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  • Factions Factions Suggestions

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Mega_, Mar 16, 2018.

    1. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Rough Outline
      Merge factions with op factions (factions with non rare/expensive gapples)
      Sponge changes so water doesn’t flow right back in.
      Disable bounty hunter give players heads. Heads should be earned by killing someone yourself or buying it.
      Brock that is unbreakable but very expensive or 100-250 tnt hits to break but not as expensive
      Disable ore gen in the overworld
      Disable natural lava in the overworld to make mining and base building easier.
      20k x 20k nether and end map size. (10k from spawn each direction)
      Add most of the mob spawners to a shop (vanilla, slime, villager, witch etc)
      Disable vote parties
      20-30 player factions
      50 power per player
      Basic potion related custom enchants (eg perm spd 2 str2 water breathing etc)
      Silk touch spawners
      Disable natural generating spawners.
      mob drop/farming economy instead of mining
      KOTH/ weekly koth event
      Outpost (This gives the current faction that has the outpost better sell prices)
      Wither raiding, making a cannon server is pointless without a good cannon.jar file.
      Obsidian, cobblestone and sand gen buckets
      Chunk Busters (This is a block you place that mines every block in that chunk other than bedrock
      5x5 trench pickaxes (breaks a 5x5x5 cube centred on the block you mined)
      11x11 trench pickaxes (breaks an 11x11x11 cube)
      Sell wands- Sells every item in the chest that can be sold at /shop
      Craft wands- Used on a chest to turn items into blocks eg iron ingot->iron block
      Stackable potions (Only drinkable capped at stacks of 4-8)
      Disabled Nether Portal creation
      Place water in the nether
      /ftop that shows a factions value in terms of items, blocks and spawners.

      Basic Faction Information and commands

      This first section is going to be about the basic faction information and f commands that you should be able to do.
      Each faction should have a player limit of 30 players and every player should have 50 power each (or the other way around) and there would be a starting limit of having 1 ally and 1 truce. These will be able to be upgradeable and shown in more detail below. Next there should be at least a 20-chunk buffer limit (this is extra claims that start from the last wall of your main base also known as a glitch layer) this makes it so that raiding is not too easy but also not too fast.
      There should be 5 positions in a faction Leader, Co-Leader, Officer, Member and Recruit. This makes organising a faction much easier. I’ve added this because it was highly requested by people in game before the resets, as most people want to be an officer but factions didn’t want so many people with that much authority in a faction.

      Faction Upgrades

      These will allow you to upgrade things that affect your faction and members. These will be upgradeable using upgrade tokens that can be found in an enovy or a koth and a hefty sum of in game cash.

      Faction Power. This upgrade will permanently increase the maximum power of the faction by giving a power boost to the leader of the faction, this will last until the faction is disbanded or the leader leaves the faction.
      Hopper Speed. This upgrade will increase the transfer speed of hoppers so enormous collection systems don’t get overrun.
      Player limit. This upgrade will allow your faction to increase the maximum number of players in the faction above 30, this will increase by 1 for every upgrade. This should either cap at 5 or 10 extra members.
      Truce Increase. This upgrade will allow you to increase the number of truces that your faction can have. This upgrade will be limited to being bought twice resulting in 3 truces max.

      F Top

      This will add a new competition to the server, everyone who played factions and op factions wanted this to be added. Another scoreboard to be on top off.

      Faction value would mainly consist of placed spawners, hoppers and blocks. The value that comes on ftop would be the same value as you can buy them in the /shop. Also, the enderdragon egg would be worth quite a lot of money on ftop.

      Rule Changes
      This will just be a quick rundown of rules that should be added or edited.

      Death Threats. Stay the same as normal but only implied to be irl “I’m going to kill you” can be used to talk about in game with pvp or irl. This rule change means that a death threat must be talking directly about killing someone irl, for example “I’m going to stab you” would be a irl threat.

      Disrespect. This should be fully removed from the rules for factions, this is because it is highly based on personal opionon on what disrespect is.

      TP Trapping/Killing should be allowed

      In game scamming should be allowed

      IRL scamming or buycraft/buycraft voucher scamming should not be allowed.

      The Economy/shop/farming

      There should be the GUI like you see on op factions as well as a /warp shop, so you can use either to buy the things you want. The economy of factions should be based on kills from mob spawners and farming instead of mining, this is factions, not HCF. Due to this, some mob drops should be changed, for example, villagers drop iron when they die. Secondly, due to this natural ore generation in the overworld should be disabled as mining valuables will be extremely overpowered as the start of the world.

