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  • Global Allow ban evading.

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Chain, Jun 17, 2018.


    Allow ban evading on this server?

    1. Yes.

    2. Definitely.

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    1. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      I suggest we allow ban evading on every game mode.

      It's a pointless rule that serves only to lower the player count. Banning a player's main account is enough of a punishment to usually discourage them from breaking the rule that they broke originally. And so what if they break the rule again? Ban the alt account.

      Besides, it's not like the rule ever stopped anyone from ban evading anyway. All you have to do is keep quiet. (OR NOT LOL)
      Last edited: Jun 20, 2018
    2. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      No support for obvious reasons, plus I’d rather not have you ban evading more so yeah.
    3. Greg

      Greg Experienced Member

      Oct 18, 2016
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    4. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      I was originally off of this idea but if you think about it, it does make sense.
      If they are going to break the rules they're going to do it to ban evade anyway, and as he said, banning the main is usually enough.
    5. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Explain your obvious reasons please.
    6. archerexpert777

      archerexpert777 Well-Known Member

      Jul 16, 2017
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      Neutral. I can see what you mean, but for extreme offenses then there should be the same kind of punishment right?
    7. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      I don't know if this is a serious suggestion or just to make people laugh. This is a huge no support from me, because if you ban the main account from breaking a rule from that game-mode or a lobby ban. The point is that the player(s) should accept or learn from their punishment. If they keep on breaking the rules, we as the staff team have rules set in place for those type of things. People who Ban Evade simply either wanna break the rules more, or wanna shorten there punishment without actually learning from it. If this rule was set in place why should we should we even care about banning people, what I mean by this if people get banned from one account they will simply hop on another account and could just break the same rule. This could go on forever if this rule was set in place. In my opinion this will just bring more Rule Breakers to mineverse when our goal is to get rid of them. No Support.
    8. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Which ones exactly?
    9. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Players do learn after their main account gets banned. If they don't, then they must have an abundance of alternate accounts in which case they can simply ban evade.

      No player is going to repeatedly go in-game and tell someone to kill themselves, or threaten to dox people, or even hack. They may do it a few times, but they would not do it "forever".

      Moderators can't even ip check, therefore most of the time when you ban a hacker and they come back on an alt, you have to record them again because the process of getting an ip check done for you by a higher member of staff is often too lengthy/requires some form of evidence that the player is indeed an alt to begin with. How often do you find yourself asking for ip checks of random hackers? Not often at all I imagine, probably because they either don't come back, or they do and you're completely unaware of it.

      Furthermore are you going to tell me with a straight face that people aren't ban evading bans anyway and getting away with it? I have requested numerous IP checks on individuals whom I know for a fact were ban evaders but without them actually saying that they're a banned player, nothing can be done.

      Any active OPPvP player ban evades when their main gets banned, and they always get away with it. The same goes for Prison and KitPvP.
    10. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      For your first statement player(s) do come back if there main account is banned, and they keep coming back. I don't know if Alt Generators still work but they is a very very easy way to get alts and keep breaking the rules. I do know this is how a lot of popular rule breakers kept coming back after getting there alt or main banned. When I said "forever" did not actually mean for the rest of there lives, meant that it would lead into a on going pattern.

      As for your second statement, you are right. Moderators can not IP / Alt Check, only Sr.Mods and above. This is why us Moderators ask Sr.Mods or above to IP / Alt Check with evidence. As for you saying it takes a lot of time or "it is lengthy", it really isn't takes no more than an hour or so for a Sr.Mod or above to reply to us. We only IP / Alt Check when we suspect the Rule Breaker keeps coming on and for example keeps on Hacking. We are sometimes aware of player(s) who got banned, coming back on a alt. You are some what right that not 100% of the time we do know, but that is why we IP / Alt Check the player.

      Lastly, I am gonna tell you with a straight face that this rule will be utterly useless and from what I said originally I stuck by that. I am aware and I am sure that we as the staff team know that some player(s) ban evade to shorten there Ban or whatever punishment was issued. This is why we as The Staff Team try to request IP / Alt checks and try to stop "Rule Breakers" from returning to the server if they are gonna just do the same thing. Also if they wanna get unbanned or lift whatever punishment was given, we have a system to do that. It is called Appealing your ban, on the forums. If you are not aware of it, click HERE.
    11. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      After reading some of this, I decided to further explain my point and possibly change my rating.

