Im 11 "Age doesn't matter" -MrParkourPig (included that because I told him I didnt think I would be accepted) My IGN is Creeper8734 My time zone is Central Time Zone I live in Illinois, U.S.A I only speak English I think I should become a guard because I see alot of rules broken. Contraband like 15 times a day (no lie!) and lava in mines. I would love to help new people out if they have questions. Im not one of those 11 year old hackers that act childish. I'm more mature than most kids my age. I've only played Mineverse for a week but I bought Sponsor already. I can play on weekdays normally about 3-5 hours roughly. Weekends I can go on for 4-6 hours because I'm very active. School may make me only play 1 or 2 hours because of busyness. I do alot of stuff after school, before school, and homework so I'm sorry about not active alot during school weeks. Yes I have been guard on a server named SB Prison which ended due to lack of donations. I've been mod also on a server called excraft but it ended. I have been Admin on a friends server that he stopped because it cost to much Never banned, never will. Yes, I always read rules on servers before I play. I don't want to get banned for not realizing that something is a rule so I will always thoroughly read rules. I hope you like my application! If anyone needs to contact me here is my skype name: Creeper8734/IGottaCavity
Ok true I've only been on shortly but I feel like I've been told that I'm a noob and I've got to wait to become less of a noob Thanks
no support. you cannot advertise on the mineverse if u look in pic it says u sked to be supported. NO advertising is aloud
No one was looking at my guard app. This isn't even againest the rules. Plus I didn't say "Say Support" I said checkout my guard app. Idk if you say yes or no I just need feedback.
Ill give you the benefit of the doubt ( for being new ) and partial support. Seeing as where mineverse might not need guards right now in perspective you might not get it.
I see what you mean. But whenever I'm on theres no guards on and rules broken alot! There are quite alot of guards that are sorta inactive though. Thanks for the feedback!
You seem like you would have good qualities, but I think you have to get to know the community a bit better. You've only just started playing for a week and mentioning you're a donor does not help your chances. Advertising your application will not improve your chances, it's still telling the players that they are obligated to see it. I haven't seen you in-game, but when I do, I'll see your actions and see if you do have the benefits of being a Guard. Until then, No Support
Most of the guards are lazy ( any guard reading take this however you want to ) and are inactive. The few 2 or 3 that are actually on rarely are the ones that are most busy. For example, Darky, she isn't on that often but shes the best mod i have seen in a long time. All in all i would rather have no mods on then bad mods on.
I dont see why anyone can't tell someone about they're application. No one was reading mine so I asked some people to look at it and tell me if I should get in or not