1. I Am 14 Years of Age. 2. Th3Nick56 3. Time-Zone -- Pacific-Western-California 4. United States 5. English (American) 6. I Beleive I should Become An Admin For Various Reasons One In Particular… I've Noticed Many things aren't getting Repaired/Fixed so I've decided to Help Mineverse by Applyimg for Admin. Mineverse Is My First Server that I've ever been on, Within Playing for a Year, I became close to the server and I would be pleased if I can get even closer to it. 7. 4-12 Hours Summer Through 8. A Year. 9. Yes, I became an admin on another server yesturday and I really helped quite a bit.
Don't capitalize every single word it just looks stupid. You don't have much detail at all for example go look at this Moderator Application http://www.mineverse.com/threads/rakion504s-second-moderator-application.8630/ Look how much detail and information is on it, It has a lot more and that's just a Moderator application not a Admin. Also just a FYI, Noobcrew/Cypriot will probably never hire another Admin as for one Noobcrew has a lot of Trust problems and wouldn't trust the person so maybe explain how you are Trustworthy and not making this some 12 year old kid wanting to get OP so he can have OP Stuff and kill everyone and ban anyone he dislikes and instead be a Respectful/Trustworthy Admin who follows the rules to all end and out. As well you being a New Member on the Forums I recommend you at least become Active on the Forums and have your name out there before you make a Application so the community gets to know who you are and what your personality is like.
If Noobcrew/Cypriot doesn't trust me we can always Skype and have a chat with the owners of the other server to see how Trustworthy I Am.
It doesn't work like that, You talk all the time but doesn't mean your trustworthy and there you go again you posted twice and replied to my quote why not put it all in one reply instead of Spamming. Also I doubt Noobcrew/Cypriot will have the time to Speak to every Admin Applicant to see if they are "Trust" worthy.
Oh and now you are rating every post I put on here a Dislike because I am just speaking the truth, Instead of being offended and taking it as a Insult you take it as Feedback and learn from your mistakes but right now to me proves you don't take it seriously and not a Great member to the Community so in that case I give you No Support.
*facepalm* How can you help "Quite a bit" in one day? If you just got admin on another server, why would you need to come here and apply? We have 2 admins (3 if you count Gwism). The chances of you applying and getting Admin right off the bat is about as great of a chance of me growing wings and gaining kitten vision. Also, American isn't a language, and you do not need to capitalize every letter. That drives my OCD to insanity. No support
So you are calling everyone a noob and say we don't give respect? You don't treat us with respect. You won't be a Admin and if you do become one that's when I quit Mineverse.
Gl but no support for the aforementioned items above. ^ Also the way you act rating posts dumb when we are just trying to give you helpful advice to your application. Side note: A ton more detail would help out.