How old are you?: I am 16 Your in-game name: brant2 What timezone are you in?: eastern standard time (USA) What country do you live in?: America (USA) What languages do you speak?: English (learning some Spanish) Why do you think you should become a mod?: because I am an experienced moderator and I did own my own server, but it got boring. As for this server its beast and I would love to be a moderator, to help the members of mineverse, and see there inputs that they think should happen to the server and so forth, and ill try to tell you straight away. How long can you be active on the server everyday?: well sense I love this server a lot Friday to Sunday you can say I would be on for 3 hours. How long have you been playing Mineverse?: I've been playing for about 2 months now but at first I wasn't into it but now I am! Do you have any past experience as a moderator?: yes I have loads of experience being a moderator and I understand the server rules and will respect them and make sure others follow ... PS. I don't like banning people unless I really need too like hacker banning but if its stupid like spam at the most ill temp ban them I never like banning without your permission and if you give me permission to ban them is the spam then ill do so... (by the way your server right now is having server wide lag and I think I might have a solution(exit out of the server console and then open it, the reason why I say this is because the server has been up 24/7 for like 4 days now and its not good for your computer number 1 and it will just make the server lag like crazy, also if you close the server for at least 5 seconds at the end of the day your server will run fine! but I suggest exiting the console at least once a day!)) I understand if I don't get accepted and I wont rage like others. Thanks For Reading This!
well I just noticed I messed up 1 question my bad.... How long can you be active on the server everyday?: Friday to Sunday I should be on for about 3 hours, Monday to Thursday about 1 hour due to school work, im in honor class's so...that means I have homework everyday, I also would like to say I have projects like once a week and that may also affect my time to this server but I always try my hardest to come on this server (personally I think its addicting which is a good thing)
Thanks for the support! but just noticed like 400 people posted a app I have 1% of getting it 1% out of 400%