Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
-_- banned for being a youtuber if yr a llama :D?
banned for thinking a goat is a llama
banned for correcting a staff member's mistake :t
banned for banning someone for correcting a staff member's mistake
banned for talking
banned for banning someone for talking
Banned for not giving a reason for the users ban.
banned for not living in the EU :t:
Banned for living where memes aren't allowed.
banned for being a srmod
banned for not being one
banned for being online
banned for not following your own rules
banned for that badly edited pumpkin on the poor goat's head
Banned for being a helper on the .net server
banned for being a mod on the mv server )
banned for banning an active mod when you're only a helper :>
banned for using a face in your text.
Banned for not :t: