Why don't we have cells in prison? There is literally an empty spot at spawn for a place for cells, why don't we use the space for it? Old prison was so much better because the economy wasn't actually messed up back then. Pots are cheap as hell because no-one buys them since plots are so far away. Prison before was better mainly because of the layout and the big space for pvp but now, with this annoying tower, pvp is just a joke tbh. CELLS WE NEED THEM JESUS CHRIST yes im triggered because i loved the cells in old prison
oh yeah, @CypriotMerks i made a thread on rank perks https://www.mineverse.com/threads/p...a-letter-to-cypriotmerkz.129732/#post-1218713 would be handy, i mean ranks are useless. Why not give it a bit of rewards for them am I right?
This is just one of the many things that should have been added but haven't been. The owners like to do things in waves. Sooner or later they'll add/fix a whole bunch of things.