-__- The only 2 Admins are CypriotMerks and Noobcrew. You can't expect to make a terrible application and become an Admin, let alone a Mod as far as I see it. Maybe, apply for mod, but clean up your application, add more detail and so on. No Support
Do you know how hard it is to be a Admin? Also your application looks bad, no affence, and I've also seen you in-game a few times swearing. You were banned for hacks as well, how could you trust someone with hacks, oh wait you can't.
1. You always treat people with disrespect 2. You have been banned for hacking multiple times 3. You spam the hell out of me on the forums -_- NO SUPPORT!
Ok, so maybe Crew and Cyp may promote a new admin, but if you want to apply you would have to a moderator on any of crews servers for over a year, for example, Xelnagahunter,Gwism, DarkChyldeone,Kato, Laura,Zambiana, and I think thats it. 1. Your rude and disrespectful 2. Applying for admin right when you join shows your power hungry. 3. Your never active. No Support.
I like how this says, "Moderator Applications." Anyhow, the next Admin is obviously Pile... That's self explanatory... I don't want to say "No Support", as you give a negative rating to all of those who do so, but... Good luck I guess....
lol theres no admin applaction and if you want to be admin you need lots of detail LOTS and you need to be mature and ive seen ur hacks on kitpvp no support
lol im the good one im just saying you need a lot more info... im applying for mod, mods have to be honest even to there friends this could even mean banning there best friends main point you cant be nice to your friends and let them slide even if there doing a ban thing in your case its a (no offence) bad app add more info on why you want to be an admin... your will have more of a chance if your apply for a mod instead of admin (just saying)