Well hello, there ;) you come here often? But in all seriousness I feel like flying in claims on survival would be very helpful, as it would help you while building it is very annoying, and repetitive having to break your build trying to place a block high up, and yes if you are a god rank + you have /ej but that isn't really helpful when you are trying to place a block (slab etc.) under a high block. Since this suggestion isn't really game breaking I feel like it should be added.
I've seen someone else suggested this in the past but I would still disagree with this idea, I'm not sure if this has been fixed as I have not been on in the past few days but I'm pretty sure PvP iOS on in claims ... Would that not mean then owner gets fly and the enemy doesn't, now that doesn't sound fair. As much as I would like this too but I don't think it would suit the survival games either way
I don't see how it would benefit the owner of the claim other than flying for building and yes I am pretty sure it has been fixed of pvp is enabled in claims because I can't hit anyone in claims. Thank you for your reply :P
I think that owners should be able to fly in claims. Just helps them build, and on the pvp side if they really needed to fix it get a plugin to disable the flying if theyre combat tagged
So how would it work. You fly like super high, accidentally go out of your claim, you fall death? Perhaps people would use claims to get to use fly to get to something easier and kinda cheat. But honestly I like the idea. I think there are pros and cons that are both serious. So I will say I am neutral.
Well tbh, wouldn't that be their fault if they were flying high and fell out? (not being rude xd) But thank you :p
Do you mean survival isn't enough op'd? we have all kinds of plugins to make our virtual lives easier and you want more? sigh millenials... I was playing on this server who had no plugins at all and it was a real challenge (no warps, no tp's, no claims, no nothing) and you cant even place a stonebrick 10 blocks above your head?. lol