      I feel as though players shouldn’t be allowed to ban evade as it implies, they’re evading a punishment meaning they didn’t learn their lesson. The point of the ban is to make sure you know not to do the same thing again or risk being separated from the server for more time. Especially with the shortened ban time on hacking, players shouldn’t be able to evade the time if it’s ‘just a week’.

      Now it’s a decent idea just to ban the alternate account if they break another rule. This means the alt gets a punishment and whatever you have on the account is now gone for some time period. Still, you’re evading a ban and you’re not learning to not break rules anymore, and for those that didn’t have much on their main account, the ban does literally nothing as they have nothing to lose.

      For the issue of moderators not being able to alt check and stuff meaning they have to catch the player rule breaking anyway, I say just give moderators the /alts command. If you can’t trust a moderator with this command, then why trust them with any other command. This command doesn’t show you ips and really can’t be abused that badly; you could do more damage with other commands like tempban and tp.

      For the problem of needing evidence, I say that if a bunch of players or a bunch of staff suspect someone is ban evading, just do an alt check. Why do you need evidence to alt check? The alt check is the evidence.

      Lastly, I feel like instead of ban evading, players should be able to appeal and have their ban time shortened (if it is their first ban) so they still learn a lesson without having to serve the full sentence. This, or shorten the ban times on the other bans as well.

      I can see your points but I feel like other ways would work so neutral
    12. Gang

      Gang Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2016
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      A phat support
    13. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
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      eh not like mods ban evaders anyways
    14. Whyspr

      Whyspr Active Member

      May 3, 2016
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      This still kind of looks like a joke but since people seem to be taking it seriously I'd like to put my 2 cents in. Some of those who have commented so far are very old members of the mineverse community, and I'm sure they know as well as I do that many of us have broken this rule just like anyone else. This rule doesn't stop much, especially when it's so hard to find evidence to ban them, when a simple vpn can stop a ban even when it is painfully obvious who is on the alt. It's the same as having to have evidence of a bhopper, even though the player is obviously hacking. If there isn't a good enough reason to take ban evading off the rules, then perhaps there should be a more severe punishment for ban evading. If bans are about punishments, then avoiding a punishment should warrant a more severe one. You can take either side, and it won't make much of a difference. People are going to ban evade regardless of what rules are put in place, or lack there of. If they really cared about being on the server, they wouldn't have broken the rules to begin with. It's a shame to see what's happened to mineverse, and whatever helps it, how to say, flourish again, well I'd say nobody would complain about that. Oh and hi @Chain good luck on this, if it wasn't meant as a joke!
    15. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      I think this is an alright idea
    16. benji

      benji Well-Known Member

      Jul 6, 2016
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      Of course it's not a joke... lol

      Support, for sure! Although there is a lot of cons to this there are pros (like the point you gave in the main post.)
    17. Deivid0ze

      Deivid0ze Well-Known Member

      Aug 9, 2016
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      The ban evading rule is honestly useless, I support this although I think it would be better if the original ban would be extended after the player gets caught on an alternative account.
    18. amli

      amli Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2016
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      call me crazy but I actually support this
    19. onesquad

      onesquad i am your dad Premium

      Oct 23, 2013
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      Im sorry if im being rude,
      What in the heck... So you are saying I can hack (killaura); mineverse then get banned, then go on my other account and then hack again with more hacks...?

      Honestly if so, then remove all mods. Ban Evading is there for stopping people from allowing there sentence;, being banned is like being placed in jail, you can just get another body and place it in your cell, you have allow your sentence.
    20. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      An hour? Within the hour the player hacking on the alt would've been banned for hacking again anyway, rendering the IP check useless in the first place. You do not use IP checks to ban random hackers. You record them.

      You can already go onto another account and hack with more hacks...all you have to do is not go telling everyone that you're a player who was already banned. Moderators don't request ip checks for every hacker they see.

      Say for example I ban evade today and i_am_youtuber on OPPvP. I could actually tell him it's me and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it, he'd have to wait for someone with the power to ip check to come online. In that time period I could hack and kill several players, so he'd simply just record me hacking on the alt rather than requesting an IP check because it's more practical and faster. If I only wanted to play OPPvP, then I'd just not hack and keep quiet. Moderators can't request IP checks based off whim.

      People do it all the time.
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