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  • Survival Official Survival Reset Suggestions

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Dizzy, Aug 21, 2018.

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    1. Dizzy

      Dizzy Active Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      (If I took the time to type this, you can take the time to read it xD)


      So for those of you who don't know who I am, I am Dizzy, the player who played the most on survival season 3. Since the resets have been announced (even though we don't have any official reset date for survival) I thought i'd make a suggestion thread for Season 4 of survival. This thread will include what we (The survival community and those interested in playing survival) want added, removed, replaced, changed in the next season. Of course I can't speak for every player on the server but I played the most on survival so I have a general of idea of what everyone wants and what I believe needs to be added. Of course not all of this will be added but hopefully it gives an outline of what the next season should be like. I'm gonna try to make this thread as clean as possible with titles of what needs to be added, why it needs to be added, changed, or removed and how it will affect survival. Survival is one of the most played and loved gamemodes (up there with OP pvp) lets make it everything it should be!

      Why Reset Survival?
      Before I explain the adds, removes, and changes. Let me explain why survival should be reset. Currently we don't have a date for the reset but I believe a good time would be November, December,
      or early January. Right now I believe as doctor strange said in Avengers Infinity War, "we are in the end game now" which means people have everything they need and want, all the dungeons have been raided (for the most part) balances are at their highest and catching up will take forever, most the players who are still playing spend their time afking *cough cough @Origami cough* instead of actually playing because there is nothing to do once everyone has everything. We are also getting to a year into survival. Sometime in October survival season 3 will officially have gone on for a whole year which is quite a long time. Also not a lot of players play anymore. Loyal players still play now and then but stop because of bugs and losing interest in playing... and growing up. New players are also turned off by the bugs on the server *cough cough /wild not working cough*. Enough jabbering, lets get into the judgmental stuff.

      Turn Projectiles On
      I am fairly certain this annoyed everyone on survival ever since the start and never seemed to get fixed. Skeletons, and shulkers arrows and ball things don't affect players, but they seem to affect each other. Turning these on would make survival more of a challenge. Also Players aren't effected by other players arrows and it sucks due to us having these cool potion arrows that take forever to craft and we cant use them.
      SOLUTION: Go into the server files and change Projectiles from Off to On

      Dancing Skeletons
      Not sure if anyone noticed but skeletons move like crazy on survival. They like run super fast and very erratically. This may be a bug but it most likely has to do with the server being 1.8 and 1.12 or maybe its just how skeletons work in 1.12? If skeletons move as fast as they do now and can actually hit you... lots of people will be dying xD
      SOLUTION: Maybe update the survival to one version... Not quite sure

      1.13 ONLY
      The time has come... its either 1.13 or you can't join. Survival being 1.8-1.13 may allow more players to join... but its causing WAY too many bugs (maybe like dancing skeletons) such as water physics, flying ocelots (parrots), blocks not looking how they should, ender dragon not respawning and block glitches that cause you to be stuck in place and cause lag. Being able to join survival with so many version opens up a lot of windows to hackers since they have so many versions they can join with. I believe this also messes up spawn rates where mobs don't spawn as much as they should.
      SOLUTION: Only allow 1.13 to join.

      Bye Bye Cheaters
      So for the most part 1.13 should get rid of a lot of hackers since 1.13 shouldn't have hacked clients for awhile (hopefully). But the main cheaters that ruin survival are the x-rayers. Luckily x-ray is an easy fix in the form of two very helpful plugins. One plugin turns all stone to different kinds of ores so when you x-ray all you'll see is the fake ores. The second one announces in chat when a player mines diamonds so everyone can see if little Billy is mining 60 ores in 2 minutes. Problem is these plugins may not be in 1.13 yet but point is, x-ray needs to go. The other form of cheating is kill aura. So many different plugins that can get rid of kill aura, I'm sure you can find one. These in my opinion are the only two form of cheats that ruin survival. Duplicating hasn't happened yet (that I know of) but 1.13 is a new version so we should keep our eyes out. Do not try to implement plugins that stop all kind of hacks cause they might mess with other parts of survival like the one anti cheat you put in that didn't allow any clients to join, made elytras break.
      SOLUTION: Anti x-ray and anti kill aura plugins.

