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  • Inactive ~Voxinz Moderator//Staff Application~

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by SoloPvPSkillz, Jan 15, 2018.

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    1. SoloPvPSkillz

      SoloPvPSkillz Active Member

      Jan 1, 2017
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      ~A Little Bit About Me~
      Hello My Name Is Tony. I Was Born In Texas and moved a to North Carolina.
      I Love To Play Football and Wrestling but also I have school so i consider myself as a "Student Athlete".
      I Normal Get All A's and B's but sometimes they go a little lower but that is just how life works .

      I Live With My Grandma In North Carolina And my mom Lives In Texas.
      I Love Music I Love Rock And Some Rap.
      Thank You For Reading And Enjoy my application

      Your in-game name:
      What timezone are you in?

      What country do you live in?

      United States
      What languages do you speak?
      My Main Language is English but i speak some Spanish and a little bit of german

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      Yes, I Use OBS & Action {Full version}
      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      I Think I Should Become Mod/Staff Because I Have Very Good Experience Being staff on many different servers & I Used to be a owner of a server but it closed down a long time ago due to lack of activity.
      And Also I Love The Mineverse Community Because People Are So Kind And Respectful But some people can be rude but i just ignore them most of the time .
      I Am Very Known In The Community As "SoloPvPSkillz" But i Recently Changed My Name To "Voxinz"
      Here Are My Traits

      "Treat Others the way you want to be treated"
      I Go By This Quote A Lot And I Be Kind To Most Players, But If Someone Is Very Rude To Me and instead of Talking Trash Back I Just Mute Them Or Just Ignore them because i Do Not Want To Be A disrespectful Guy

      "Very Known In The Community"
      Like I Said I Am Known As "SoloPvPSkillz" But now i am "Voxinz"
      I Am Known For Kind Actions Such As Trying To Help People Out When They Die To A Hacker Or Just Be Kind To Other Players. I See a Bunch of Starter/New Players And i Try Not To kill them Because i Know How it Feels To Be A Starter and it is hard because "OP" Guys Come And Kill You

      "Can Be Sometimes toxic"
      I Am Not Going to Lie I Can Be Toxic Sometimes but it is mostly if not all the time to people who hack and never let anyone really play without hacking So I Can Get Mad But I Try To Keep calm and Get Staff or if not just log offline till he or She Is Off
      I Am Very Active On Mineverse {Ill Say What Times Below} But I Am on a lot and i see a bunch of hackers and most of the time i go look if staff are on i never see any. I Can Get Pretty Annoying But i can relate and understand that staff have stuff to do IRL. I never if not rarely See People Who Live In My Timezone So I See A Lot Of Hackers And No Staff.
      I Am Very Understanding With People Like People Who Have time Limits and can not play all day or as long as others. I Do see some people get mad after they die with good stuff but i try to be nice and give them some stuff or say nice things but if that does not work i sometimes get staff.
      I Am Determined To Mineverse and helping out the mineverse community. I Love this server because it is fun and full of nice people and i made some very good friends off of it. but i mostly am determined to it because of hackers and toxic players. I Do Not Like Hackers Because it is hard for others to play when they try to have fun and i do not like Toxic people because they might get into others social life over a game and people do not know what others are going threw in life or IRL

      I Think as my age i am pretty mature but i can be a little silly sometimes if i want to and if i am in a group chat i can be silly or if it is like a gathering ill be mature and not me loud or rude and let people talk.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      WeekEnds~ 4-8H

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      For About 1 year and 6 months.
      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      Yes I Have Been banned Before I Believe because of "Illegal trading"

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Yes I Do On Many Servers and i have been a owner before but my server went down and i know many commands or the basics
      Do I Have The Requirements
      I Have Recording software's, Communication apps like Ts,Discord, and Skype
      50 Post Counts {yes{
      2 weeks or more registered on forums{Yes}
      2 factor Authentication{Yes}

      Have A Good Day..

