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  • End WONT Be Resetting

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Dizzy, Feb 16, 2018.

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    1. Dizzy

      Dizzy Active Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      Talked to XBMAN today in infection well he was online...

      He said that he won’t reset the end in survival but failed provide a reason why. Despite having the plugin provided to him by the community and the OK from Noobcrew, and a large majority of people on survival wanting the reset... pure laziness is the reason why the end won’t be reset in my opinion.

      Just thought everyone who was hoping for it should know :)

      But hey at least we’re gonna get the top voters of the month! Cause we’re all so excited for that! xD

      Oh yeah and don’t get pissed at me for posting this, I’m just telling you what I heard
      Last edited: Feb 16, 2018
    2. abbie

      abbie receptionist Premium

      Aug 1, 2017
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    3. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      No, it wasn’t because of pure laziness. This is most likely an economic issue, not a laziness issue. Nothing reset last survival, did it? (I don’t think so).

      Though it may have gotten a large portion of the community’s okay, we’re not the only factor, it’s up to him and other high staff members. They most likely did what was right in their eyes, not because they were being lazy.
    4. Dizzy

      Dizzy Active Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      Yeah it’s really sad that a couple keyboard and mouse clicks, is too much for someone to handle lol
    5. Dizzy

      Dizzy Active Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      Only two things people in the end want, elytras and shulkers. Neither are economic breaking. Also there was no reason to reset anything in the last survival because everyone had an unlimited source of everything (excluding sponges). Also if there was a reason for them to not reset the end, he would of told me, and also would of commented on the threads asking for the reset. Also the highest staff memeber is probably noobcrew and noobcrew gave the OK for the reset.
      If he was Noobcrews ok, the plugin to reset it, the communities support, the time to do it, and no economy breaking problems, what’s stopping him?
    6. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Elytras and shulkers actually are a big ecenomic factor, as elytras can go for 500k+ and shulkers I am unsure of, but I know that they must have some value. So yes, they were a part of the economy.

      Last survival there was an unlimited supply because of duplication, but for players who didn’t do that like myself, things like spawners (those of value) were very hard to get a hold of. That’s what it should be like this survival, the expensive stuff stays expensive.

      NoobCrew may have given the ok, but he didn’t force them to do anything (obviously). It was still up to xbman and the team, and they decided not to. If you really want to, pm him asking for some reasoning, he might tell you.
    7. Dizzy

      Dizzy Active Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      Two things dude.
      One, the balcap is so low that nobody even has the money to buy an elytra. You say they sell for 500k+.... the balcap is only 500k.
      Two, people who have elytras, don’t sell them. I wouldn’t sell mine and I’ve yet to see anyone sell them yet.
      They can’t be apart of the economy if nobody is gonna sell them and the reason most people don’t sell them is because there aren’t a lot around. If the end resets, more elytras will be shuffled around, the prices of elytras will drop and people can start selling them and buying them. Idk about you but that seems like a good thing to me.
      They will always be expensive due to them being an unrenewable resource and being rare, but if they’re so rare that nobody can or would want to sell them, then they don’t affect the economy at all rn.
      Lastly, it’s not me who should be getting a reason “the team” won’t reset the end, it should be the people who are posting threads who want the end reset. Till he gives them or me or posts something saying why he won’t, then I’m just gonna leave it at him being lazy. You can have you’re own opinion that “it’s an economic problem” but until I hear otherwise... he’s lazy. If he comes out and gives us a solid reason why on this thread or the “Reset the end” threads... Then my opinion will change. But I know he won’t do that because, and idk if you’ve noticed, but the people on this server who have the power to change things, never do and never give a reason why and idk about you but that sounds like laziness to me.
    8. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      I'm sorry, what?
      xBMAN was on Kitpvp2 for over 8 hours a couple of weeks back determined to fixing Kitpvp2. He got a tone of hate and rude messages directed to him over the course of the hours but that didn't stop him at all. Although in the end there were glitches and tried his best and it's the thought that counts. You call this being lazy? Because if you do, that's just disgusting.

      The whole community wants it? Okay. There are a tone of suggestions? I get that. It's something that people really want but right now is it really the number one priority? You can't expect an Administrator to just go around doing every suggestion ever posted, because that will do a lot more damage then good. What's the big deal anyway? The end won't reset. He said it so it's final. No need to complain.

      Does he really have to?
      He doesn't it's the way to go for him personally. You say Crew gave the thumbs up? Then if Crew wants to he can either ask xBMAN or JustMatt to go in and reset the end.
      Also, following xBMAN around and consistently telling him to reset end and going around in chat saying #RESETTHEEND!!! won't help your case at all. So please either accept that it won't happen or be patient for the possibility that Crew will ask someone to go in.

      The Admins work exceptionally hard, and even though you may not see it, the work is there.
    9. Dizzy

      Dizzy Active Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      Not complaining for one, just saying what I heard. If you want to know the whole story, JustMatt was spammed by everyone on survival to reset the end and he asked noobcrew who gave the ok. Then JustMatt said that xBMAN will reset it on Thursday. Thursday comes around and no reset. I wouldn’t mind waiting if he would tell us why he’s having us wait.

