Survival would be amazing if it had reset. There could as be some changes. First, silk spawners back. I know that silk spawners were gone because of blazes just lower the sell price at shop for brewing stands. Also add custom enchants to survival. Custom enchants would be amazing because more people would be on Daley working on cool custom sets. Also take away /enchant. Why you may ask if there are no /enchant people would work hard on sets and will be afraid to lose them. That way custom enchants and no /enchant will make players work hard on god sets and be on more often. I know that I would. It would also be so cool if their was a bigger shop such as adding sea blocks, dyes, 1.12 blocks, and etc. I hope everyone will take my ideas into consideration, I know that survival if vanilla but I think that we all can see that vanilla is not working out anymore.
They know surivival exsists! Shocking! And yes there is a thread with over a hundred replies and plenty of supports that’s been up for almost a year and the owners haven’t done anything since then. It’s been up so long that the dude who created it stopped going on the mineverse forums. I’ll link it if you want.
Yeah, if Cyp and Noob even care about their server at this point. They don't hear out their community, rather they find every way to ruin the server. The best thing they've done at this point was making the server pay-to-win again
Nah bruh the best thing they’ve done for themselves is hold a sale to milk the server for whatever money they can get left lol. God forbid they do anything other then post top voters of the month am I right.