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    Discussion in 'Off-Topic Archive' started by Burgerking_360, Apr 28, 2018.

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    1. Burgerking_360

      Burgerking_360 Active Member

      Mar 3, 2016
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      Not enough 1080p graphics for the money of the graphics, the graphics would be more antialiased of they went to the 4kgraphicsp I can not believe how many graphics is not on this game, it's so funny to me that I laugh at this graphics on this game for me. why not just use the graphics from knack when you can have good graphics like 400k on ps4 but not enough RAM for megadrive for it to be good enough graphics for online mode. Thank you for not putting in good graphics on this game ok? This should be better graphics even on ps3 was out so you know im telling the truth on this one you guys its real. Microsoft says 1080k is not runnable on Sonyware but they are liar to me all the time and you know that playsystem can run even more than 400p on 60 frames per second at launch. So they lied again for the fifth time today. When you really think about how many graphics there are on this game it really makes you think that its not enough good graphics at all when you think about it. I lol at these graphics for the nintendo switch game too. nintendo should go back to making graphics for the old nintendo like nintendo wii because reggie said he would start making more wii games now that the graphics caught up to his original version. By the way he also lied when he said the he had completed the Knack trilogy for nintendo switch because it isn't even going to be out on the right graphics enough for the nintendo switch so thats how you can tell that he lied. At the end of the day it's really all in the graphics, like Reggie says "what happens in the Gameboy stays in the gamecube". Too bad Microsoft turned the graphics industry on it's head when they released the new Xbow Scropion King. It doesn't even need laserdisc to run it's graphics because of how much megabytes in can run through it's microchip. PC gaming is not a good graphics because that is just a computer games so you cannot play with a controller. By the way if you are thinking you are a real gamer than you should get playstation 4 because its graphics are much higher freamrate than xbow 360 because they have fourteen core processor technology and that's why microsoft will always be a liar in my opinion. And whats the deal with airline food? It's like ok just give me the playstation 5 so that I can finally have more pixels on knack hello microsoft? hello? ever heard of bloom graphics option and motion blur? you cant even run 60 frames per second on any of the new gameboys so don't even get me started again. If you say that nintendo can run those kind of graphics i will just lol at you for saying that to me. At the end of the day graphics are king and at the end of the day microsoft cna never be graphics enough to put their game on ps4 because of it's intense graphics chip. I dont think microsoft even hasgraphics chip because bill gates sais he doesn't believe in michaelchip so that's why pc gamers are free. its me burger if you are actually reading this right now my soul has been trapped in the gombo dimension, please rescue me. anyways when you really think about it graphics on a michaeldrive will never outperform a sonysoft because the frame rate is 100p faster on a bluray than in a dvd player like microsoft put on the xbome 300. face it nintendo you are just making baby graphics at this point that i can run on my xbow one and that wasn't even the first xbox so grow up nintendo or you will lose all your remaining graphics and have to put master chef ini smash brothers 2. finaly my most favorite game for the playstation is the quall of duty titles featuring james quall as mandrake the king of anubis. Too bad the new mirobox cant even run virtual 4k because it cant even have the graphics to supply the powerstrip that powers the metaldrive on this bad boy. In conclusion mricosroft will always be last place when it comes to graphics but really Nintendo is ess graphics than mricosroft so thank you for 4kgraphicsp.
    2. DisPxtch

      DisPxtch Active Member

      Mar 9, 2018
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      What's even the point in this bruh oml
    3. Acceptation

      Acceptation ❤️ Discord Moderator Premium

      Jun 29, 2017
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      Am I the only who came because of the post title?
    4. DisPxtch

      DisPxtch Active Member

      Mar 9, 2018
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      No I did too
    5. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      100% the reason I came
    6. lokadd

      lokadd Experienced Member

      Aug 18, 2017
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      I did aswell... xd
    7. archerexpert777

      archerexpert777 Well-Known Member

      Jul 16, 2017
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      I lost it after reading the first three words
    8. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      This thread has gone inactive more than 30 days. Posting in threads that have gone inactive this long is considered grave digging. Grave digging will result in the thread being locked and possible warning points applied to your account.

      Thread owners may revive their own threads at any time. Feel free to read our forum rules on grave digging. If you disagree with this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.
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