want it to be shut down, do we?
    11. The Real Extremist

      The Real Extremist Active Member

      Dec 1, 2018
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      Oh no one here wants the server to die, but at the same time I feel a lot of us have been "burned out" per say. Many of us still going today have spent years on this server, this forums, chatting with friends and new people alike. Many of us sacrificed time to serve the community, and many of us pushed suggestions to help it grow time and time again. We have become tired of trying to same thing and hoping it works and in reality it doesn't today. But, all said and done, it might just be its time perhaps.

      You look at the community on the forums and you see a few newcomers here and there, but not many. You mostly see a community that is rather old and hanging on to its last branch (metaphorically speaking). The core group has died down quite a bit to what it used to be years back. Heck, even back in 2015 I would argue about how the community was dying then. Back then it would be considered booming to today's population in-game during day hours. We lost a lot of good people in the process of things that have transpired through the years in the good and the bad and the ugly.

      I know the owners while appearing to let things go, did their best and I appreciate that. I know people today would say, "how could you say that? they just let it go die." and yes I would agree to you on that back in 15'. However, I've began to look back more on what I knew then and what I know now and how I understand all the information I had about the community and the staff. The Staff, including the owners, worked very hard and its hard to see that from the owners since a majority of their work is behind the scenes. Things we don't know about and while we have yet to find out why they chose that way to communicate to the community, it worked for them when the community was booming. During the times when we have a few thousand on, and the community was very active, the strategy worked for them. That's all they knew really and it worked creating maps or new updates months at a time or seasons even. It brought up the hype from the community and people would be constantly playing the new thing. I think that's lost today because of how small a community we have become recently and the impact it doesn't have on it.

      I think personally, if we as a community, not just the staff or people on forums/occasional in-gamer want to rebuild what we lost, we need to think outside the box. We need a new tactic to handle the situation which is, what we did before won't work today. We need to think of bigger things that attract people in a faster time. Like a new gamemode that is unique, a detailed version perhaps of towny that has a Mineverse twist to it unlike other servers. Something like that to attract people's attention. Also advertising about it helps too. I don't know the advertising situation of the server at the moment, but I do believe if we want people to know about our hard work we need to tell them about it outside a forums/server about Minecraft. So while I do like your ideas, suggestions like these are small talk and you want to help revive the server, but I believe if we want to revive it to its former glory, we can't balance it perfectly just yet. These "remastering of ranks" ideas are great concepts of trying to reinvent the ranks of the server so its fair for not only new players but old non-rank players. However, you need to look at the bigger picture and look for bigger and more impactful concepts that could bring in more players at a time, such as new gamemodes, new concepts, new ways to advertise the server, etc.
    12. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      I agree with you. The old system doesn't seem to work anymore.
    13. OhSkqy

      OhSkqy Active Member

      Nov 30, 2018
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    14. JustExposed

      JustExposed Experienced Member

      Dec 12, 2017
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      Support, infection needs to come out asap.
    15. Bman

      Bman Experienced Member

      Aug 12, 2017
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      People need to stop with their lengthy overcomplicated posts.

      It's a rather simple answer. You need staff who care and have the ability to bring changes the community wants. These changes must be made to keep up with what the entire MC community favours.

      ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Didn't happen. Won't happen.
    16. Aleksander Kutznetzov

      Aleksander Kutznetzov Active Member

      Nov 24, 2018
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      OhSkqy, it's not only other games that are taking away players but other servers in this very game. Competition between servers creates an ever-shifting platform for dedication of time. If Mineverse steps up their game and provides a platform in which there are plenty of acceptable gamemodes and mini-games, then we'll see a big improvement in activity.
    17. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      I couldn't have said it better myself.
    18. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      Support for adding Infection back. But it needs new good features.

      I disagree with the server focusing on the community rather than bringing in new members.

      Factions and OP Factions died because all they wanted to do is diversify shouting "screw you" to their active players. Suggestions by active players were rejected or ignored and suggestions by players who didn't play factions were accepted to lure them to play. These features were added but the players who supported and said they'd play if they were added never joined. The features that were added had a secondary effect as the ACTIVE players hated these additions and made many of us quit. We were waiting over a year for an OP Factions reset, by the time they reset it was already too late, the active players had quit and no new players joined.
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