If you didn't play Infection in August/September, you probably won't remember her :p The_Ice_Phoenix was a Legend, in Infection. When I first started in August, she was like, the Queen of Infection. She was Prestige 3. A prestige no one had even achieved yet. I myself, had just joined Infection, let alone, Mineverse. She was really bossy, sassy, but fun to be with :> She disappeared in October, and wasn't ever heard from again :( But now she has returned! She is a friend of mine now, since she hated me because I was a noob back then, lol. Here's proof :D EDIT: I literally took that last picture 20 or so minutes ago on Parkour and she was II, and now look at this: As a side note: Who is Tay001? He also got on Today, and I think he was also an old Infection player. He/She told us that they were grounded forever from Minecraft but here they are now :p
She left ages ago due to something that occurred in her life, But I've never met her, but the thing is though, if she left, there's a possibility she'll leave again.
I think The_Ice_Phoenix left a few days after I first joined MV.... I remember seeing her a few times, but that's it...
That's awesome. I remember the first day I joined infection and she was the highest on the server... At prestige 3. Glad she's back.
I remember her she was a legend at infection but a 2nd type killer in prison.. she was so good until she disrespected me and called me a slut and i didn't want to talk to her. something happend in her life. i think she was busy with college and learnng how to drive..
I remember her!!! She loved me and Gianni. I have kinda stopped infection but I'm gonna start playing madly again :D