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  • Prison Purpose and Goals beyond Free-Man Rank

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by BlueExplorer, Sep 29, 2017.


    Would new Goals and Perks tied to in game ranks above Prison Free-Man get you to play more?

    1. Yes

    2. No

      0 vote(s)
    3. Not sure... maybe

      0 vote(s)
    4. Not Applicable: My gamemode(s) of choice is not Prison

    1. BlueExplorer

      BlueExplorer Experienced Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      Provide purposes and goals for players to rank up beyond free-man within Prison.

      Currently the general consensus is that there is no purpose or goals to rank up beyond free-man in prison. As such, a lot of players reach the end of structured goals once the hit free-man and then they lose interest in the server. They may join a faction or pursue a few self-motivated goals, but inevitably, they start to lose focus and interest in the gamemode and drift away.

      Providing additional features and perks to higher ranked players can draw more players back, and retain more players and keep them engaged longer.

      I propose that new goals and features be added to prison to make it well worth the player’s efforts to continue on grinding and ranking up to unlock additional features that can be part of the higher ranks. Some of the new features can also help the player earn money faster to help motivate and to slightly quicken the advancement to the next rank.

      The rank of Free-Man is richly laden with many new features and perks that nothing should be added to the Free-Man rank.

      Free-man: Rank up cost $750k – Total cost $1.1 Million
      · No new perks or features. Becoming free brings a numerous number of features.

      Rank up cost $2.5 million – Total cost $3.6 million
      · New Ores Mine for Citizens – Ores mine
      o Featuring higher percentages of gold ore, diamond ore, iron ore, coal, emerald ore (rare), redstone, lapis
      o Enable the use of Divine Enchantment tools within the mines if plugin is added
      o No pvp zone​
      · mcMMO Cooldown reduction
      o The standard cooldown time is reduced by 15 seconds​
      · A citizen & higher PVP arena
      o This arena can be setup at /warp freeman or perhaps best to add a new void world with just the pvp and new ore mine?
      o Only within this arena enable the use of Divine Enchants plugin
      § This plugin is active on OP Prison​
      · Enable the Divine Enchantments’ /enchant for enchanting armor, weapons, and tools
      o Use xp levels of 15, 30, and 45 for enchanting
      o Outside of Divine Enchantment enabled areas, the enchantments will be ignored since they are added as Lore to the items.​
      · 2 Additional homes
      o For a total of 2 additional homes on top of what is provided through donor ranks and the extra homes that may have been purchased separately.​
      · Some basic mob generators for public use.
      o Non-hostile mobs in one location
      o Hostile mobs in other locations​

      Veteran: Rank up cost $5 million – Total cost $8.6 million
      · Auto pickup when mining or breaking blocks
      · Shop bonus
      o Receive a 25% bonus on all items sold at the shop​
      · mcMMO Cooldown reduction
      o The standard cooldown time is reduced by 25 seconds​
      · mcMMO XP bonus
      o 10% bonus on all mcMMO xp earning activities​
      · Ability to have up to 2 plots
      · 2 Additional homes
      o For a total of 4 additional homes on top of what is provided through donor ranks and the extra homes that may have been purchased separately.​
      · New World!
      o Access to a new world such as the plugin’s Open Terrain Generator’s Skylands
      o Have this world reset every 24 hours to prevent base building and to eliminate bridging that was built by prior players. Ie… delete the contents of that world’s region folder.
      o There is a feature, I believe, with the OTG plugin that Skylands can be accessed directly when the player goes above y=256. Therefore it would like the free world could have a new height of 512 and there will be floating islands all over.​

      Highroller: Rank up cost $10 million – Total cost $18.6 million
      · New Ores Mine for Highroller – Block mine!
      o Fortune block plugin enabled so player gets xp credit for mining blocks
      o Gold Blocks, Diamond Blocks, Iron Blocks, Coal Blocks, Emerald Blocks, Redstone Blocks, Lapis Blocks, Sea Lantern, Glowstone Block, Prismarine Blocks, Slime Blocks, etc…
      o Could include rare occurrences of special block items such as: brewing stands, enchanting tables, beacons, etc… Rarity on some items, such as beacons, should probably be very low such as 0.0001% or less. Ie... in a 35 x 35 x 20 min there will be about 2.45 occurrences.
      o Could include rare occurrences of treasure chests: Can include non-block items such as potions, blaze rods, horse armor, mega-xp bottles (more xp than standard xp bottles available in kits),etc... ​
      · mcMMO Cooldown reduction
      o The standard cooldown time is reduced by 35 seconds​
      · 2 Additional homes
      o For a total of 6 additional homes on top of what is provided through donor ranks and the extra homes that may have been purchased separately.​