    2. SoloPvPSkillz

      SoloPvPSkillz Active Member

      Jan 1, 2017
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      Please Leave a Truthful Comment even if we are good friends be honest please.'
    3. lokadd

      lokadd Experienced Member

      Aug 18, 2017
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      Disgusting moderator application and you have no experience whatsoever, you only just hit the 50 message mark and don't follow certain areas of the template or use proper grammar.
      No support.
    4. SoloPvPSkillz

      SoloPvPSkillz Active Member

      Jan 1, 2017
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      thank you for ur opinion
    5. BrainStormBlitz

      BrainStormBlitz Experienced Member

      Sep 3, 2016
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      No detail, bad grammar and why is the whole application underlined? No support.
    6. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      I’m sorry, I know we are friends but I just gotta be honest.
      1. Everything is underlined / fonts all different.
      2. Maybe stick to 3 colors max. My opinion little difficult to read.
      3. Make more reports
      4. Get to know the mineverse forums community.
      5. You also explain how you are toxic, and need to work on this. You explain that if you get upset you will go offline until (s)he is offline, but this is were you have to deal with the problem and have to work on it.
      I just gotta be honest with you, but I wish you best of luck! You can change my opinion if I see these changes! :)
    7. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      No support.

      -You just came back yesterday after leaving July 16th, become more well known with the community.

      -You’re first post was a mod app, and in the same month, you made 3 applications. Don’t rush to apply.

      -You’re a liar. On your first application, you claimed to be staff on hypixel, mineplex, badlion, and exe. Obviously a big lie.

      -Very low post count, you just make the requirements. This means that you aren’t helpful in the community, you aren’t sharing your input, and so on.

      -No reports whatsoever.

      -You stated that you are toxic under why you should become staff...

      -Application looks like no effort was put into it. Here are many grammatical errors, it’s short, the color scheme and everything being underlined hurts the eyes.

      -Never seen you online.

      -You say you are “very well known in the community”, but I’ve never heard of you, and I’m sure most others haven’t either.

      -Under “Active”, you say you see many hackers when staff aren’t online, but you don’t think to record and report them? You have no reports.
      Last edited: Jan 16, 2018
    8. iEco

      iEco Active Member

      Nov 21, 2016
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      No support. You used underlined every single text in your application along with Capitalizing Every Single Word. This kind of points out that you aren't really fit for a moderator application. Another reason really is that I've never seen you, along with you coming out as totally immature. You also listed yourself as toxic, and say you had a ban for illegal trading. This most likely meant dirt on skyblock. On skyblock, you can't drop dirt so its pretty obvious trading that is a no-no.
      Thanks for taking the time, but I'm gonna go no.
    9. Pink

      Pink Well-Known Member

      May 7, 2014
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      No support from me for now, sorry.
      Reasons are listed.
      Best of luck :)
    10. ignCramp

      ignCramp Active Member

      Aug 15, 2017
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      No support, very toxic in-game and disrespectful to players. Not very well done application either. Good luck.
    11. Levis

      Levis Boss Member

      Sep 13, 2014
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      First of all, change the colours. I can barely read.
      • Activity
      I literally have never seen you nor heard of you. 2-3 a day isn't enough. But split the time you are online by going on every gamemode.
      • Knownledge with Community
      I don't think alot people know you, but that is actually pretty important. Why? Well, the people you know could trust you as a moderator. They can help you with everything that a moderator need.
      • Reports
      Just do more reports.
      • Maturity
      I don't think you're that mature. You said that you just ignored people talking trash to you, don't do that. People will only think negative about you.
      • Toxic
      You said you're toxic, don't apply for mod it you are toxic.
      • Liar
      Like @SniffMyToes already stater, you said you were a mod on big servers like hypixel, ... which is a BIG lie.

      I wish you best of luck!
    12. Candyyy

      Candyyy Experienced Member

      Apr 23, 2017
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      also, why is every single word capitalized? no support buddy good luck tho
    13. Shotteyy

      Shotteyy Experienced Member

      Jun 13, 2016
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      what even is this lol
    14. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      No support
      -Change the font and color
      -Please Don't Type Like This
      -Become more drive
      -Do more reports
      -From what I have heard, you are pretty toxic
      -Other reasons stated above
    15. Moni

      Moni Boss Member Premium

      Oct 5, 2016
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      Sorry I'm gonna have to go with no support.
      - I've seen you a few times in-game but you haven't done any reports.
      - You said that you can sometimes be toxic, which doesn't give a great first impression for people who don't know you
      - Your post count is just past the requirements

      Goodluck :)
    16. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      This application has gone more than 30 days inactive.
      If you wish to still apply for staff feel free to message a staff member and they can reopen this application for you.
      Thank you for applying for Mineverse.
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