Highly doubt the owners will do it anyways, but before they reset the end it would be nice if they gave a bit of an announcement before they did it (like a date and time) so that people can know when to log on for it. If this doesn’t happen then all the shulkers and elytras are gonna go to whoever is on at the moment cause you already know, once the end resets... it’s gonna be cleared in like an hour or two. Plus this would attract more people and everyone is gonna be logging on for this, like an event. Also this will bring a combat aspect to survival cause people will probably kill for those elytras tbh. My idea would be either put a fourm up for it in the Annoucments section, or make a place in survival you can go to read all the new updates and upcoming features, or when you log on it tells you the upcoming and new features in chat. Maybe I’m wrong and there is already a place they inform you of these updates, if so let me know.
I highly doubt that the end would be totally cleared in 2-3 hours. Firstly, the end didn’t get fully cleared until LONG after survival reset, as I was still able to find a few elytras a month+ after the release of survival. Second, it would take even longer, as the player base has shrunk by a lot, so they won’t be cleared for a quite a while. Also, this is going based off of the assumption the end will actually reset, which we don’t even know yet.
People say it will so this is just a suggestion if it does. Also even with the player base we have now, all people talk about is the end reset so they are obviously gonna try and clear it out as fast they can and get their hands on as much as they can. The reason it wasn’t cleared out sooner before was probably because people didn’t know what was in the end.
Everyone knows what is in the end... Secondly, if they do clear it normally (once every month or something), then elytras won’t be worth as much, so there won’t be as much of a rush to get them after the third or fourth reset. Lastly, I play survival and I barely see anyone talking about resetting the end, mostly asking to buy elytras. Those selling elytras know they will go down in value if they reset the end so...
Theyre still gonna be rare items weather only a few people have a lot or a bunch of people only have a few.
Exactly! Everyone having 2 elytras or ten people having 20 Elytras would still be worth the same. Plus everyone deserves to have the same access to items
I liked the idea that Strkillr had of expanding the world border in the end. If it gets reset we could reset have the world border at like 3k then do a weekly script to expand it 1k blocks until 15k and reset again. If the server where survival is running is based on linux you can even setup a random time for the script to run so people could not predict it and camp on the server for the exact time it happens. eg: https://gist.github.com/thuandt/3856a44b0784bc24ac0214f0238f8cce
But you’re kind of dodging what this fourm is about. I don’t care how they reset the end or expand it, I just care if they give everyone a date or warning when they’ll do it. Do you think they should give a date or warning instead of just doing it?