      The biggest turn off for new players and its been broken FOREVER. /wild is the only form of getting to the wild besides walking through the waste land of abandoned builds and since the spawn is in an ocean and swimming is annoying... this should be fixed.
      SOLUTION: Properly set /wild or make /warp wild teleport you to a random spot.

      I don't know if this annoyed other players but it annoyed me for sure. The people who would join survival for the first time and set 40 popular warps in a box and never use them. It's annoying for player's who actually want to use the warps (like warp christmas) for builds and stuff. Obviously people are gonna claim popular warps but they should not be able to claim unlimited warps. But the problem is unlimited warps is awesome since you may have multiple places you need to get to. So I suggest giving ranks their respected amount of warps (higher rank, more warps they can set) and give everyone unlimited sethomes. This would solve two problems. People not being able to view their warps can do a command (I think /homes) and it will show them all the homes they set. It will also stop warp claimers. This would also give people a small reason to buy a higher rank.
      SOLUTION: Give everyone unlimited set homes and give ranks their respective setwarp's

      Stop banning these people and just deal with the problem. Just give players a combat logged effect where they cannot use /warp /home /heal /ej or can be healed by other players and if they log out, they die. Keep it so that if you're combat tagged you cannot safe zone in your claim. This ruins pvp fights and people just run away from fights. Also only players can combat log one another, mobs cannot.
      SOLUTION: Combat Logs/Tagged

      I could go on forever about how annoying and stupid crates and keys are on survival. The crates aren't balanced very well and whoever made them must of been high at the time cause a common crate gives you 33k and a rare gives you 7.5k... But the problem is the chances of you getting a rare key or legendary are so low that it's not worth the reward of them. In my opinion the only good things in the rare and legendary crates are the next key, the cow horse creeper and pigmen spawners, elytras, and nether stars, the rest is garbage. The problem is they favor newbies with minerals and stuff, but for a veteran player, the voter and commons don't give anything worth it. There are quite a few solutions to this problem that you can do. One is remove voter crate and make the common crate the voter crate, and increase the chances of rare and legendary keys to 1/35 for rare and 1/95 out of legendary. Two would be remove, add, and upgrade stuff in the crates such as enchant elytras for mending 1, and unbreak 3, change the "kits" to good gear, remove the minerals like coal, redstone gold, and iron, increase the money payouts in rare and legendary to 15k and 30k and add more spawners. Three would be keep crates how they are and increase key rates to common 1/5, rare 1/35 and legendary 1/95. Also the 90 vote reward needs something. You get it and you get an awesome notification in chat that you'll receive a reward but you never do. There is a lot you can do with this such as every time you get 90 votes, your crate key chances go up or for a week you get a increased chances, or you recieve one of each key, or next vote party where your "rewards are used" you get more keys. Or you know... just remove it.
      SOLUTION: Change crates up OR Be more generous with keys OR Make the common crate the new voter crate and increase key rates. Also do something with the 90 vote reward or remove.

      Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2018
    2. Dizzy

      Dizzy Active Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      There are a few problems with the shop. One as @StrKillr pointed out, the shop has no 1.9 and up items. It should sell 1.9, 1.12, and 1.13 items and not be limited to 1.8 items only. But my biggest problem with the shop is it takes away the whole point of survival and makes it become creative if you're rich enough. Players should need to go chop tree's for wood, not buy stacks for cheap cash. What I would do is change the shop to have high sell prices for farmable items like cactus and surgar cane. This would make it work so the more you play, the more you can claim, the bigger the farms you can have, the more money you can make, rewarding loyal players. Also remove all easy to gain resources such as woods, dirts, stone and those kind of items. Only items in the shop should be harder to get resources like coral, sponge, elytras and those kind of things since they are limited resources. Also make mob drops sellable to the spawner prices. For example a zombie spawner is 50k, so make rotten flesh sellable for like 2$ a stack. A creeper spawner is 500k so make gun powder sellable for like 1500 per stack. This should change people from looking to the shop to buy items to looking for player shops to buy items.
      Add the following blocks: Coral Blocks (64=3k) Tnt (64=12.5k) Blue Ice (64=900) Conduit (1=25k)
      Add the following items:Turtle Shells (1=200) All Saplings (1=5) All Plants, God Apples (1=75k) Totem of Undying (150k)
      Add the following spawners: Pig, Skeleton, Blaze (75k) Sheep, Rabbit, Chicken, Horse Squid (100k) Cow (150k) Zombie (50k) Tropical Fish (200k) Enderman, Slime (300k) Creeper, Zombie Pigmen (500k) Witch (600k) Shulker (900k)
      Add the following spawn eggs: Tropical fish, wolf, ocelot, parrot, turtle, shulker, evoker, dolphin,
      SOLUTION: Add the items above, balance the economy, add limited resources, remove constant resources such as dirt, wood, and stone. Make players more depended on player shops instead of the actual shop. Make actual shop mostly for selling items and making money.

      Dogs for some reason can be killed by other players weather they are in players claims or not.
      SOLUTION: Add dogs to the protected list in claims

      Do not put spawners at spawn... otherwise we get rabbit or parrot infestations that cause major lag.
      SOLUTION: Do not add spawners to the spawn island.

      This is more for every gamemode but on survival the ranks are garbage. The ranks are under whelming and i'm pretty sure you can't tell the perk difference between some of them. The only commands I really use (as a god) are /craft /feed /ej and /fix. There are good but there needs to be more. A couple suggestions would be /fly for gods and titans only (In claims only too) this can make building easier and not break the game. /Potioneffect (gives the user a potion effect of choice) this can give a player 1 potion effect that can will last for quite awhile and has a long cool down. /Particle (limited or it will cause lag) this can allow a player to summon a limited amount of particle effects. Also upgrade the kits cause they are garbage. Lastly I personally believe this server has too many ranks. Try merging ranks such as Mvp and Elite together and merge Sponsor and Premium.
      SOLUTION: Add some new commands to higher ranks, merge some ranks, upgrade the kits in all of them.

      Only command I have a problem with is /heal (other player). Sometimes you have potion effects on that you need and someone will heal you and it'll remove your potion effect. This can also be used in combat where a friend can /heal the opponent and remove his strength and regen and speed. NEVER add back /enchant, /vanish, and /god.... let me explain why. /Enchant broke the game and made god sets a dime a dozen and it also took out the whole enchanting aspect of the game. /vanish is still in the game... its called an invisibility potion. /god made it possible to grief and not die.
      SOLUTION: Remove /heal on other players, and make sure the only commands never come back.

      Not to hate on our current mod team but they are for the most part always in OP Pvp and survival is left to kind of fend for itself to the point where survival made its own rules. Like for example if someone griefs you, the way you get back at them is to grief them back and the only way to deal with a hacker is hack harder. I purpose we have survival moderators who are mods strictly for survival only. These are players who know the rules of survival and play survival a lot and are trusted (like me cough cough). They should be able to /ban, /invisee, /forcetp ,/fly ,/spectate. This will allow them to catch duplicators, hackers, xrayers and so on. These people should not need to go through the normal mod apply thing. Instead they should be voted on by their fellow survival players who recognize the person as a trustworthy player.
      SOLUTION: Either have more active mods on survival or make survival only mods.

