People place sponge near "claimed" water and the water gets absorbed. Its not exactly a devastating grief but when you have a bunch of grinders and people keep doing it, it gets pretty annoying. Only thing I can really think of to fix this is.... 1. Remove Sponges 2. Remove ability to absorb water 3. Remove ability to absorb water in claimed territory The thing about this grief is its extremely hard to catch others doing this grief so its not easy to report. One person id like to report for this is Catxa. He's done it to multiple people including me. For people who have technical machines in survival that require water, its very annoying when people continuously take the water away and you have to replace it. Please fix. (Provided by StrKillr)
I already adressed this directly to the admin @xBMAN who happens to have op in survival but he blocked me lol.
Sponge only absorbs in a 2 block radius, unless they place it in water which gives it a 4 block radius. It's not very hard to just claim 2 blocks either side of it.
No guys, here is the example with me. I own 4 huge mob grinders that have water in each corner of the grinders. Someone with /ej can easily get up there into the grinder room and all they have to do is place a sponge down and it will instantly get picked back up because “you cannot place blocks in (enter names) territory” but it still acts as sponge and absorbs the water. But I also think if there is only one or two blocks in between the player and the water (in my case glass) then they can just put the sponge on the glass and it’ll absorb the water through the wall. So Mega and 8Top, yes I have claimed many more then two blocks on either side (25k) but it doesn’t matter, if they can get close to water, which isn’t hard to do, they can get rid of it.
Then why not just say that in the main post? You never mentioned that they're placing directly in your claim. Another fix, sponge's only work on your own/permission claimed land?
Before they fix it, just make the water fool proof. Triple redundant water sources should fix any problems, unless someone orgainses a group of 9 to do it all at the same time.
Yeah, just make the water sources join into infinite sources so even if one is removed, it will be replaced