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  • Skyblock (Villagers, Iron Golems, Hostile mob spawns, and the future of skyblock)

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Halex00, Sep 30, 2018.

    1. Halex00

      Halex00 Builder Builder

      Oct 16, 2014
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      This may come off as slightly ranty, but everything I say is important and should be acknowledged, because of this I decided to post this in the discussion section as to get more attention drawn towards this thread.

      First off, hello, I am Halex, I was an active Mineverse skyblock player from 2013-2015 on the first skyblock world but not so active on the second one. Once again I see myself back playing Mineverse, the reason is because of the third skyblock world. The reason I did not play as much in the second skyblock world was because hostile mobs had problems with spawning, hoppers were still disabled, and villagers were disabled. While hoppers are enabled now which is great, the other two points I listed remain as issues.

      Hostile mobs
      I will discuss hostile mob spawns first. If anyone doesn't know, on a minecraft server, normally the mob cap is 120 mobs times how many players are currently online. This normally works fine and has never been an issue on most servers I have played on, but since the second skyblock world, mobs have had trouble spawning on the server.

      I have had many thoughts as to why this is the case, but to be honest, I have no idea what causes it, I only know it happens. On the current skyblock world I have a large hostile mob farm with over five thousand dark spots inside for mobs to spawn on, as it is currently, the farm can go upwards 30 minutes without a single zombie spawning inside it (yes I have hostile mobs enabled on my island). For a gamemode that relies so much on mob farms, this is unacceptable.

      I do not know if a plugin is changing how mobs spawn or if mob spawning is running off of vanilla mechanics right now, but either way it needs to be addressed.

      Villagers and Iron Golems

      Secondly are villagers. Through testing on the current skyblock world, you can cure a zombie villager with a weakness potion and a golden apple as is expected, but trading is disabled. I figure that this is to prevent players from trading items for emeralds and selling them in /shop for a large profit, this is understandable but unnecessary. To be honest, I would prefer to have villager trading and remove emeralds from /shop. Emerald blocks are good for your island level and villagers offer good alternatives to getting certain items besides relying on /shop.

      Another problem with villagers is that they will not breed. When given the required food and doors, hearts will show above a villager but from afking for over 12 hours, I have proven beyond doubt that villager breeding is disabled which I find bizarre and uncalled for.

      Thirdly, Iron Golems. To spawn an iron golem, you need a village with at least 10 villagers and then the game will have a chance to spawn a golem to protect the village. You can take advantage of this mechanic to farm iron golems and in turn, farm iron ingots. This was common on the first skyblock world, and allowed easy access to iron, making it possible to create large automatic farms with pistons and other elaborate machines on the server. On the third skyblock world, because breeding was disabled, I cured 10 zombie villagers to get the required amount for an iron farm. When I made the farm and supplied the villagers, golems did spawn, but their drop of iron ingots is disabled. I spent over 30 hours of labor on the server to make a flower farm... I understand that selling iron ingots in the shop would turn out a large profit as each ingot is worth $75 of ingame money, but if the selling of ingots to the shop was removed, leaving just the purchasing of them, then I would see no other reason to disable iron golem's ingot drop.

      If Iron golems dropped iron ingots, this would make it possible to create the large automatic farms we saw from skyblock in 2013-15 and could even encourage old players who quit the server to return, sending mineverse into a new golden age of skyblock. Automatic farms let players become wealthy, and with this wealth, they can create amazing islands, and donate to poorer players as well. Not to mention having large islands like this encourages the players with said islands to spend real money on spawners and encourages other players to buy ranks in the hopes of making an island like this themselves.

      I love mineverse, it was the first server I really played on and met the community and for that, it will always have a soft spot in my heart. But between the problems with villagers, and the problems with hostile mob spawns, it makes it impossible to do anything to make money except for lots of extremely grindy manual work. I know some people enjoy this type of work, but in the end, minecraft and mineverse are a video game, and a video game should be fun, not boring and repetitive like a day job, this is why I stopped playing back in 2015 and might stop playing again now. Please @Noobcrew I implore you to make the changes I described so it is possible to make Mineverse the server I remember in my heart. The current limitations on skyblock act as a choke hold, squeezing the life out of the server, which has been happening ever since hoppers were first disabled on the first skyblock world. You have the power to release this choke hold Noobcrew, all you need to do is take action.
    2. WinterWaffles

      WinterWaffles Experienced Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      I agree, it's a shame that such vital elements of the skyblock experience are disabled.
      I think it would be wise to act upon this, or the player count for skyblock will once again plummet and all of your previous efforts to achieve the reset will be rendered useless.
    3. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      I agree whole-heartedly. I know this server's skyblock has the potential for so much more. I remember playing in 2014 and 2015 for hours and hours each day, because I was so in love with that skyblock.
    4. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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      Yes do it noob bet u wont ;), you also forgot about the silk touch on grass and mycelium
      Last edited: Sep 30, 2018
    5. dalton1212

      dalton1212 Active Member

      Jan 8, 2018
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    6. 5DollarBillMC2

      5DollarBillMC2 Active Member

      Feb 16, 2015
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      Words well said.
    7. Noobcrew

      Noobcrew Server Owner Server Owner

      Oct 11, 2013
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      I appreciate you taking the time to write up this thread and for your feedback.

      In regards to the Hostile Mobs, I have already greatly improved their spawn rates. I did this I believe over the weekend so around the same time you posted this. After looking over some things, I had the spawn rate extremely low and changed that. Right now, I believe around 40 or so mobs can spawn in a given chunk, of course once they die it wouldn't affect the limit, so it is pretty high now :)

      The reason why villager trading is disabled as sometimes they can give pretty rare items and this would be abused by some. I can look into breeding though I feel like the only way we would re-enable trading is if we modified their trades someway.

      Emeralds are great for island level as they are expensive and hard to acquire, the reason why this and drops from iron golems aren't functional or don't give what they're suppose to drop is because they always would be exploited and would affect the economy. Enabling iron golems to drop iron ingots is a good idea in theory and should be a no brainer, but once players start doing absolutely nothing and receiving 1000x's of ingots just for sitting on an auto-farm, it would make it become useless. I just always felt like iron ingots on Skyblock should be rare or expensive in a way so they're a valued material. Perhaps I can look into making iron golems rarely drop other items however?

      Anyways, please let me know what you think or if of course you have any other suggestions :)
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