      You say that he tried his best with “glitches” in the end? I was the first one in the end, and all I saw XBman and Pile messing around. You say he was fixing kitpvp a couple weeks ago? I didn’t see him on once and I play quite a bit.

      Don’t kid yourself or lie, I didn’t follow him around, I just logged on and saw he was on and decided to ask because he refused to respond to any of the threads. He ignored me so I kept asking till he said he wasn’t gonna do it.

      Lastly, if the admins and owners work really hard, where is the anti cheat that was talked about a couple months ago? How come it took almost a year to reset the last survival? How come all you see in the announcements is Top Voters of the month? How come you never see anybody who has the power to change the sever for the better, answer to any of the threads asking for changes, weather if they agree or not? Why is it that you have to answer on this thread for xbman? Please don’t say the admins (not mods) try really hard cause I don’t see it, and a lot of others don’t either.

      But hey, like I said, I’m not complaining. I really don’t care anymore, I’ve given up hope that this server will change for the better about a year ago. This post isn’t a complaint post, it’s mearly an informative post about what I heard today, and my opinion.
    10. amli

      amli Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2016
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      bman's not lazy don't know what gave you this impression but he actually does so much you got no idea
    11. baile y

      baile y Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      You are complaining. You are calling bman lazy. He isn't required to tell you a reason why the reset isn't going to happen.
    12. Dizzy

      Dizzy Active Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      No its not me complaining, just my opinion on why he's not doing it. He isn't required to tell me, but it would be nice if he would respond one of the three threads so people stop asking.

      Like what?
    13. baile y

      baile y Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      You have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. You are being incredibly rude
    14. Dizzy

      Dizzy Active Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      HOW! xD
      All this post is what I heard today and my opinion on it. Sorry if you don't agree with it but get over it.
    15. baile y

      baile y Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      Okay, but do you really think BMan doesn't realize what people have been asking for? He's probably heard it enough.
    16. Dizzy

      Dizzy Active Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      Then he should probably let them know that he's
      A. Working on it
      B. Cant do it because (reason)
      C. Here is when it'll be done (Date)

      He doesn't have to but it would help him out and all the people asking for it.
    17. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      You have provided a perfect reason as to why the owners and admins do not like to share their plans with the community. The constant backlash, criticism, rumours, bending of the truth and twisting of words wouldn't make anyone want to share whats on their mind. You even take it a step further and spread false gossip about xBman being "lazy" when he even tells you what is happening but you don't like it, so you go on a rant.

      Remember, this isn't your server, you don't get to make the decisions, the owners do. Yes, you can share your opinions with them and let them know what you would like to see happen, but that doesn't mean they have to do it.

      When you keep treating the staff the way you are, it doesn't make them want to do things for you.
      And last time I checked, xBam is an Admin. So he really only needs to answer to the owners, and not any player who asks him a question about resets and releases.
      Last edited: Feb 17, 2018
    18. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Did you actually see this happen because it sounds more like rumours. Also, okay. Matt may have said xBMAN would reset it but clearly Matt either didn't pass the message or xBMAN has a reason not to reset survival. That's it.

      When exactly did Noobcrew give the "ok" because it really just seems like rumours. Okay, why exactly would they tell you? I mean, you're not the owner or anything so I don't really seem to understand. Would they post on a public thread? Maybe. But not straight away? Just because xBMAN doesn't want to do anything doesn't mean nothing at all will be done, it just means nothing would have happened on that very moment.

      So why did you say that "He would've told me" or "xBMAN is lazy"? This isn't really what I think of not complaining and not being required to tell someone something.

      I couldn't agree more with what Bailey said.

      Are you added in the private admin chat? Do you have a direct message with Crew where he tells you everything? Well, for all I know you could be, but the chances are very, very unlikely. You don't know what's happening behind the blatant.

      The anti-cheat wasn't talked about "a couple of months ago" it was about 3-4 weeks ago and xBMAN spent 8 hours on Kitpvp2 trying to fix it as I said. In the end there was a couple of bugs and glitches which is why they are taking more care with what they add. On OpPvP earlier xBMAN himself stated "The issues on kitpvp2 is why we haven't came charging in with new updates".

      Resetting survival. You hold xBMAN accountable? From what I recall, this was before Matt and Bman (Might be mistaken). It didn't take almost a year. It was just a small suggestion but when it really caught fire and spread, Cypriot did take action. He announced that he'd do work on it and of course you can't make a server in a week so don't argue with that.

      I was in-game.
      You were going on Infection and saying

      Changelogs? xBMAN has just come back from a break but if you look at what he has posted before he took a break, I don't see how he is "inactive" or "lazy".

      You can't expect them to be robots and just code 24/7 so please. xBMAN was online today. He was online yesterday. And so much. I've personally seen him more then I've seen you.

      Not trying to offend anyone, but this sort of thread always disgusts me.
      Please try take note of the bigger picture.

      You keep saying these things like "I just wanted to community to know" but clearly there is deeper meaning as you said, "Pure laziness is the reason xBMAN isn't doing anything".
    19. benji

      benji Well-Known Member

      Jul 6, 2016
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      Nicely said, Lost.
    20. lokadd

      lokadd Experienced Member

      Aug 18, 2017
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