      In the GUI the shop would be split up something like this.
      Building Blocks
      This would contain almost every block that there is in vanilla Minecraft in 1.8.9. Items in here would be set to 64 like in the shop.

      Buy Price $64|Sell Price $32

      Buy Price $128|Sell Price $64
      Mossy Cobblestone
      Stone Bricks
      SB Cracked
      SB Mossy
      SB Chiseled

      Buy Price $250|Sell Price $125
      Hardened Clay
      Soul Sand

      Buy Price $500|Sell Price $250
      Quarts Block
      Oak Leaves
      Birch Leaves
      Spruce Leaves
      Jungle Leaves
      Dark Oak Leaves
      Acacia Leaves

      Buy Price $1000
      Oak Wood
      Birch Wood
      Spruce Wood
      Jungle Wood
      Dark Oak Wood
      Acacia Wood

      Buy Price $2000|Sell Price $1000
      Raiding/Base Building
      This section would contain commons blocks and items used in base building and raiding. In this section, you can only buy items, not sell.
      x64 Obsidian $2,000
      x64 Stationary water $6,400
      x64 Stationary lava $6,400
      x64 Redstone $300
      x64 Redstone Torch $400
      x64 Redstone Repeater $4,000
      x64 Redstone Comparator $4,350
      x64 Leaver $200
      x64 Stone Button $200
      x64 Dispenser $2,000
      x64 Piston $6,400
      x64 Sticky Piston $6,400
      x64 Cobwebs $3,200
      x64 Ladder $2,000
      x64 TnT $5,000
      x64 Sponge $6,400
      x64 Droppers $2,000
      x64 Trap Doors $200
      x64 Stone Slabs $100
      x64 Redstone Lamps $2,000
      x16 Stone Pressure Plates $100
      x1 Creeper Egg $100,000
      x1 Hopper $10,000
      This would contain all of the crops that are in the game as well as the seeds
      This would contain the drops from mobs, both normal vanilla mob drops and the changed made to spawners.
      This would contain minerals such as diamonds found in the world
      x64 Coal
      x64 Charcoal
      x64 Iron
      x64 Gold
      x64 Redstone
      x64 Diamond
      x64 Emerald
      x64 Coal Block
      x64 Iron Block
      x64 Gold Block
      x64 Redstone Block
      x64 Diamond Block
      x64 Emerald Block
      This would contain unenchanted armour and tools
      This would contain potion ingredients and all potions
      This would contain blocks such as glass and wool and dyes
      This would contain mob spawners
      25k Chicken
      50k Pig
      50k Sheep
      100k Cow
      50k Zombie
      50k Skeleton
      150k Blaze
      150k Slime
      250k Mooshroom
      250k Zombie Pigman Drops Gold Ingots
      500k Creeper
      1m Villager/ Iron Golem Drops Iron Ingots
      2m Witch Drops Emerald
      This would contain items such as beacons, books and chests
      This would contain some items that are cheaper than shop for donators

      Donator perks and kits
      This section will be outlining the permissions and kits that donators will recive via buycraft. All donator kits should have a 32hr or 48hr cooldown.

      Access to /kit Premium
      Access to 2 Homes

      Access to /kit Sponsor
      Ability to /ptime

      Access to /kit VIP
      Access to 3 Homes
      Ability to /ptime
      Ability to /fly in claimed land

      Access to /kit MVP
      Access to 4 Homes
      Ability to /ptime
      Ability to /craft
      Ability to /rename (this renames items)
      Ability to /fly in claimed land

      Access to /kit Elite
      Access to 5 Homes
      Ability to /ptime
      Ability to /craft
      Ability to /feed
      Ability to /fix 15s cooldown
      Ability to /rename (this renames items)
      Ability to /ec, /eec /enderchest
      Ability to /fly in claimed land

      Access to /kit Supreme
      Access to 8Homes
      Ability to /ptime
      Ability to /craft
      Ability to /feed
      Ability to /fix 10s cooldown
      Ability to /ec, /eec /enderchest
      Ability to /fly in claimed land

      Access to /kit god
      Access to /kit Enchant
      Access to 10 Homes
      Ability to /ptime
      Ability to /craft
      Ability to /feed
      Ability to /rename (this renames items)
      Ability to /ec, /eec /enderchest
      Ability to /fix no cooldown
      Ability to /fly in claimed land