      So the only reason we want the end and nether reset is for the blaze spawners, dragon heads, elytras, shulkers, and a dragon egg. But my opinion is if you put blaze spawners, dragon heads, elytras, and shulkers (not dragon eggs) in the shop... No need to reset. This would be awesome cause it would allow us to claim in the nether and end and not have to worry about resets destroying our work and all the items are available in the shop. The only problem is the ender dragon... the dragon needs to not destroy claims in the end, also the main island only needs to constantly reset (every hour or so). The reason is that the main island will get trashed and other players need to use it to fight the dragon. Also you need to be able to respawn the dragon and people typically place claimed furnaces on the portal so people can't respawn the dragon and get dragons breath.
      Luckily what I just typed is the hard version with high reward. The easy version is just reset the end every 3 months with a new seed. DO NOT RESET THE NETHER. The nether has no reason to reset if blaze spawners are purchasable.
      SOLUTION: Reset the end on a timer every three months. Make the end and nether claimable and make it so the main end island only resets every hour or so.

      Everyone finds the clear lag very annoying. It happens way too often and always seems to clear players stuff that they want to pick up. Also it clears minecarts with items in them which messes with machines that involve minecarts with hoppers.
      SOLUTION: Make a custom clear lag that only clears certain items, and happens less often.

      Heads on the server are still broken from the whole wither head duplicator problem. Basically if you drop them from your inventory or put them on a wall or in a chest... they'll disappear. This just makes keeping wither skulls, and dragon heads very hard. Also spawning the wither should come back and I understand why they were removed but there is an easy fix. Just add a wither clear lag. This will basically happen every 8 minutes and it will clear any withers spawned in. Withers also need to not destroy blocks or kill animals (claimed or not).
      SOLUTION: Add withers back with a wither clear timer, and fix heads.

      Basically make it so name tagged entities in your claim can't be killed by players. This way we can make stuff like music disc grinders and people won't kill the freaking skeleton. Also make it so you can enable pvp in your claim, this way you can create pvp arenas and not have to awkward 9x9 areas.
      SOLUTION: Add a custom command called /claimpvpenable to allow pvp in claims. Also add nametagged entities to the protected list in claims.

      World size is simple, 25k by 25k for overworld, 15k by 15k for nether, 15k by 15k for the end.
      SOLUTION: Add the sizes above.

      Dungeons or mob arenas
      This is so needed. It may not be vanilla but let's be honest... People don't play vanilla minecraft forever, if they did they'd play more singleplayer. Dungeons or mob arenas would keep players old and new interested and something to do and the rewards won't really change the vanilla aspect of survival. This may be a tough challenge to code but it would be so worth it in the end and would be fun to work on and design. Lets start with mob arenas. We had mob arenas this season but they kind of failed and were stopped. The reason they sucked were the mobs were nothing special and the bosses sucked, all they did was take 4 million hits to kill, also you were limited to kits and the actual arena was super small. They were all in all a waste of time. So my idea is add /mob arena back for up to 6 players to use at once, make the kits all the same and make it so after a certain wave your healing potions regenerate. Make it so the higher the wave the more difficult it gets and the better loot you get, till on like wave 560 (if you make it that far) you get a beacon for every kill. Make the loot better cause lets be honest, killing a zombie for a piece of wood is just stupid. Make the arena better and the bosses and mobs more unique. When you die, you're taken back to spawn and you can claim the loot you want to claim, this way your inventory is spamed with random stuff and risk dropping the good stuff at spawn.
      Dungeons would be way better then a mob arena in my opinion cause you can add as many dungeons as you want. There are two types of dungeons you can add. This first one is my personal favorite and is totally not copied from a dead server. Basically every hour and thirty minutes in chat it'll say "A dungeon has been spotted at x(cords) y(cords) z(cords) in 5 minutes" and you can travel to those coordinates and find the dungeon that anyone can travel into. The dungeon should spawn in different areas of the map so people can't just set homes and wait. The dungeon should also stay up for 30 minutes, and spawn outside the world boarder so it doesn't disrupt players builds. Once the 30 minutes is up, all players in the dungeon will be teleported to spawn. Outside the world boarder you can move, pvp, and use commands but you cannot break blocks or place them. Once at the dungeon all teleportation commands will be unavailable so you can't leave without getting away from the dungeon. Inside the dungeons there should be different kind of traps such as parkour over lava, pitfall, staircase, mobs, crushing walls, and other fun things for the @Noobcrew to come up with... oh and pvp is enabled in the dungeon so watch out for other players. Also inside the dungeons there will be random chests that anyone can open and take the stuff out of (first ones there get the stuff). Then the somewhere in the dungeon there should be a boss room where a boss will wait. You should not be able to safe zone the boss or bow spam it. The bosses should also be pretty difficult to defeat, so that a new player can't just walk in and kill it. The boss can drop super rare items such as a enchanted pic with fortune 4, sword with sharp 6, armor with prot 5, efficiency 6 pic, elytras, beacons, spawners, crate keys, and other fun stuff. (Not all of this, just one per person) The top 3 players who do the most damage get an item instantly added to their inventory.
      This in my opinion is the best way to keep players interested. The second option is make a command called /dungeon 1 which will teleport you and whatever team you take with to the same dungeon scene but the command has 5 hour cool down weather you lose or not. Oh and you bring your own gear.
      This would make survival more interesting and make you have a reason to grind up god sets. Cause think if you die in the dungeon you need to stay online and get more xp and make more gear.
      SOLUTION: Add dungeons or make mob arenas better and add them back.

