Well basically starting August 1st, servers are no longer allowed to sell in game items/kits/commands/currency or anything that gives a unfair advantage to other players, Servers will only be allowed to sell cosmetic stuff like a prefix or the ability to talk in color. Any server that already had donations before august 1st will have to give everyone on the server all the same commands. This is the stuff I thought effected Mineverse the most, but heres the link to read all about it Let’s talk server monetisation – the follow-up Q+A Let’s talk server monetisation! Are any servers exempt to the EULA? No. It affects all servers and players equally. Do server hosts have a grace period to implement changes to their servers? Yes. All servers must comply with the EULA by August 1st, 2014. Can I charge for access to server commands? Yes, as long as their effects are purely cosmetic. Commands that affect gameplay, such as a command to fly, cannot be sold for hard currency. Can I sell ranks on my server? Yes. Ranks are allowed so long as any perks gained are cosmetic. Coloured names, prefixes, special hats etc. are fine. Can I sell “kits” for irl money if I provide a balanced alternative for non-paying users? If the “kits” contain gameplay-affecting features they are not allowed. Gameplay balance is not relevant to the EULA. If the items included in the kit are purely cosmetic, you can charge real money/hard currency. How should servers deal with users who have already spent hard currency on features that affect gameplay? Users may keep the perks they’ve paid for on the condition that the same perks are available to other players on the server (directly or purchasable using soft currency). It’s up to the server host to decide how to compensate users for previous transactions. Does the EULA still apply for access to user-created mods? Yes. It doesn’t make a difference who made the mods, or how they were implemented onto your server. All mods require Minecraft to run. You are not allowed to charge for Minecraft features which affect gameplay.
Its pretty obvious. For example people trolled us about 2012 but look. So Mojang is trolling us just simple logic.
[6/2/2014 2:00:14 AM] Grayson シ Beefy: You may want to see this. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/server-violating-tos.11444/ Minetime owner is talking with him currently, I do not know all of the details. [6/2/2014 4:30:33 AM] CypriotTwerks: Lol, I'm sure all Minecrafts owners/players will put a fight against it, [6/2/2014 4:30:37 AM] CypriotTwerks: heck they don't even own a server [6/2/2014 4:30:39 AM] CypriotTwerks: why would they care. [6/2/2014 4:30:43 AM] CypriotTwerks: It's like [6/2/2014 4:31:04 AM] CypriotTwerks: Running a Runescape private server and they close you down because you're stealing their players [6/2/2014 4:31:08 AM] CypriotTwerks: as they have their own official server. [6/2/2014 4:31:24 AM] Grayson シ Beefy: I just wanted to let you know what was happening xD [6/2/2014 4:31:27 AM] CypriotTwerks: :P [6/2/2014 4:31:28 AM] Grayson シ Beefy: If anything is. [6/2/2014 4:31:29 AM] Grayson シ Beefy: xD [6/2/2014 4:31:47 AM] CypriotTwerks: I doubt they would make it an illegal, thats basically putting every server at risk [6/2/2014 4:32:02 AM] CypriotTwerks: they will lose alot of players in my opinion ; [6/2/2014 4:32:02 AM] Grayson シ Beefy: It's technically shutting down every paid server. [6/2/2014 4:32:07 AM] CypriotTwerks: yh He isn't worried, nor should you guys be.
You have to remember, if they did this lots of people who play on multiplayer servers that donated would get pretty pissed, and quit. Before you know it, no one donates, everyone leaves and minecraft becomes a ghosttown. I have a hard time believing that Mojang would go through with this.
I have no problem with this, I can live off of singleplayer, adventure maps, computer hosted servers with friends, and realms. Not to mention I actually have a life I shouldn't waste, along with other games. Sure I'll miss everybody I've play with over the past 2 years, but we just have to move on. Not like were going to ever see eachother again, and there can possibly a thing that can change the face of the EULA once again, considering Mojang has been rather lenient with the terms and conditions for a while, and it to be brought up rather recently is unusual. Not to mention, a good amount of server hosters are kind-hearted, and may reduce the price on some deals already set, so Minecraft Servers can stand for a while longer. What is really pissing me off right now, is the fact that people are frightened of this, and going mad about this, this is what's actually causing the ruckus. If we didn't have people panicking over this, and let it fly, we'd remain calm, but once one person goes mad about it, it causes 1000's of followers right behind them. Another thing to mention, is that Mojang never exactly clarified what they are planning to change, so it could be something comletely different, even though I can assure it's what we call a downslide, a slippery slope, whatever you want to call it, don't call me on that, not completely sure if this is fact or fiction. Don't worry, things won't go awry For those who are in a rush, I'm saying there is always something you can do other than Minecraft Multiplayer, and that there will be ways out after it is actually set, considering EULA hasn't been released just yet. Probably going to add a bit later, I just want to get the main message out. If you want to actually be informed of this, check some Mojang staff out on social media sites, they'll inform you much more about it.
If this does occur, Every Minecraft server will vanish, Every server needs money for it to run, and for this server, it's costs a fortune to run it. The only way mineverse will stay together is if Noobcrew finds 2.5 million dollars on the ground.