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  • Mv is going down hill.

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic Archive' started by Vincent~, Feb 20, 2018.

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    1. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Yea first off I wanna say sorry if this doesn't make much sense. I'm sick my head hurts I can't think very well but I just have to get this off my chest. It's bothering me but yea sorry. Also, Grammarly sucks it ain't any better than me with grammar. -.-

      I just wanted to say this, MV (Mineverse) is going downhill fast. Staff rarely do stuff anymore, some players (Not saying user's/name's to avoid getting attacked) say disgusting stuff in the game and on the forums, reports take forever before the player(s) is punished.

      Example of staff problem. I'm sorry if this seems disrespectful to any staff reading this. Staff only come on for a few minutes then leave. Sometimes they don't come on for a few days (2 I have seen at max) do a little then leave again. Yes, I understand we all have lives outside of the server but some staff should put more effort into helping the server and not vanish for 2 days straight. Again sorry if it sounds disrespectful.

      Some players say disgusting stuff in the game and on forums. One player in certain was saying the most disgusting things on another players profile. And that was rape jokes. Yes saying "I raped (user) in PVP haha"I can see how that's normal? But for real I take rape very seriously. Quote: "DONT HURT ME!!! PLEASE, I DONT WANT TO GET HURT!!! MODS HELP!!!!" And this was one of the many spam comments on the person profiles. Next comment really ticked me off. I won't type the entire thing but here is some of it: "I'm not twisting the truth, I've been on skype with a friend, she was terrified because (player name) doxed her and threatened to rape and kill her if she didn't send him nude pictures." First off this stuff SHOULD NOT be talked about on the forums where kids can easily. If you have a concern talk like normal civilized people on discord or skype. I made a report on this person almost a week ago and 16 people seen the report, I tagged a mod and NOTHING has been done about it.

      The report's issue about taking them so long before something is done, the example of that is the report I made on the person who I spoke about above. I'll link a screenshot of the report title below but I'm blocking the name out.
      Report: https://gyazo.com/0440ca60979f352cd11770b897aee2c3

      If any players know this is them who said this be happy I blocked your name. If you wanna lash out go ahead I don't care, I blocked your name out and it's your choice.
    2. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      I do agree that we need more staff and there are 1 or 2 that haven't been on in a while, and I think everyone agrees that people are too toxic on here. As for the report, sometime staff can't figure out what its' worth (if the person is really hacking, if it should be a ban or a mute, ect.) Please keep reporting these people however, the last thing we need are people like them and the only way anything is going to get done is by reporting.
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    3. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Ill try my best to keep reporting, also ty for commenting me being dumb I lost the forum. :')
    4. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      Hello Purple,

      I do agree with you in some way, Let's talk about the Staff Situation.
      Yes, this is true. There a lot of time's where I go onto the server and don't see a lot of staff on. Regarding your statement about if moderators don't do anything. I don't agree with that. Moderators do stuff, some more than others but otherwise they do. If you don't see it, doesn't mean they don't do stuff out side of In-Game. I do agree that some staff need to be a little more active, but also I think we should have a little bit more staff then we have now.

      Now, regarding your Hacker Issue. I am known for recording a lot of hackers and reporting them, as well as @SniffMyToes . When I report them, they usually get reviewed and handled in a short amount of time. Depends on what time I post it of coarse. Now, if your report has been viewed and not dealt with, moderators usually wanna review the evidence to make sure they do not falsely ban the player. That is they tag moderators.

      I am very very sorry for your friend. This issue has been around in this server and in minecraft in general. People have been "DDoSing and DOXING" for a very long time. I personally don't know what they gain from this, but what advice I can give you is that not to give your skype nor discord name to people you do not trust. I am sorry, she and any of your friends should feel safe in this environment. I advise if her information has been leaked. They can change there IP or download a VPN. If you need help doing any of these things, feel free to PM me. I would gladly help you.

      Lastly, the community In-Game.
      Mineverse has a good community, but has also seen it's ups and downs from time to time. I wish I could do something about the "Toxic Players". In my personal opinion they just ruin the game, and don't make it fun for anyone. Also, I know this goes against what I just said but, Moderators can't do anything to them, because they have not broken any rule. If they did, of coarse it would be handled. This issue, I don't believe is just mineverse but it has been here for a long time.