      Access to /kit Titan
      Access to /kit Enchant
      Access to /kit Raid
      Access to 20 Homes
      Ability to /ptime
      Ability to /craft
      Ability to /feed
      Ability to /feed *
      Ability to /rename (this renames items)
      Ability to /ec, /eec /enderchest
      Ability to /fix no cooldown
      Ability to /fix all no cooldown
      Ability to /nick (only the colour)
      Ability to /fly in claimed land

      Kit Premium

      1x Iron Helmet

      1x Iron Chestplate

      1x Iron Leggings

      1x Iron Boots

      1x Iron Sword

      1x Iron Axe

      1x Iron Shovel

      1x Iron pickaxe

      x4 Crapples

      Kit Sponsor

      1x Iron Helmet P1

      1x Iron Chestplate P1

      1x Iron Leggings P1

      1x Iron Boots P1

      1x Iron Sword S1

      1x Iron Axe E1

      1x Iron Shovel E1

      1x Iron pickaxe E1

      x4 Crapples

      Kit VIP

      1x Iron Helmet P2

      1x Iron Chestplate P2

      1x Iron Leggings P2

      1x Iron Boots P2

      1x Diamond Sword S1

      1x Iron Axe E2

      1x Iron Shovel E2

      1x Iron pickaxe E2

      x4 Crapples

      Kit MVP

      x1 Diamond Helmet P1

      x1 Diamond Chest plate P1

      x1 Diamond Leggings P1

      x1 Diamond Boots P1

      x1 Diamond Sword S2

      x1 Diamond Axe E1

      x1 Diamond Shovel E1

      x1 Diamond Pickaxe E1

      x8 Crapples

      x2 Gapples

      x1 Creeper Eggs

      Kit Elite

      x1 Diamond Helmet P2U1

      x1 Diamond Chest plate P2U1

      x1 Diamond Leggings P2U1

      x1 Diamond Boots P2U1

      x1 Diamond Sword S3FA1

      x1 Diamond Axe E2U2

      x1 Diamond Shovel E2U2

      x1 Diamond Pickaxe E2 U2

      Kit Supreme

      x1 Diamond Helmet P3U2

      x1 Diamond Chest plate P3U2

      x1 Diamond Leggings P3U2

      x1 Diamond Boots P3U2

      x1 Diamond Sword S4FA2

      x1 Diamond Axe E3U2

      x1 Diamond Shovel E3U2

      x1 Diamond Pickaxe E3 U2

      x16 Crapples

      x3 Gapples

      x3 Creeper Eggs

      Kit God

      x1 Diamond Helmet P4U3

      x1 Diamond Chest plate P4U3

      x1 Diamond Leggings P4U3

      x1 Diamond Boots P4U3

      x1 Diamond Sword S4FA2

      x1 Diamond Sword S4FA2KB2

      x1 Diamond Axe E4 U2

      x1 Diamond Shovel E4 U2

      x1 Diamond Pickaxe E4 U2

      x16 crapples

      x4 Gapples

      x4 Creeper Eggs

      Kit Titan

      1x Diamond Helmet P4U4

      1x Diamond Chest-plate P4U4

      1x Diamond Leggings P4U4

      1x Diamond Boots P4U4FF4

      1x Diamond Sword S5FA2

      1x Diamond Sword S5FA2KB2

      1x Diamond Axe E5U3

      1x Diamond Shovel E5 U5

      1x Diamond Pickaxe E5U3F3

      1x Diamond Pickaxe E5U3Silk1

      x32 Crapples


      x8 Creeper Eggs

      Other perks and kits /GKITS
      These kits would be accessed using /gkit and have a 48hr or 72hr cooldown.

      Raider Gkit (Winnable in the koth)

      Contain items needed to make a basic tnt cannon, 4 creeper eggs and 1 wither skull

      Enchant Gkit (winnable in the koth)

      Contain a stack of books, enchant table, 9 stacks of exp bottles

      Voter Gkit (winnable in the rare crate)

      Contains 10 voter keys

      Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
    2. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Re add the bloodmoon event that was on op factions. It was a fun addition that was removed for an unknown reason. All this does is give a slight chance for a bloodmoon where mobs would be stronger, and creepers are supercharged. Also, it spawns a boss (Giant Zombies).

      Add bosses like there was on the new op factions, however instead of doing giants maybe do iron golems and endermen bosses. These would drop money vouchers, exp bottles and something else. However instead of having them spawn every few hours so there’s hundreds of them lagging out spawn :/, make them spawn ever few hours while there is no current living boss.

