The title kinda says what needs to be done, update the /rules. Every time you do /rules, it shows this Obviously, those aren't the regular rules, and many people don't care enough to check the rules on forums, so I suggest instead of these 3 rules to show the actual rules. (Either this, or add a link to the rules, as many have suggested) Staff Disrespect: (1-3 day automatic ban) Chat Related Offenses: (30 minute - 2 hour mute) Extreme Chat Related Offenses: (1-3 day automatic ban) Advertising: (31 day lobby ban) Hacking: (31 day ban) Hacking: Non-PvP Server (14 day ban) Hacking [Lobby, minigames & Skywars]: (7 days) DDoS, DoX or Account Hacking Threats: (7-31 day ban based on offence history & severity) Releasing Private Information: (7-31 day ban based on offence severity) Staff Impersonation: (3-7 day ban) Ban/Mute Evading: (Ban for the same amount of time as the muted/banned main) Blackmailing: (5-14 day ban) Posting Malicious Links: (31 day automatic ban) Trolling, PvP Logging, Pet Hiding and Exploiting Bugs: (3 day automatic ban) TP Trapping and Death Traps/Warps: (14-31 day ban based on the number of offenses) Scamming: (7-31 day ban based on the number of offenses) Griefing: (31 day ban) Illegal Trading: (31 day ban) Inappropriate Names and Skins: (3-31 day ban based severity and number of offenses) Safezone & Peaceful Gamemode Killing: (31 day ban) Death wishes/threats: (7-14 day ban) I know the list is a big long, but with this, a player has no excuse not to check the rules, and so a player has no excuse for breaking one of these rules. {Benefits} 1) Players are easily informed on the rules, meaning less bans due to being uninformed. 2) You don't have to go to the forums to check ingame rules and ban lengths. 3) It looks nicer lol
I've never done the command /rules in-game, on Mineverse, I simply think it should just give you a link to the forum post. Or, an update would be good but I don't think many would even check it.
I like this idea but like Benji said I don’t think a lot of people use the “/rule” command. I think there should be a broadcast message saying “Please check out our Rules at” I feel like this would grab more attention to players. Or if this link is to long they could make a separate section that’s just “” to make it simpler.
If the link "" is too long, you can always do ""
Yeah but I feel like this would be more straight forward for players, because they will just glance it in chat. Like Sniff said if they complain about not knowing the rules, it has been displayed many times.
neutral because this isn't something most people would bother to look at but if more people did i support :D
Why link to the rules section (take another step) when you can just input a command and have them all there?
It could state all the rules the thread owners' suggested and also add a line that says "Click here: *link to rules* to view the rules in more detail" or something (;