      Once again, I am very sorry for your friend. I wish her best wishes. This was just my opinion on everything.
    5. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      My reports get checked fairly quickly, usually minutes to about a few hours after I create them, more frequently in like 10 - 30 minutes. The staff just have to find an appropriate way of going at certain reports, as some are perceived different ways, are a different level of bad, etc. Some of the staff aren't extremely active, but most actually take their job fairly seriously and are active daily.
      Last edited: Feb 20, 2018
    6. TronicTonic

      TronicTonic Experienced Member

      Nov 12, 2016
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      Yeah I would agree and I think many people don't know that doing a lot of stuff like doxxing and things like that are illegal, so they do not know how to report it(to authorities). There are far too many uneducated people on here, and it is not the fault of them, but rather the people that prey on them. I fear eventually this server will turn into UberMC, which is basically a FFA who's got the best hacked client type of thing, and i really don't want it to go that far.
    7. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      I am not making 3 long separate comments so I'm just gonna @ people to reply.

      I honestly never seen a staff online who has done their job. That is just what I'm seeing from my screen. Most of the time I'll go try to find a staff that's online if a hacker is in prison for example. I will message them once ask if busy and most of the time (Just depends on staff) they never reply even when I message full problem yet sometimes they continue to fool around in chat and talk with other players. Which is clearly not doing their job.
      As for my friend, as far as I know, everything is ok with them. They changed IP and got VPN and so far so good I think. But in the end, they shouldn't have to do either one.
      Lastly, the community isn't "great" in my eyes. It's trash. No offense some players are amazing but others are just downright rude, disrespectful, harsh towards other players and etc. Most of them get warnings over and over, never a ban, temp ban and if mute its super rare and players who did less like filter bypass twice get banned for it while others keep getting the same warnings.

      I have never had a report go through that fast. Max is 2 or 3 days. I only have seen maybe 1 or 2 staff throughout the entire server take their job seriously and are active daily. Either way, it's not healthy at all for the server and is most likely driving people away than bringing people in. (No disrespect ahead to owner or co-owner or anyone in charge of the server) I rarely and I mean rarely even ever see the owner or co-owner on and when they're on it's for a few minutes and then off for who knows how long again. They act like they don't care about the server at all.

      Mv is slowly going down the road to becoming UberMc... By the way people act and all... it's disgusting. It's not even a place for kids anymore at this point.
    8. Sythee

      Sythee Active Member

      Dec 20, 2013
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      Mineverse has been going down ever since the pvp community overran it. (Late 2013) I'm a PvPer myself, but man, this server became ill.
    9. Deivid0ze

      Deivid0ze Well-Known Member

      Aug 9, 2016
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    10. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      You're not helping with my hope for humanity. AT ALL.
    11. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      This friend he is talking about was bragging about getting perm banned for telling a player called "BLEWED" to kill herself. Purple you really shouldn't be defending someone like that, it's not right.
    12. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      You love drama dont you?
    13. Squire

      Squire Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      I'll just keep this short and reply to some of your stances.
      This isn't entirely true. Some reports may go a few days before being handled, but a majority of them are handled the day of.
      This is actually a big problem. One of the most vital aspects of a great server, though some may argue, are active moderators. I'd go more into this, but keeping it short.
      This is something you'll find in any server. This is not the reason mineverse is going downhill, but rather a result of it going downhill. Can't blame mineverse for bad players. And for your report, as I said above, it isn't common for staff to put off reports for that long. Reports are almost always handled the day it was reported.

      Most of these problems have been addressed by many players. I can't say I stand up for the moderators, mainly because they could be a hell of a lot more active ingame. However, they actually do stuff whether you think so or not. Just look at how many reports have been handled since January. But again, there is absolutely no reason moderators can't be ingame just like any other player can.

      If you'd like to discuss this in more detail, pm me.
    14. TronicTonic

      TronicTonic Experienced Member

      Nov 12, 2016
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      Yeah You got no idea how many people threatened to doxx me on uber factions before it got reset-was the most toxic server ive seen-really dont want this server to be that-also hunger games is 90% bots because all the staff quit or were never there to begin with, and i certainly dont want that either.
      Last edited: Feb 21, 2018
    15. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      ye no kidding
    16. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
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      I bet it was pvpkings who threatened that girl, he’s done it twice that I know of in the past
    17. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      I haven't threatened anyone, let's see these "accusations" become true when you can prove it cause right now it's smoke.
    18. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Also what happened to this?
      Can you STOP making drama?
    19. Exy

      Exy Well-Known Member

      Dec 3, 2014
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      He's going through his mid-life crises of being an adult, it's all he can do.
    20. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      I'm not trying to be rude, but you get on him for harassing you, but you can simply ignore him. All you're doing is fueling the flames.
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