Tbh fix the whole survival pvp thing it's annoying asf getting randos tp spamming and kill you. Add a protective command or something? Because honestly, I'd prefer survival wasn't a pvp mode but ayee should just add an arena for that lol #ijustwanttobuildandnotworruaboutlosingallmysht
Ye pvp in survival isn't a good idea. Every time someone wants to do a group activity or rp (even tho they're cancer), it never happens bc some idiot always tps and starts smacking kids. Plus some rando attacked me from behind while I was fishing yesterday, and I'd rather that not happen
There are PvP manager plugins. Maybe you wanna look into that, see if it helps your suggestion. PvP should stay in it. A PvP arena would only cause more annoyance.
What the hell... think about what would happen if pvp was removed... someone’s griefing you right outside your claim in the wilderness? All you can do is hope to kill them... with pvp off, they can grief you all they want without you being able to step in and not get banned also (which is stupid). A few suggestions are, go somewhere far away, I afk fished in an ocean for 30 minutes and never once got attacked. Also you don’t have to accept tps, and if someone spams you with them just mute them. Nobody said you have to get resources in groups either. Go alone far out... pvp is a natural part of survival, don’t want to get killed, move farther away from people, don’t tp them, don’t set warps, go alone, and you’re good. (But a pvp arena would be nice for 1v1s) Also I heard in pvp is off in creative and you can build there
Just saying tho, if someone's griefing they're probably hacking too, so u really don't stand a chance fighting them unless u got a better client
What you just said was an assumption... I’ve met plenty of griefers who weren’t hackers. Point is, if pvp is off... people can grief and there is nothing you can do about it. If you want to build without pvp, go to creative.