      Legend: Rank up cost $25 million – Total cost $43.6 million
      · Access to the End
      o The end should probably be reset every 24 hours to prevent the building of bases or grinders there. The player should be able to place and destroy blocks.
      o The Ender Dragon quest should be reset every hour, such as with the mines​
      · Ability to use /jump within free world only
      · Shop bonus
      o Receive a 50% bonus on all items sold at the shop​
      · mcMMO Cooldown reduction
      o The standard cooldown time is reduced by 45 seconds​
      · mcMMO XP bonus
      o 20% bonus on all mcMMO xp earning activities​
      · Ability to have up to 3 plots
      · 4 Additional homes
      o For a total of 10 additional homes on top of what is provided through donor ranks and the extra homes that may have been purchased separately.​
      · Use of /enderchest
      · User of /enchant
      o No free enchants, just access to an enchanting table​
      · Use of /heal if player is not a god donor rank
      · Use of /fix if player is not a god donor rank

      Titan: Rank up cost $50 million – Total cost $93.6 million
      · Use of /fly
      o within claimed land
      o 5 minute durations with 20 minute cooldowns when outside of claimed land
      o No fall damage when transitioning from actual fly to no-fly
      o Disabled when pvp tagged​

      · Use of /speed in free world
      o Disabled when pvp tagged
      o Max value of 3 (or maybe 4) out of 5​

      · Use of /heal and /heal * if player is not a titan donor rank
      · Use of /fix and /fix * if player is not a titan donor rank
      · User of /invsee if player is not a titan donor rank
      · Ability to use world edit commands within claimed land
      · mcMMO Cooldown reduction
      o The standard cooldown time is reduced by 60 seconds​

      · mcMMO XP bonus
      o 35% bonus on all mcMMO xp earning activities​

      · Ability to have up to 4 plots
      o Enable multiple plots to be combined if next to each other
      § May require manual intervention by Cyp or Pile, or whoever is granted Admin access to the plot commands
      § Risk of losing items when plots are merged? Not sure, but possible??​
      · 5 Additional homes
      o For a total of 15 additional homes on top of what is provided through donor ranks and the extra homes that may have been purchased separately.​
    2. amli

      amli Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2016
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      For a titan to use world edit wouldn't they have to first be in gamemode 1?
    3. SavageTM

      SavageTM Well-Known Member

      Feb 14, 2014
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      no. Can config WE to just take the blocks out of your inventory via a permission
    4. BlueExplorer

      BlueExplorer Experienced Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      I don't think so, but I could be wrong.

      With the use of a permissions plugins, you can limit which would edit commands they can use. I did not want to make this post longer than what it is, but the use of a wand, copy, paste, undo, stack, rotate, shift, move, smooth, naturalize, drain, fixwater, any of the geometric shapes etc, could really make it easier to build. I saw there is also a command, or setting, or plugin, that would pull the materials from the player's inventory instead of just giving them free blocks and materials which could be abused readily of course.

      But honestly, how many players right now in Prison would be capable of reaching Titan? Not many. I think I'm about 51 million away, which is far, really far from hitting Titan. If prison is around for another year plus, then yeah, I know a few people will make it there for sure. The better the "stuff" along the way; the faster it will happen of course.
    5. SavageTM

      SavageTM Well-Known Member

      Feb 14, 2014
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      use-inventory.enable | Can code in a "recycling" feature as well for rotating/transforming
    6. BlueExplorer

      BlueExplorer Experienced Member

      Mar 4, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Yeah I thought I saw those features... I wasn't really sure if they were another plugin or part of world edit. Nice to know it's possible. :)

      Hey, great to see you back on forums! :)
    7. SavageTM

      SavageTM Well-Known Member

      Feb 14, 2014
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      eh just saw if this was all dead yet. Nice to know your all trying to save it.
    8. Squire

      Squire Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      No. I'm not even A yet.

      Support tho.
    9. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      people still play the new prison? thats the real news to me.
    10. BlueExplorer

      BlueExplorer Experienced Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      Thanks! Well, I'm sure even if half or a quarter of these could be implemented it would give you a lot to look forward to when you make it to free and above. :) I'm sure you will make it to free faster than what you may think... enjoy! :)

      Yeah of course... 50,615 different people have tried prison... and there are many regular players too.
    11. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Where do you get that number? and theres only like 5 at a time at the most on new prison. also account for farm alts, spambots, etc.
    12. BlueExplorer

      BlueExplorer Experienced Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      Spam bots? Spam bots don't play prison... lol... they may wonder around forums, but they won't be leaving spam all over within game.

      That number? Easy to get... check out /baltop. It reports the total number of accounts that have connected to that gamemode... that's why I said 50,615 (now 50,618) people have tried prison.

      Yeah it does go quiet at night, but far many more are there during the day; the regular players I guess. :)
    13. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Don't think the last rank should be named "Titan", as it is a purchasable rank, and I don't think people want to be [Titan] Titan.
      Other than that, support
    14. BlueExplorer

      BlueExplorer Experienced Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      You'd be surprised then... I've heard many people say they would love to have both. :)

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