I think the reason for the creative restart it because of all the death items..and all the people who have no abbility to do anything..they also might be adding a lot more things (not 100% sure)
I agree with Canucks. Seriously, it's not like the first time me or my friends got a death item. Although I'm sad for the beautiful plots, it's for a good reason.
We will lose awesome and beautiful plots, but its for our own good. The books and diamonds of death are taking over and Noobccrew can't have that because people will leave and they will die everytime they spawn and thats not good.
If it is true that creative is being reset, it needs it. Creative has become nothing but people tossing death items at each other.
It is for the better. I own at least 7 Havok-causing items, including an +101000 speed item. Reset FTW
I agree with everyone above. Almost everyone has some glitch related to a death item of some sort. If we don't reset it the following will happen. - The spread of more death items will be consistent. - A lot of people won't be able to play creative anymore - Some people might only play Mineverse for the creative section of the server, therefore the server will lose those particular players. I think the creative reset is a good idea.