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  • "MiNeCrAfT Is DeAd" - Why I beg to differ (OP-ED)

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by WBoson, Oct 16, 2018.


    What do you believe the state of the Minecraft server community to be?

    1. Dead

      6 vote(s)
    2. Alive

      5 vote(s)
    3. Dying?

      8 vote(s)
    4. Not too sure

      5 vote(s)
    5. Thriving

      1 vote(s)
    1. WBoson

      WBoson 5-year Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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      Greetings all,

      Before I start, I would like you guys to read this article:


      (Minecraft has more active monthly players than fortnite... so why does Minecraft appear dead?)

      Just wanted to bring some claims regarding the issue of "Minecraft being dead", to light.

      Before we start, I'd like to ask you (the reader), to read this post with an open, and fair mind, and to not let the views of others, impact your decision regarding the views of mine, thank you.

      Minecraft has been known to "fluctuate" in its active player account, especially over the last few years. With some years such as 2015 reaching 3-year highs, and some years, such as 2017, reaching 3 year lows. But all in all, the overall active player count has stayed rather proportional to its audience and its age.

      One may assume that if a game's active player count has decreased, the game would be considered "dying" or "dead", and in a normal context, this assumption would be fairly true. However, in Minecraft's case, this type of assumption is not necessarily applicable. This is due to the pure resilience and fluctuations in the games playerbase and community. The thought-to-be "declining" playerbase in Minecraft, does not what-so-ever reflect the state of the game.

      Back in 2016, it was commonly assumed that the server community, as a whole was "dead", and the only thing keeping Minecraft somewhat alive was its "modding" community. This assumption was quickly disproved, as 2017 brought a record number of new servers and new faces to the game.

      One should bare in mind that the players that are making these "assumptions", are those who have either;
      A) Lost interest in the game (due to age, or an external factor)
      B) Have encountered unsuccess within the game (whether it be from a dying server or from an external factor)

      A common saying regarding the state of games is that;
      "A games community accurately reflects the state of the game".

      As of 2018, Minecraft has seemingly "lost" players due to other big games (namely, Fortnite), but its community has a whole is noticeably a lot less-active, then in recent years.

      My belief is as following;
      Minecraft has the community, resources, and overall firepower to become "alive" again, however, for whatever reason, the community has their minds on staying in the past, and will not/are not adapting to change. Just like anything, nothing stays the same forever, and due to that, games, and communities alike, must adapt to trends and change. I can promise you, that if every "big name" server had adapted, even subtly, to changes (and targeted larger audience), the multiplayer community, as a whole, would be as active as ever. I guess what I'm trying to get across is that; 2018-19 servers, can no longer tailor to the 2016 state of the Minecraft community. Servers, and players, alike, must adapt to change and with that, good things will come. Players who were 8-10 back in 2016, are now 10-12 now, and assuming they haven't lost interest in the game, are first developing the wills to create mini-communities, and developing the wills to embrace the game, no matter what the state of it may be.

      I'm currently 16, turning 17 in February, and it is believed that very rarely does a person of my nature still have interest in the game. For someone who had been playing since alpha, it is not common to see me still involved with the game and the community. In some cases, this assumption would be true, but in most cases, this assumption is false. Back when Minecraft was considered to be in its "prime", I was 11/12 years old, and as mentioned before, was "first developing my will" to be interested in the server side of Minecraft. Due to the fact that I was developing such a strong love for the game, when the game was so strong, is part of the reason to why I'm still attached to this community, in one way or another. I feel as though there are more people like me out there, and more than one would know, as I know that I wasn't the only 11/12 year old playing Minecraft back in 2014.

      In conclusion, I believe that there will be a major resurgence to not only Minecraft, but to the multiplayer community as well, in the coming months. So, I ask you, the reader, to do everything in your power to embrace Minecraft for what it is, and to convince your local community/game server to adapt and embrace change, and to not stay in climate of Minecraft back when it was popular.

      With these opinions being said, I'd like to hear what this community believes the state of the Minecraft multiplayer community, and the game itself,
      (please feel free to get into a friendly discourse about these topics/opinions, and I'd be happy to chime into any questions/comments you may have about my whole "shpeel")

      Thanks for taking the time to read or even skim over my opinions! xD

      - Will
      Last edited: Oct 16, 2018
    2. Gang

      Gang Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2016
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      alive wtf.
    3. WBoson

      WBoson 5-year Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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      Regarding my post,

      I would just like to highlight the fact that as of now, Minecraft may appear "dead", but if some large servers can adapt to the ever changing gaming community (which they eventually will), Minecraft will see a HUGE resurgence in its active players.

    4. Boof

      Boof Active Member

      Sep 22, 2018
      Likes Received:
      Fortnite took over
    5. WBoson

      WBoson 5-year Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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    6. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      Fortnite SUCKS, lots of other minecraft servers are active mv is dead cause they didn't care to do any updates and they did it too late when the server was already dead.
    7. WBoson

      WBoson 5-year Member

      Jan 21, 2014
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      I respectfully disagree, I believe that with some effort, and a proper revamp, Mineverse could potentially be what it once was.
    8. abbie

      abbie receptionist Premium

      Aug 1, 2017
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      I dont think Minecraft will "die" anytime soon.
      Yes it will loose players but from what ive seen it just keeps getting passed on to other generations.
    9. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
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      minecraft isn't dying as fast as we perceive. We only think it's dying off because servers are losing players, and servers are the only windows from which we can easily gauge minecraft's success with our own eyes.

      That being said, there are still a lot of ppl playing singleplayer, we just don't see them do it.
    10. kei

      kei Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      I think that the number of regular Minecraft players occasionally dwindles from time to time, but it's never enough to be labeled or classified as an extreme loss of players. I personally believe that Minecraft will never really die, but it'll continuously alternate between being more and less conspicuous of a game.
    11. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
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      why did that make me feel really old
    12. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Lmao then why won’t you ever leave? Also didn’t you like apply a billion times on a server that’s “dead”?

      I don’t think the game will ever fully die out. Ever. As stated, the game goes to the younger audience. I do think that people who do play it aren’t as adamant about the game as those who played it around 2013 are. The server in general is dying though.

      No disrespect intended but I think it’s honestly the owners’ faults in not taking care of it, as the opinion of most others agree with. You can’t expect to plant a crop, never water it, and expect it to flourish and even continue to stay flourishing.

      I don’t think the game is dead, but I do think that the popularity or just basically people talking about it has gone down greatly. If that article is true, then sure, the game is doing great, but nobody cares to talk about it.

      Another problem is that the game is perceived as childish (as that’s really the audience they were focusing on), and I mean, I have to agree that it’s not really a game focused on older people. People including myself were made fun of for playing it and I guess that stigma is kind of with the game which encourages people to move on prematurely? I might be wrong, just a thought though.
    13. archerexpert777

      archerexpert777 Well-Known Member

      Jul 16, 2017
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      To make it simple:

      Fortnite and new games around that have taken over the fans of minecraft and influencing them in our daily lives.
      Minecraft will not really die, just as @Abbieee said, it'll be passed down to future generations until we someday colonize Mars:>

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