Adding more roles There are currently 4 obtainable ranks and 7 people have reached the top rank. I suggest adding more roles with new colours and permissions as well as lowering social elitist to keep people motivated to continue chatting. member - level 5 [1 150 xp] loyal member - level 15 [11 825 xp] discord enthusiast - level 25 [42 000 xp] social elitist - level 35 [101 675 xp] //new rank// - level 45 [200 850 xp] //new rank// - level 50 / 55 [268 375 xp / 349 525 xp] Some examples could be No lifer, Nerd, Addict etc. (Feel free to comment what you think they should be named) Examples of permissions the new ranks could have: (Mention more if you can think of any) ● Music perms ● Attach pictures ● Join their rank's voice channel Spoiler: I am newb plz explain how 2 discord How to gain xp: When you chat, you get rewarded a random amount of xp between 15 and 25 with a 1 minute cooldown to prevent spamming. So if you sent a message every minute in an hour, you would gain about 1000 xp. Permissions: member has no perms except showing seperate from online users on the right hand side loyal member get a fancy light blue colour and get the ability to join their own voice channel discord enthusiast get a fancy light green colour, the ability to join their own voice channel, change their nickname and use global emojis social elitist get a fancy light magenta colour, the ability to join their own voice channel and send embed links and pictures. - Join MV discord - The leaderboards People who commented, but didn't rate ✔ Supports - 5 ▬ Neutral - 0 ✘ No Supports - 1
Thanks, Gabby, Pastel, Gianni, Surge, Nubxy, Hiraeth and Alana (edit +vintage xoxo) Elrak, I see what you mean, but honestly who doesn't want an active Discord. Spamming is against the rules and will be dealt with either way. Irrelevant topics to you do not necessarily have to be irrelevant to others buMp
You can only gain experience through posts every minute, so this won't be too much of a problem. I see what he means though. Support