I had a Idea for The Lobby The current Looby look is Getting Old But Why Not Change It To Look awesome My Idea is Place The Wither storm From Minecraft story mode as a Statue That'll Get More attention
The current lobby is still quite new. Adding any changes to it will disembark its simplicity. I think it's perfect the way it is, though; that is just my opinion.
Well No One Else Does Ever asked them That They said They Miss The Old Lobby I seen Their Posts Most of Them Says The New Lobby Stinks And is ugly and I agree with them I Loved The Old Lobby With The Ender Dragon Build I Gave That a A++++ rating On My Journal But Since then I gave The New one a D- Rating the Journal Has been Kept Secret Until Now Locked Away in My Plot wait no Not a D- I just Checked The Journal again its Worse I Gave the New lobby a F rating for Worse Lobby Build ever all of My Friends agreed It Deserved That F since They hated It
The old lobby, with the dragon was quite plain and boring to look at. I got bored of it easily, and could never spend time on lobby. The only cool and eye-catching part about old lobby, was the dragon, and even that, got old after time. I am still quite enjoying this somewhat new lobby. I like it and I do in fact believe it should stay, for quite some time.
They put a decent amount of work into the current lobby, and many people like it the way it is. I don't see the need for a new lobby, especially one that is themed as the wither storm. This is a bit too much work and has nothing to do with the space/planets theme. I would also recommend that before they do something that doesn't effect much such as the lobby, that they improve upon other, more needed things.