I understand if you wish to no support, completely understandable I believe we should change the requirement of 50 posts to 100 posts. I think it should be changed to that because we need active staff who post a lot. And I think by adding another 50 messages to the requirement list will help a bit, even though most people who apply have over 500 messages. I would like to hear your suggestions & feedback on this, as it just came to mind so yeah. Thanks.
I think that's a good idea. Personally I've always thought that 50 messages has always seemed a bit low for someone who's applying for mod. 100 seems like a reasonable number.
Yeah I never really thought about it until you brought it up in this Suggestion! I totally agree thought 50 is low
No support. Having only a few posts doesn't mean you're not active. Some people on here are extremely active, nut only post on profiles.
No support. I completely disagree with the message requirement; it is actually counter-productive as it encourages post spam and as everyone can see, does not stop players from actually posting applications. The applicants that do not meet the requirements just get their applications locked and archived. If the owners don't want players with under 50 posts being moderators, then don't accept their applications. I'm not sure why everyone is suggesting they higher the message requirement... do you all want to discourage potential moderators from applying? A low post count doesn't mean a low activity level.