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  • My Suggestions For Mineverse

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Tyler Ward, Jan 2, 2018.

    1. Tyler Ward

      Tyler Ward Active Member

      Aug 20, 2016
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      I have been a member of Mineverse for 2+ years now. I bought a rank because I support the server and see the potential and the underrated view of it. I have seen so many people come and go. Watch so many people leave because it is "dead". Mineverse was one of the first Minecraft servers that I ever played on. My past and knowledge of Minecraft owed to the server known as Mineverse. So many of my friends that I still talk to this day, were founded on Mineverse. I have played for hours and hours on various game modes found on Mineverse. What I see now hurts me...

      It stings sometimes. When I see my old screenshots of me playing on Mineverse. When I watch videos on YouTube of the old BedWars games that used to be played, it makes me get "teary-eyed." Granted, most would agree that the server is dead, I still see the potential and its future shines in my mind. Unfortunately, it needs plenty of work before it can compete and thrive again.

      So now we get my suggestions for Minevserse.

      From what is still "playable" on Mineverse, due to the number of players, I have noticed a lot of hackers which are mainly found playing on SkyWars. Mineverse NEEDS a better anti-cheat. If there is any anti-cheat, it needs to be scrapped and replaced with a new one. There are little to no good free options so I would recommend a premium anti-cheat. After seeing how many Titan ranks there are (or any rank for that matter), Mineverse should definitely be able to afford to purchase a $20 anti-cheat that will prevent hackers from ruining the game, thus causing your most loyal, normal members and supporters to leave the server forever. To me, this would be a great thing and the first step to reviving Mineverse.

      Removing unnecessary games and adding better, more popular ones is another must for Mineverse to thrive again. Seeing how populated the SkyWars server gets is crazy to me. It never used to be that crowded and populated. This is why I think that BedWars should be readded to the selection of games. I feel that it would do better as seeing now how many people are familiar with it since it is on the biggest server ever, which we won't get into. As I become older and more knowledgeable about Java and other code, I have developed a server which has BedWars on it. I'm not here to advertise it though. But I do have knowledge of it and I would like to help in any way that I can. I can't and won't watch this server go to waste so that is why I am willing to help contribute in any way I can. I am not trying to brag or "float my own boat' here but I am confident that I can bring something to Mineverse that isn't here now.

      Staff is another problem for Mineverse. I like the staff. I talk to them and have good conversations. The ones that are active, are very helpful. But it is the other ones that I am talking about. You know? The ones when you do /staff and it says that they were last seen 30 days ago. Come on! A staff member should be on regularly to help people. They should be removed from staff unless they give a valid excuse why they weren't on for so long. More staff should be obtained to help people who are confused or to get rid of the extensive amount of hackers. For the staff who have helped and are on regularly (you know who you are), thank you for helping me with problems that others and I have had along these years.

      Not to criticize the owners or show disrespect in any way, but sometimes I wonder if this is now about the money. No updates are provided (excluding world resets) and the server feels neglected. I know that the owners still get on the server but I feel that the server needs a better and bigger development team, if it even has one now. This gets to the next point.

      Mineverse NEEDS a Development Team! People can help bring the server out of the ground so that it can thrive again. If a development team is able to be applied for, let me know. I would LOVE to be a part of something like that. Like I said, I have my own server and would love to bring my knowledge into Mineverse in any way I can. Feel free to message me with questions and ask for my ideas and opinions about things. This is something that I feel should be added (or made bigger) on Mineverse.

      Although Mineverse has its ups and downs, I believe that there are great things to take out of what has been done. It is actually a perfect example of what happens when you neglect to update or make new things. It rots slowly until it gets deleted and slips into the darkness forever. I know that I am not the first one to suggest some of these things and want to see an improvement on the server, but take it from me, THINGS NEED TO CHANGE. If you follow my suggestions, I believe that together we can bring Mineverse back to the way it was and BETTER!

      Thank you for your time and I just want you to know that I am always here to help in any ways I can!

      Tyler Ward
      IGN: Tmac33
      2+ Years Mineverse Member
    2. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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      Not sure this will happen support doe!
    3. Watermelonone

      Watermelonone Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2014
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      Mineverse used to be popular like 3 years ago but now since the owners only care about the money (in my opinion) it's now dead
    4. Gabe

      Gabe Boss Member

      Jan 24, 2014
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      I do agree that mineverses peak was about 2-3 years ago and was enjoyable. The server is slowing dying and I hate to see that. I do think the owners with hopefully implement something so players can join back.
    5. Sythee

      Sythee Active Member

      Dec 20, 2013
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      This would be a very rare incident, but i'd gladly join back to the server if a lot of players joined, there's an anticheat (ik there is one, but at some points, you just don't feel like there is), and a new gamemode, i'd be glad to rejoin mineverse and spread the love.
    6. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Nice ideas

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