I think I might have made a thread similar to this, but not quite. I think there should be a Prison tutorial stating how to play and the commands. You can do /help but many new players don't know this command. My idea was when you first join, you have the option to go through a tutorial of commands and such. I think it should state what each mine brings (maybe) but mostly for Dmine as you have the option to mine Birch Wood and Oak wood. Many players go and get an inventory FULL of Oak wood to find out they cannot sell it, only Birch. I think it would help multiple people and more. This could also be added to multiple gamemodes. Not a thought out idea just on the top of my head and maybe a good idea. if there are any suggestions please put them in the comment area :p
Noob. Is this not informative enough? https://www.mineverse.com/threads/how-to-mineverse-prison.39351/
Thanks guys Uhm no? Nothing is wrong (not much) and it's brand new... Many noobs don't have the forums...
Yeah, I think Matt should use some of his time to create a tutorial on the server, rather than simple posting a single message which links you directly to the tutorial thread... Which you can view without having a forums account...
I think most people would prefer a "TL;DR" of that thread in-game stating that you start at /warp dmine, that each mine contains a trading mine and a decoration/resource mine and that you can claim a plot and go to the freeworld once you've ranked up to Free Support
I totally didnt fail. It obv said TL;DR from the start :.DDD Too Long; Didn't Read. A short summary of the most important stuff