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  • OP PvP Ban reset

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Nibba, Aug 15, 2018.

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    1. Emilly

      Emilly Active Member

      May 30, 2014
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      Like I said before, I've been playing for a long time, it's not like I was there for 1 year & accumulated 25 bans, I was there for years before getting to that. The mod resigned before anybody could prove she was abusive & I never got unbanned for what she did, you can't justify IP banning someone just because you're at a high enough rank, never once did I threaten to hack someone or advertise for other servers or release personal information. Most players who still play have joined after me & already have more than 25 bans. Like I said before, DeadlyPvp could easily be re-banned after the reset. You guys act like he can't simply bypass the ban... he's probably on right now as we speak.
    2. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      If they have been banned for months they can easily appeal if they've felt they've learnt their lesson, we don't just auto deny perm ban appeals, if we feel that you have learnt your lesson we will unban you.

      This isn't one person, I'm using him as an example, if you had read my post you will see that I said "and others" as in, other people that were ddosing, doxing, continuously hacking, ect.

      no, we're really not, we're using him as an example lol

      You could always appeal if you believe it's false, have you? no, and calling the mod who banned you abusive sure as hell isn't going to help you.

      When we put in a perm ban request we do look at the background and everything, almost if not all the people we perm ban have around 25 bans+ under their belt and keep breaking the rules.

      Playing for years doesn't give you an auto excuse that that's why you have so many bans, I've been playing for years and have one ban under my belt for something I didn't know was a rule back than. You knew the rules and decided to break the rules.

      We. Are. Not. Talking. About. Only. Deadly. We are using him as an example.

      Now, this isn't a thread for you to call one of our old head-mods abusive and talk about why you should be unbanned, if you believe you should, by all means, make an appeal. I don't want to see anymore posts from you on the topic. I'm sure whoever banned you had a reason for ip-banning you that you're either lying about, or are being too salty to realize.

      I also find it funny that some of the people supporting this are ones that are perm-banned themselves lol
    3. Nibba

      Nibba Active Member

      Nov 21, 2017
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      I also find it funny that some of the people supporting this are ones that are perm-banned themselves lol[/QUOTE]

      Name 3 people please?

      And why wouldn't
      they support this?
    4. Emilly

      Emilly Active Member

      May 30, 2014
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      Actually, I did appeal & it got denied. The mod who banned me was abusive, & is currently not a mod anymore, feel free to educate yourself before you reply to me.
      You went from saying 30+ bans to saying 25+ bans, but there's currently players who are on till this day with more than 40 bans.
      Alright but you're acting like I got all of those bans back to back, all of my bans have reasoning behind them, not everyone can be as clean as a whistle such as yourself, but I appreciate the suggestion.
      Alright well just like how you're using DeadlyPvp as an example, I'm using myself as an example. You can't speak behalf the people who are perm banned, like you said before you have 1 ban. I don't know if it's only me, but most people I know have more than 1 ban. We aren't as careful as you & we don't plan on applying for mod. Don't use yourself as an example if you were only careful to be a mod. You're the same mod who enforces the warning for roasting rule, one of the only mod's I've ever seen to do that. Your panties are in a bunch for me simply defending that I believe there should be a ban reset. But thank you for feeling the need to reply to me, I appreciate it <3

      You stated things that are IP bannable, but I've never done any of these things. Like I said before you can't justify IP Banning someone just because you're high enough of a rank to do so.
      Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2018
    5. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      Name 3 people please?[/QUOTE]
      BN5, Emily, you yourself are currently banned on an alt.

      Exactly my point, they only want this in place so that they can be unbanned.

      I meant before doing stating the bullcrap you've put now, or even just recently, you can make more than one appeal yknow.

      Where on this thread did I go from saying 30+ to 25+? As for people having more than 40 bans online. Quite a few ways this is possible, they were either perm banned than bought an unban, perm banned than appealed, or we haven't seen them having that many bans. We don't auto perm ban people when they reach a set number of bans, if we see somebody with a high as hell amount of bans we request a perm ban on them.

      And you're an example of people who should be staying perm banned than lol, I'm sure whatever you were banned for you had a reason for it, maybe you were breaking rules on alts and such, I don't know, I'm not the one who banned you, what i do know is that if you truly believed you shouldn't be banned you would appeal.

      I wasn't being careful not to break the rules, I was using common sense and following them, you don't have to be watching everything you say to not break the rules if you actually cared about them, hence why you are banned.

      It's not a "roasting" rule, it's a rule about disrespect and as somebody who's supposed to enforce the rules I do. I rarely /warn for it unless I've already told you to stop verbally and even more rarely mute for it unless I've told you many times to stop.

      You're saying there should be a ban reset because you wish to be unbanned for something you clearly shouldn't be unbanned for if you aren't appealing.

      I've listed examples, there are plenty more things that could be listed as a valid reason to ip ban.

      I'm not going to be replying to you on this thraed anymore as this is turning into an argument about something unrelated to the thread, you can start a convo with me if you have anymore questions about your ban. I will delete any further posts from you on the matter of your ban as it has no relation to anything here and you've already said you support it.

      I've also merged your posts, please do not create multiple replies at once. If you have already made a post and have things to add use the edit button.
    6. Nibba

      Nibba Active Member

      Nov 21, 2017
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      Excuse me? Am I ban evading now? and whos bn5...
    7. Andrah

      Andrah Active Member

      May 5, 2018
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      Tell me which account I am banned on. And I was legit the last time we fought, you've just gotten worse.
      Last edited: Aug 15, 2018
    8. Andrah

      Andrah Active Member

      May 5, 2018
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    9. Nibba

      Nibba Active Member

      Nov 21, 2017
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      That's you I have proof lol
    10. Sheshy

      Sheshy Moderator Moderator Competition Team

      Sep 17, 2015
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      What if players did change, you don’t know that? No you don’t do stop assuming and oh just because you affected by one person that means everything you’re thinking about the one person and not everybody else.
      Also why are you even arguing like aren’t you a head mod? ACT LIKE IT!!
      just because a higher staff gets butthurt they can ip ban? This server is corrupted
    11. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Like Tuber stated before we were using him as an example. Also, you don't know either that they have changed.

      He's a SrMod.
    12. JOSVPH

      JOSVPH Active Member

      Aug 3, 2018
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      This Should be a thing.
    13. StrKillr

      StrKillr Boss Member

      Jul 29, 2015
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      Sure, support.
      Main accounts are banned but alts still play...
    14. Sheshy

      Sheshy Moderator Moderator Competition Team

      Sep 17, 2015
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      So why assume and not jus give people a second chance. Wow didn’t badlion do it and look at their players omgg! Really just an example? Because you made such a big deal about how you do want him back. “He’s a senior mod” okay did I ask u? No . Was it even about you? No. Ok then don’t try to act smart.He should act like a senior mod then. Smh I you’re al barely active anyways. Hm NO ROOM TO TALKKK!! Re-support!! Probably haven’t even been playing as long as me smh
    15. Bman

      Bman Experienced Member

      Aug 12, 2017
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      We will not be conducting a ban reset.
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