      Thanks for Reading
      I know it seems like a lot but I mean survival is either the 2nd or 3rd most played game mode and you saw how many people it brought in once it reset (over 4 bars of players in tab). Imagine if we can bring that many in and keep them. I believe since survival is such a big part of mineverse, we should treat it as such and make it perfect. But what do you think we should add? Did I miss something? Something I should add to the list? Let me know and thank you for taking the time to read this for I took a lot of my time to make this thread. @Bman and @Noobcrew if you guys would like to make it an official official thread then please do so and also I don't expect you guys to add all of this (all though that would be awesome) but I know you'll do your best. Thank you

    3. StrKillr

      StrKillr Boss Member

      Jul 29, 2015
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      You can just place the rest of the suggestion as a reply
    4. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      I have merged your threads together.
    5. Noobcrew

      Noobcrew Server Owner Server Owner

      Oct 11, 2013
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      We will definitely look into doing a lot of this for the Survival reset. However, we really do want to reset it for 1.13 as you've mentioned, though absolutely everything breaks on 1.13 unlike previous updates and it could be quite some time before really important plugins will be updated and be stable. :(

      We really appreciate taking the time to write all of this though, it makes it a lot easier for us to consider what to add. :D
    6. StrKillr

      StrKillr Boss Member

      Jul 29, 2015
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      Well, the most important plugins are already updated. claim and region protection and thats it. a pure survival should be ok haha
    7. StrKillr

      StrKillr Boss Member

      Jul 29, 2015
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      this is how skelletons work in 1.12 mojang changed the AI.
      nah, they just need to give us what we payed for, i thin titan was max 5 warps. for some reason, when the warp glitch happened (that one where you could fly) in the 2nd survival . they "fixed the glitch" but it came with this other glitch where your max warps resert everytime you log off. they even copied the plugin as it was and brought the same problem to the new survival. Just need to fix that.

      yeah, since they "revamped" the shop in old survival, player shops where virtually useless. the player count decreased. it should just sell non renewable resources.

      it just need a cap.

      no support.

      Support for everything else.
    8. Dizzy

      Dizzy Active Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      And thank you for considering these ideas! I figured 1.13 would be a little weird so I guessed survival wouldn’t be resetting for some time but as long as you try your best and have it in mind that’s all that matters. Thanks crew! <3
      If you need help with anything, let me know
      Last edited: Aug 21, 2018
    9. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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