      Crate Key System
      The crate keys on the server should be just like they were before on op factions but maybe add a small amount of mcmmo tokens that is winnable in the crate like 5 tokens 10 tokens and 15 tokens. Also add a sword that is 1 sharpness higher than you can get from kits. NOTE: tokens can not be used for pvp mcmmo

      Envoys and KOTH’s
      There could be envoys and koths that occur maybe once or twice every 24hr. In these you could win things such as money, armour, crate keys, faction upgrade tokens and more!

      Custom Enchants
      There should be a few basic enchants on the server. These would mainly be for potion enchants. These are just some examples and possible names?

      Brawler I- Perm spd 1 and 2 (needed on every piece of armour to work Str 1 when on 2-3 pieces, str 2 when on all 4)

      SpeedI-II – Perm spd 1 and 2 (boots only)

      Dolphin – Perm water breathing (helm only)

      Owl- Perm Night Vision (helm only)

      OverloadI-III- Perm health boost (2 hearts for every level) (armour)

      Head HunterI-X- Drops a receive a % of your opponents balance upon death. HH1 =1% ect (sword)

      HasteI-III- Gives haste while holding that tool (All tools except hoes)

      Scoot I- Chance to give speed 3 for 5seconds when you reach 3 hearts (Armour)

      Regen I- Perm regen 1 (Armour)

      MossyI-V- Has a small chance to heal an item while it’s daytime in the overworld, higher the enchant the more durability it heals (Tools and sword only)

      Molten I- Perm fire res (armour)

      New Items
      Mob Hoppers- Instantly collects mob drops in that chunk.
      Crop Hoppers Instantly collects crop drops in that chunk
      Sell Wand- Sells all sellable items in that chest
      Sell Wand 1.5x- Sells all sellable items in that chest for 1.5x the shop price. (This would be a rare item, maybe added to koths or crates)
      Craft wand- This would turn items into blocks, eg Gold Ingot into Gold Block, also 5 gunpower to make 1 tnt.
      Harvester Hoe- This would automatically pick up crops that you have mined if the crop isn’t in a chunk with a crop hopper. Also has another function to automatically sell crops that have been mined.

      Adding new scoreboards to the server. This will add another aspect that people can compete on. On the previous maps, the only scoreboard you could compete for was MCMMO. Adding new scoreboards was highly requested by people in game when the server was popular.
      These would include;
      /kdrtop (kill/death ratio)
      /blockstop (number of blocks killed)
      /mobstop (number of mobs killed)

      TO ADD:
      toggle side bar (faction name ect)
      Custom faction colours
      /fcf rule changes
      gen buckets?
      Last edited: May 8, 2018
    3. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Reserved #2
    4. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Reserved #3
    5. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Reserved #4
    6. lokadd

      lokadd Experienced Member

      Aug 18, 2017
      Likes Received:
      Support! These are very nice additions and will help bring back this game-mode!
    7. Moni

      Moni Boss Member Premium

      Oct 5, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Nice suggestions, support!
    8. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
      Likes Received:
      can we go deeper?!

      but yea very good suggestions
    9. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
      Likes Received:
    10. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      only just seen this, fully support it all. If Trench pickaxes get added they should be easy to obtain, and not via bc imo though.
    11. DietSomething

      DietSomething Active Member

      Apr 9, 2018
      Likes Received:
      I like these suggestions! Support from me! :)
    12. markykos

      markykos Active Member

      Mar 3, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Looks pretty good but by combining op factions do you mean adding all the op items like gapples and stuff from there? Also I think 50 power per player is a bit too much.
    13. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Just gapples, they're easy enough to get later in the map, and most people don't stay long enough to get a single gapple, making them cheaper or adding to kits will help keep players since pvp will last longer than 10 seconds.
      Also, adding a higher unbreaking armour set to crates, last op factions map I had 4k axes and it broke the best armour that was p10u10 in about 7 hits. So this would balance it out, but only if mcmmo is left uncapped.
    14. markykos

      markykos Active Member

      Mar 3, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Personally, I don't like the idea of merging with OP Factions because I hate gapple pvp, its kind of fun comboing and stuff for a long time, but I dont like those fights at least on this server because titans can /heal you and get rid of ur gapple and just fix their armor in combat.
    15. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      You like to quicky ppl with aura thats why
    16. markykos

      markykos Active Member

      Mar 3, 2014
      Likes Received:
      You know I don’t cheat
    17. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I know you do
    18. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Tbh I support all of this, though I think power should be capped at 20.
    19. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      bro you dont play factions , succ me power needs to be raised
    20. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
      Likes Received:
      I do, just that the fact of building massive bases is inevitable and it will be almost impossible to overclaim so the raiding will just be cannons and it'll take ages to build large bases :I

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